Chapter 47

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Cami's POV

At dinner my whole body started to hurt but I tried to take deep breaths and ignore it. Daddy kept looking at me but I would look away or try to smile. Once everyone was done they put their plates in the sink and started to clean up. Daddy took my plate and put it in the sink before whisper in to papa and coming back to me. "Cami lets go upstairs  okay" he said. I nodded. I stood up and immediately wanted to scream. I held it in and walked up the stairs. It hurts so bad. I started breathing heavily. I wanted to die. This hurts so bad.  We got to Daddys room and I sat on the bed. "Ca-" I busted into tears. "Da-daddy m-m-make it st-stop it hurt. Everything hurt" I cried. "Cami Cami breath" he said but I couldn't it hurt. "Cameron please!" He said. Daddy never used my full name unless he was serious. "Daddy it hurt" I said. Tears still streaming down my face. But my breathing was normal. "Okay baby. I'll get you some medicine. Is this better" he asked rubbing my side. "Yeah" I said quietly. "Okay hold on. I'm going to get you some milk and medicine and a heating pad!" He said. I nodded.

Daddy came back with everything. I took my medicine and daddy put me in my bed. I drank my milk while he plugged something in. He layed it on my side and it was warm. "What this" I asked. "It's a heating pad it will help your sides. " I nodded. Daddy got up and starting walking away. "Daddy don't leave me please" I asked. He turned around. I scooted over and layed down and cuddled me. "Daddys not going anywhere. Now close your eyes" he said. I closed my eyes. "If I could fly I'd be coming right back home to you I think I might give up everything just ask me to..." Daddy sang to me as I slowly fell asleep.

Harry's POV

I don't know what happened to Cami but when I went to get her medicine I called the doctor scheduling an appointment for after Christmas.  I was scared as to what was happening.  What if her cancer is back. Or what if it's something new. I had to stop worrying so when Cami asked me to stay I was greatfull. I sang if I could fly and she slowly fell asleep. I stayed there listening to her steady breathing until I heard the door open. Louis walked in. "Hey" he whispered. "Hey boo" I said. I untangled my self from Cami and made sure she was still asleep. "Ready for bed?" He asked. "Yea. " I changed into some shorts and Louis did the same. I layed down on our bed followed by Louis. He cuddled me this time. I loved when he did this. I traced some of his arms tattoos. "What was wrong with Cami?" He asked. "I have no blue but it was scary. I called the doctor and they scheduled an appointment for after Christmas." I said. "That's good" "yeah. I'm just so worried. " I said. "I am too Haz. Let's just take a deep breath and go to sleep. She fine now!" He said. "Thanks boo I love you!" "I love you too forever and always" "forever and always!" I fell asleep in Louis arms peacefully.

I woke up to sniffling. I looked over to see it wasn't Louis. I turned over to see Cami clutching her sides again. I got out of bed and went to her. "Baby breath what's wrong?" I asked. If I have to take her to the ER I will but I was hoping not to on Christmas. She couldn't talk so I just rubbed her sides. After a while she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and went back to bed.

It was 6am and we had to get ready to leave. It was a 4 hour drive and we wanted to be there early so we could get settled in plus it's Louis birthday. I rolled over to Louis. I kissed his lips and he kissed back smiling. "Happy birthday boo!" I said. He smiled. "Thanks Haz!" He said. I got up and got dressed as did Louis. I left cami be because I'll just put her in the car and she can sleep. We packed everything up and put it in the car. We walked back inside and all said our goodbyes.

We had been driving for an hour and Cami was still asleep in the back. "You hungry?"I asked Louis. He nodded. I pulled up to the nearest fast food restaurant which happened to be McDonalds I ordered food for all 3 of us and we were back on the road. I nibbled on my food while Louis ate his and Cami's we kept warm so when she woke up she had it.

"Daddy"Cami wines from the backseat. She just woke up and I knew she was hurting. I pulled over and Louis took over driving while I climbed in back next to Cami. "Hey baby. Here eat your food. I'll rub your side." I said. She slowly ate a hash brown. "Daddy I full" I sighed. She didn't eat much. "Okay" I said. She will eat dinner and lunch. I continued rubbing her sides. "Daddy what's wrong with me?" She asked. "I'm not sure Cami but we will find out okay?" I said. She nodded.

"Happy birthday Louis!" Jay said as we stepped inside. He hugged her and thanked her. "Good to see you Harry" she said hugging me. "Nice to see u too jay" I said. "Grandma!" Cami said. Jay hugged her than Cami ran off to play with the kids. "Well you boys can get settled in!" Jay said. We nodded and went upstairs. I layed down on Louis bed and sighed I was exhausted and we had 3 hours before my suprise for Louis. "Tired Haz?" Louis laughed. "Mmm" I said. He laughed and layed down. I cuddled him and fell asleep.

A/N Okay so date next chapter. Sorry this chapter sucked I'm bad with the Christmas stuff after this the story will pick up and be a lot better!
Payton xxxx

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