Chapter 83

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Harry's POV

After our little make out on the beach we layed there just enjoying each other's company. I was laying there thinking when I realized I haven't talked to Cami in 2 days. "Lou uh can we maybe call Cami?" I asked. "Of course I miss her too. You don't have to be ashamed in wanting to call our daughter." He said. "Wait Lou say that again" I said. "What you don't have to be ashamed in wanting to FaceTime our daughter" he said confused. I smiled. "Our daughter!" I said. He blushed when he realized what he said. "Let's go!" I said helping him and taking his hand as we walked back toward the house.

We walked into the house and I went to get my laptop. I came back and sat down on the couch next to Louis and opened the lap top seeing it was 12:30 here so it was about 7:30 pm there. I hit the call button and waited with Louis listening to the annoying ring waiting for someone to pick up the phone.

"DADDY! PAPA!" Cami yelled as her face popped  up on the screen. "Hey baby girl! How are ya?" I said. "I good. Miss daddy and papa!" She said. "Hey Cami bug don't be sad we'll be home soon!" Lou said. "And I bet your having tons of fun with grandma!" I added on trying to change the subject. "Yeah! We go park and play games and go outside!" She said going on about everything they did. Louis and I smiled and listened. I'm glad she's having fun.

"Alright baby girl I love you! I'll talk to you soon! Be good for grandma!" I said waving. Louis said his goodbye before we ended the cal. We had talked for about an hour and a half. I leaned back on the couch and felt my self slowly fall asleep.

Louis POV

I picked Harry up carefully so I wouldn't wake him and took him to our room and layed him down. I walked out and decided to plan something for tonight. I know there is one of those really fancy boat rentals and I think I'd be pretty cool to go out on one of those and have dinner and lay on the "deck" and watch the stars. Sappy I know but we are who we are and it is what it is! I decided on that and grabbed my phone to call and make a reservation type thing.

I made a reservation for 8pm tonight and it's only 3pm so I had time to kill. I walked upstairs and into our room. I saw Harry was still peacefully asleep. I smiled and crawled in bed next to him. I set my alarm clock for 5:30 in case were not up by then. I wrapped my arms around Harry and closed my eyes. 

Cami's POV

I miss Papa and Daddy. I know they will be back soon but they never go away this much before. I'm scared that he will come back and get me and papa and daddy will never be able to find me. What if he takes me and I never get to see papa and daddy again or uncle Niall uncle Liam uncle Zayn again. "Cami? Baby what's wrong?" I hear aunt Gemma ask. Grandma went to the store so I decided to stay wit aunt gem. "Hey come here. It's okay!" She said opening her arms. I walked over to her and she picked me up. I didn't say anything to her. I didn't want to because I would just cry more. Gemma just held me close until I fell asleep on her lap.

Harry's POV

"Babe Haz? Wake up!" I opened my eyes to see Louis next to me. "What?" I said once I was awake. "Come on we have to get ready. We're going somewhere tonight at 8" he said. "Where?" I asked. "Surprise!" He smirked. Ugh I don't like surprises!

I got up and decided to take a shower since I'm sure where we are going. I stripped and turned on the water. After a few seconds I climbed in and the warm water felt absolutely amazing! I was in the middle of washing my hair when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. "Jesus Lou!" I jumped and turned around facing a naked and smirking Louis. "Sorry babe!" He laughed. "Care if u join?" I rolled my eyes and continued washing my hair. I moved out of the water so Louis could wash his hair. Let me tell you he looked sexy! I smirked and pushed him up against the wall and kissed him.  He kissed back and I took control. I was soon trailing love bites down his neck and jawline. "Haz" he moaned. This time I'm taking control!

Cami's POV

I walked down the road I did everyday coming home from my "babysitters" house. It was a friend of my fathers who beat me as much as my father. I kept walking in the cold with a pair of holy shoes and old ratty jeans and a t shirt. I walked up to my house and saw he was already home. Oh no. He's going to be mad. I tried as quietly as I could to open the door and sneak in but that didn't work. I walked up to the steps and the door opened before I could open it. "Where were you?!" My father yelled pulling me into the house. "W-walking home" I said scared. "It doesn't take you this long to get home!" He yelled sneezing my arms hard I could already fell bruises forming. "I-it's cold outside" I said. He smacked me across the face. "Don't back talk me! You can walk faster than that!" He yelled. I tried to hold in the tarts but it didn't work. "Your such a baby! Your a mistake! No one will ever love you! Your a fat ugly worthless child. Your should've died not your mother!" He yelled. I started crying harder. Everything he said was true but it still hurt. I always thought one day I would get my old day back but it'll never happen. My father took out a lighter and held out a spoon over it. I watched scared if what he was going to do. Suddenly I felt something burning my arm and saw he had pushed the spoon into my arms. "STOP! PLEASE!" I screamed in pain. It hurts. Really bad! He pulled it away and I saw a red burn. Suddenly he did it on my other arm. It went on 6 more times until my arms were filled and I felt like I was dieing.

"Cami! Wake up! It's all a dream babe!" I heard aunt Gemma say shaking me awake. My eyes shot opened and I clung to Gemma never wanting to see "him" ever again.

Sorry for slow updates. School sucks 😐

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