Chapter 37

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Cami's POV

I knew that I was very sick again. When daddy thought I was asleep. I heard the doctor say I might die. But I had to stay strong for him. I could hear everyone talking to me. I was in a coma. I could see them talking to me. But I didn't look like me. I was pale and sick looking. My mom sat with me as I watched my daddy cry next to me. Everything he said made me cry. Mommy held me as I cried. Then he got up and left with papa and the other boys came in. They didn't say much. "Mommy. I don't wanna leave daddy" I said. "I know baby. I don't want u too either. You have to be strong okay. " I nodded and she disappeared. It was just me. I was alone but I wasn't looking at me anymore. I was in my old house. His house. I heard him tell my name and the flashbacks kept going. But the whole time. I stayed strong because I could hear my moms voice in the back ground. Telling me I was strong.

I felt daddy grab my hand. "Hey princess I'm back. Papa took me for a walk. I need you to stay strong because I can't lose my Cami bear." He paused an took a shaky breath. "Cameron styles. My beautiful baby girl. You are so strong. You will make it out of this. I know you will! Please baby girl know I love you!" He said and kissed my forehead. I tried squeezing his hand but it wouldn't work. He let go and then I felt papa grab my hand. "Hey baby. I miss you so much. Daddy is really going crazy without you. I love you. I need you to be a big girl and fight. You can do this! Your a superhero. I love you Cami. Goodnight" papa said kissing my head. I tried squeezing his hand too but nothing worked.

Harry's POV

The boys left and i had talked to Cami so did Louis and now we just sat cuddled up on the couch. I decided to get On twitter because I haven't in awhile.
To anyone who has cancer,
I'm sorry you go through it. I don't know what's it's like for your point of view but I know how hard it is for your family. Stay strong everyone. Prayers to you all. And to my baby Cami who's hanging in there
All the love H xxxxx

I decided to log off for the night. I was about to put my phone down but I got a call from uncle si
H-hey uncle si
S- hey I heard about Cami.
H- yeah she's hanging in there.
S- she's strong. Well o don't wanna bug you guys but you have an interview scheduled in 3 days. It's just at a radio studio like 10 minutes away and it won't be long so you'll be right back with Cami and I already told the other boys.
H- yeah. Okay thanks Simon.
S- bye.

"Louis that was Simon we have an interview in 3 days." He nodded. "I'm tired Haz. Let's sleep" he said. I nodded and fell asleep instantly.

I woke up and Louis was still asleep. I carefully untangled myself from him. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 5:30am. I'm never up this early but I knew I wasn't going back to bed so I got up and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and changed into some sweats and a sweat shirt. It was cold in here.

I walked over to Cami's bed and sat in the chair. I grabbed her hand and decided to talk to her. They say they can hears you. "Hey camibear. I miss you. Papa and uncle ni and uncle Liam and uncle Zayn miss you so much too. You need to get better soon. I don't know what we will do without you. I remember the day we meet you. We were just walking through the hospital and I saw you. You looked so strong Cami. You were so strong. You ARE so strong. Then I remember finding out you were an orphan and I felt terrible. I mean how could someone leave such a beautiful girl. Then I found out your past. And I knew I had to adopt you! You were such an amazing strong beautiful little girl. We've had a lot of good memories. We've also had bad. But we have a lot more memories to come. You have to get better Cami. You have to wake up. They say your recovery is unlikely but they've said that before and guess what your still here. I need you to wake up so we can get you better and then we can have a perfect Christmas. Then you can come in your with us and you can see lux and you can dance around on the stage. We can travel and see all the cool things in this world. Cami you have to wake up. Please!" I begged. I had tears streaming but I just wiped them away. "I love you Cami. We all do. I know your mommas with you now. Tell her I said hi and thanks for caring for my baby. But also tell her that I can't lose you Cami. Your my world. I love you" I finished. I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath. "Now you were standing there right in front of me. I hold on its getting harder to breathe. All of sudden these lights are blinding me. I never knew how bright they would be. I saw in a corner there is a photograph no doubt in my mind it's a picture of you. It Lies there alone in its bed of broken glass this bed was never made for too. I'll keep my eyes wide open. I'll keep arms wide open. Don't let me don't let me don't let me go. Cause I'm tired of feeling alone... I promise one day I'll bring you back a star. I caught one and it burned a hole in my hand." I sang the song I recorded awhile back. Don't let me go it felt like a good song for now. I sighed and got up. I decided to go get some breakfast for me and Louis.

I wrote a note saying I was getting breakfast and I walked down to the cafeteria and got us some pancakes and sausages and orange juice. I payed then walked back up to the room. Louis was asleep so I decided to wake him so his food wouldn't be cold. It was already 9am. "Louis. I got breakfast" I said. He rolled over. "Thanks Haz." I smiled and handed him his food.

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