Chapter 5

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Harry's POV
After Cami fell asleep I looked to see I had a missed call from Louis so I called home back
H-hey sport I didn't hear my phone. What's up.
l- I just wanted to ask if Cami was okay cause I knew she had a long day.
H- yea she just fell asleep. Oh I forgot to tell u guys she like one direction songs but she spent knows who we are. We are gonna have to tell her soon.
L- Awww that's so cute. Well I just wanted to check up on you guys. See you tomorrow.
H- yep we check out at 10 and leave the next day for tour. So we have to tell her tomorrow.
L- k night
After Lou hung up I got settled on the bed and fell asleep. I really hope my princess feels okay tomorrow. They say the last days the worst.
I woke up to Cami screaming beside me. I jumped up and picked her up. I knew she was having another nightmare. I need to talk to her about these. I cradled her in my arms and "shhhhh" her. As soon as I said that her eyes shot open. "Cami baby it's okay it only a dream. Calm down baby." I said. She sniffled. I looked at the clock to see it was 1 am. "Hey Cami can u please tell me what your dream was about. " she shook her head. "Look I'm not gonna pressure you but I am here to help u and I can't help u if I don't know what's wrong." She looked at me and took a deep breath. "I keep getting flashbacks of when I lived with my real dad. He used to beat me and hurt me and play "games" and they hurt." I looked at her in shock. She is only 4 yet she went through all that. I cradled her in my chest. "That is never going to happen again okay! I promise you that I will protect you and love u okay" "okay I love u Daddy" Cami said "I love u too princess" I said. I kept rocking her back and forth til she fell asleep. I set her back down and looked at the clock 1:45. I closed me eyes and felt sleep take over me.
I awoke again to the doctors coming in. "Oh sorry didn't mean to wake you." The doctor said. "Oh no it's fine. What's up" "it's 10 and we need to get Cami all her travel chemo stuff" he said "ok but can she stay asleep she had a rough night" he nodded and started to unhook and rebook different stuff. He told me everything I need to do and what to go. And he wrote it down. He taught me everything. By the time we were done it was time to check out. I packed all of cami's things which was only one small bag. Good thing I sent a text to the boys to get clothes for her and her sizes. I texted the boys and they said they were ready out front. I picked up Cami who was still out like a light and found Paul down stairs apparently fans had known we were here. I cover Camis face and ears. We walked out. It was crazy loud Cami started to freak out and cry. I ran to the car and jumped in holding her tight. "Cami baby breath it's okay. We are safe now." I hugged her tight. She wouldn't calm down. She was breathing really heavy. I thought for a second. "Quick guys sing infinity." We all sing it and slowly Cami got relaxed. "I'm sorry I freaked out I didn't know what was going on" Cami said. "Cami it's okay. Look we have to tell you something. You know how u like the band one direction. Well we are one direction." I looked at her waiting for a reaction. "I ...Am...Living with ONE DIRECTION" I laughed "yes baby girl" I said. All the boys cracked up. "Well looks like we have ourselves a personal directioner" Niall said. We all laughed.
We headed to the airport cause we were flying to London for a concert tomorrow. We all got out with our suit cases. Which Perrie and Sophia helped pack cami's. Oh shoot I need to call my mom about this. We got on the private jet but still have 20 minutes til we left. I put all our stuff away. I put in a movie for Cami and the laptop and set her down. Now I need to call my mom. 
H- Harry
H-hey mum I need to tell you something important but I only have like 5 minutes cause the plane takes off soon. I adopted a girl 4 years old and her name is Cami. She has leukemia.
A-Awww Harry I want to meet her.
H-definitely call u once we land love ya
A-love you.
With that I hung up and sat down for a long flight home.

  Cami's POV
After I found out that Harry Liam Louis Niall and Zayn were one direction I kind of freaked out. I guess it was funny cause they all laughed. I don't know how I got so lucky as to get adopted but I know I'm sick and getting worse. Why does me life get better as me Heath gets worse. I'm only four. I don't want to die. I don't want to leave my amazing new family. I want to be cancer free and run around and be a little kid. I don't wanna die. "Cami what's wrong" Niall said. Oops I guess I was crying. That only made it worse and I cried harder. He put me on his lap. He was the only one awake everyone else was passed out. "Cami u can tell me what's wrong. I'm your uncle and I'll always be here for you. We all will. We love you but we can't help u unless u tell us what's wrong." I nodded. " I know I'm getting sicker. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna leave all of you. You guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love u guys. And I want to get better so I can be a kid and go places with u guys without always being in the hospital. I just don't wanna die. "

Niall's POV

"...I just don't wanna die" I let tears slide down my face as I picked her up. I held her close. This girl is four years old. She should not be worrying about dieing she hasn't got to live her life yet. After I could talk and stopped crying I looked at Cami "hey look at me. We are NOT going to let you die. We will fight for you and we need you to fight to. You are my strong little girl. We are all so proud of you. Okay" she nodded. "Good now give me a Cami hug." She giggled and gave me a hug. I heard someone take a picture and turned around to see Harry was awake. "Awww nialler u look so cute. And so does my princess." I felt my phone vibrate. Harry sent me the picture. "Thanks" he nodded. Cami went back to watching her movie. She had headphones in so I took this chonce (Hahahah) to talk to Harry. "How much of that did you hear?" "All of it. I woke up when u moved her." He said. I nodded "well when do we land?" "Half hour" I nodded again "we should take her to a park or something after we take things to the hotel." Harry nodded. I got up and got my things around so I would be ready to leave this plane.

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