Chapter 93

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Harry's POV

"Hey baby girl! Ready for school?" I asked as Cami walked into the kitchen in her new dress Niall got her for her birthday last year and her hair in a messy bun. I watched how she sighed then shook her head yes an smiled. I wondered about that because she seemed so happy yesterday. Oh well I'll let it slide. Maybe she's tired. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked. "Cookie crisps!" She smiled. I nodded and got her the cereal.

"Alrighty Cam get your bag we gotta go!" I said. She got up and got her bag and put on her matching flats with her dress. "Bye uncles!" Cami said walking to the car with Lou and I.

"Bye Cami have a great day. We'll see you after school! Love you!" Louis and I said dropping Cami off. She waved and walked into the building. I pulled the car out of the parking lot and started our way to the adoption center. "Hello welcome. How may I help you?" A polite old women asked. "Hello. We're the tomlinson's we called about looking to adopt" Louis said. "Oh yes yes. Come this way. Do you have anything in mind?" She said. "Well we know want a younger child- newborn to toddler. " Louis said again. I followed along as she lead us to a room with little cribs that had newborns and sleeping toddlers in them. "There having their naps right now. " she said. We both nodded as we quietly walked around looking at them. To be honest I didn't care what they look like. There all beautiful. And this is the part I hate is having to chose one when all of them deserve a home. After walked around looking at the sleeping children she lead up to her office where she pulled out the files of the sleeping children. "So here are the files of those children (there are about 12 files) feel free to look through I will be back in a few minutes. " she said excusing herself. We nodded and I grabbed the top file and opened it. Louis and I both read through all of them until one caught my eye.

Name: Jase Connor(no last name)
Gender: Male
Age: 6 weeks
Eyes: bright blue
Hair: blonde
Important information: Jase has bad hearing and will ,later, need hearing aids. Doctors say he will be able to hear but would be best if you sign and talk to him. Doctors don't know if he will be able to talk when older. (Picture above)

I looked over at Louis since we were reading them together. Louis had the same look I did and I knew what that ment... We both wanted Jase. I don't care if he couldn't hear and would need hearing aids or if we needed to use sign language. I knew sign moms friend's daughter was deaf and I took 4 years of it in highschool and talked to her a lot. "So I see you've taken a liking to Jase am I correct?" She smiled. "Yes. He seems like an amazing baby!" I said. She smiled and nodded. "Wonderful baby! He's not too fussy and he is a super cuddly baby! Loves to be held." She said. I smiled. "So if you guys are sure about Jase I can get you the forms to fill out and then we'll go over the background checks and all of that." She said handing Louis and I each forms to fill out.

After filling out the forms ,which took around an hour, we gave the lady (who I forgot her name) all our information for our background checks. "Alright now that that's all complete we will get all that needs to be settled settled and Jase can go home with you in 2 weeks. " she smiled. "If you would like Jase is awake now and they need someone to hold him" she smiled. I immediately smiled and nodded. She lead us to a small room and a few moments later and younger women came in carrying a small baby. "You go first babe!" Louis said. I nodded and the girl settled him into my arms.
He was the most precious baby ever. I knew I would love this baby. His bright blue eyes looked straight into mine and I felt my heart swell.

Cami's POV

"Hey Kenzie!" I said when I saw Kenzie sitting in her desk. "Hi Cami. " she smiled. I noticed she had a bright purple bruise on her eye and even tho it was hot she had on a sweater and long pants. "What happened to your eye?" I asked. "O-oh my- I fell when I was playing soccer." She said looking down. "Oh are you okay now?" I asked. She nodded. I knew she didn't really fall but I didn't wanna make her tell me. "Aren't you hot?" I asked. She stayed looking down and shook her head no. After that we both stayed silent until the teacher came in.

Logan hadn't bothered us much anymore. Sometimes he would make mean faces but that was it. "Okay class time for recess!" Ms Tori said. We all lined up and wakes out. Kenzie and u decided on sitting in the grass. We were both quiet so I spoke up. "Kenzie I know we just met but you can tell me anything. I won't tell unless you want me to! I promise!" I said. "Thanks Cami!" She said. " so since we don't know much about each other I'll start...when I was little my mom died and left me alone with my dad. We used to be a happy family but after mommy died daddy got really mean and started hitting me. Then one day police came and saved me and took me to an orphanage. I found out I had cancer when I was 3 and I had to stay at the hospital a lot. Then one day I met Harry and Louis and Niall and Liam and Zayn. One direction. Harry adopted me later and then him and Louis got married and now I have a daddy and papa and my uncles! Oh and I don't have cancer anymore." I said telling her my life story hoping she'll open up about her life. She listened the whole time and then looked at me. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that but I'm glad your happy now!" She  smiled. "Well my daddy died 3 months ago. He was a solider and died while fighting. I miss him a lot!" Kenzie started to cry and I pulled her into a hug like daddy and papa do to me. "It's okay! He's always watching over you! And you don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want too. " I said. She shook her head and continued. "Momma met this guy right after daddy died he seemed so nice but a month after they met he started to hit me and momma got really mad and yelled and then he started hitting her and whenever my mom tried to leave he hurts her more. He won't let us leave. And he hurts us all the time. Momma says she'll get us out. I just want my old family back!" She said crying at the end. She gets hurt like I used to. "Don't worry Kenzie. I'll help you!" I said. "Don't tell him I told. Hell hurt me more!" She said. "I won't don't worry!" Before we could say anything else we had to go back to the classroom. But I knew what I was going to do. I have to tell daddy and papa and maybe they can help!

A/N sorry about slow updates! First picture is Jase.

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