Chapter 38

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Liam's POV

The past 2 days have been the same. We go visit Cami check up on Louis and Harry. Then go home. Today we have our interview and I'm getting everyone around. We have to leave in 10 minutes to get Louis an Harry. "Boys. Everyone ready" I yelled up the stair. Niall came down first getting a breakfast bar. Then Zayn came down. "Ready" he said and we all got into the car.

"Hey. You boys ready" I said knocking on the door. Louis walked out. "Just give him a minute" Louis said. I nodded. Harry hasn't left Cami's side. I know this is hard for him. "So how has he been" I asked. "Same as before. Hanging in there. He really misses her. I always wake up after him and I hear him talking to her and crying. It heartbreaking." He said. "I know Lou. But you guys are so strong. So is Cami." I said patting his back. "You guys are too I mean you all have a connection with Cami just like us" he said I smiled. Harry walked out and his eyes were red and I knew he had been crying. I wasn't gonna push it so I pulled him in a hug. "Let's go" I said softly. He nodded.

"Hello everyone today we have one direction." The interviewer said. We all smiled and waved to the crowd. "hello" Harry said. "So boys. You guys are on your little break until March correct?" We nodded. "So how's it like to have some time off?" "It's good I mean you get to hang out with family and friends and don't have to set an alarm. It's nice. But we all miss touring. " Niall said. "I agree I can't wait to be back" I added. "So I know Harry you adopted a 4 year old Cami..." Shit I was praying they wouldn't ask.

Harry's POV

"So Harry you adopted a four year old Cami correct" I nodded. "How is she. I mean we knew she has cancer." The interview continued. "Um Cami is" I looked at Louis for help. I couldn't explain. "Cami is very sick right now. Cancer hit her hard and she's currently in a coma" Liam piped in. Louis rubbed my back and I nodded at Liam thanking him. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Harry." "It's okay" I said. The crowd had gotten quiet. "Can we move on" I said. "Course. So you guys realized made in the am. What are your favorite songs to preform." "Mine personally is never enough" Liam said. "It's just so enterjetic and fun" he continued. "Mine is temporary fix. It's a good song and very up beat" Louis said. Niall and Zayn agreed on history. "Harry what about you." "Infinity" the boys knew why it was my favorite. It's Cami's favorite. "Why" the interview asked. "It's I just really like the song" I said. I felt Louis rub my back again. "So one question I have to ask Larry stylinson." She said. The boys laughed and me and Louis smiled. "What about it?" I said. "Is it real?" She asked. I turned towards Louis. He nodded. I kissed him. It was short but still amazing. "What do you think" Louis said. I laughed. "Yea it's real" she said. The crowd awwed and cheered. "Okay well thanks guys. Now to preform one of their hit songs. One direction singing history" she said. We headed to the stage and the music began.

"Hey thanks for that Liam." I said. "No problem. I know it's a hard subject." He said. I nodded. "So how about we go eat. I know your worried Harry but you need a break. Let's go out to eat then we will go straight back" Zayn said. I sighed but gave in. I knew Louis needed a break too. "I guess" they all smiled. We walked out of the radio place. "How about nandos" Niall says. I look down. Cami loves that place. "Can we go somewhere else?" I asked. "Oh yeah of course" Niall said realizing. "How about that fancy little restaurant we went to awhile back" Louis said. "Sounds good" I said. Everyone else agreed.

We were sat our table eating our delicious food. "So I know we don't want to discuss this but seriously. How are you guys. I know the whole Cami situation is difficult. For all of us." Zayn said. "Yeah. I feel so bad I mean. I get so emotional and break down when you guys have a connection as well. I never asked how you guys were I was being selfish. I want to say I'm sorry" I said looking at all of them. "all of you Louis Liam Zayn Niall" I finished. "Harry it's okay. We don't ever think your being selfish. We know your Cami's dad. You two are inseparable. We all cope differently but we are all there for each other. We all miss Cami and we all love Cami." Niall said. Everyone else nodded in agreement. "we love you Harry. And for being the youngest you sure are the strongest. You took on responsibility of a child. You stepped up. You've been through hell while doing it as well. I mean your by far the strongest out of all of us. I'll never know what happened while you were uh gone but I know that it was bad. But guess what your still here. You still smile and laugh and your still the cheeky cheesy little Harry." Zayn said. "aww guys. I love you" o said. We all laughed.

"Thanks guys this was really a good day." I said. It was already 5pm and we were headed to the hospital. I thanked them and we all got out. The boys insisted on saying hi to Cami. The doctor made an exception to us all going in. "Hey Harry do you think we can stay tonight?" Liam asked. "That's up to you. You really don't have to" I said. "We want to" Niall said. "Then a slumber party it is." I said. We had a couch and a recliner chair and an air mattress sat up in the left side of the room while Cami was on the right. Me and Louis slept on the couch. Zayn in the chair and Niall and Liam on the air mattress.

It was 2am and I had woken up to go to the bathroom and I decided to talk to Cami. "Hey baby girl. I miss you. Today we had an interview. You should see all the people who are praying for you. They love you Cami. We all do. You uncles wanted to stay tonight. We had a sleepover with you. It's not the same though. I miss your energetic always happy self. Cami I say this all the time but your so strong. I know this is all painful for you. But please don't ever stop fighting. I love you too much. I'd be lost without you. I hope your not in any pain. Today they asked what my favorite song was. I said infinity. I remember when I first sang that with you. You looked so happy. Cami I need you to come back. I need you to. I try to hide how upset I am from everyone cause I know there are too. But Cami it's getting harder and harder. I can't live without you. Your my precious daughter and your my world. I can't lose you!" I said crying quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone. "Cami baby I love you! Please keep fighting." I said kissing her forehead before standing up and going back to bed. "Harry. Don't hide your emotions." Louis mumbled. "You heard me? Did I wake you" I said. "Yes I heard you and no u didn't wake me. I couldn't sleep. I love you so much Harry. And Cami too. Cami is strong. I know all this is hard but we will make it through it. All of us!" He said hugging me. "I love you so much Louis" I said. He smiled and we cuddled. I fell right asleep.

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