Chapter 15

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Cami's POV

I woke up in my bed with daddy right next to me. I didn't wanna wake him up so carefully got out of bed to see if uncle Lou was awake. I walked out to see him eating some cereal. "Uncle Lou " I said he turned around and smile. "Morning princess" he said back. "My tummy hurts." I said frowning. "Are you hungry" I shook my head not. Before I could say anything else I took off for the bathroom. I heard uncle Lou run after me. I made it there just in time to puke. Uncle Lou held my hair while I got sick. After I was sore I was done I sunk back into uncle lous arms and cried. " shhhhh it's okay. I'm sorry princess do u wanna cuddle with uncle Lou" he asked. I nodded and he carried me to the couch and we watched Tangled while I coddled with uncle Lou. I started feeling better and I soon drifted back to sleep.

Louis POV

Cami fell asleep after we started watching the movie. I didn't wanna move to wake Cami up so I just layed there and continued watching the movie. I heard a door open and looked over to see Harry. "Morning Haz. " I said. "Morning Lou" he groaned. "Cami came out about and hour and a half ago conplaining about her tummy and then she got sick. So I carried her out here and we started watching this and she fell asleep."he nodded. "I wonder if she remembers yesterday because we need to discuss this" Harry said. I nodded. Soon cami started to stir and me and Harry both started to freak out but didn't say anything just yet. She started wondering and I wanted so badly to make it stop and so did Harry. He came over and sat on the other side of her. We didn't wake her up yet because we need to see what's happening. Plus she would be even more scared if we shook her awake. She started saying things like I'm sorry and please don't hurt me. The one that really hit me was "please dad I will stil love you I promise" I could tell it hit Harry hard to. After all her father did to her she would forgive it all and still love him. I handed Cami to Harry and he started cradling her and singing and she woke up. She sniffled after opening her eyes. I could tell she didn't wanna talk about it. "How about a warm bath okay baby" Harry said she nodded. He got up and took her to the room.

Harry's POV

I took Cami to the bathroom to get a bath. She got undressed and stepped in the tub. I washed her hair and she washed her body then she was just sitting there. "Cami do u remember what happened last night" she looked confused then realization kicked in and she sadly nodded. "Can u please tell me what happened in that dream." I asked in a calm voice not wanting to pressure her. "My real dad hurt me. " she said a tart leaving her eyes. "It's okay Cami u don't have to tell me yet " I said wiping the tears. "It's okay daddy. He umm he cut me with a knife and took my clothes off and hurt my no no area" she said. I looked at her shockingly she knew what had happened. If I ever see her dad again I swear I'll kill him. "Cami I'm never going to let anyone hurt u ever again. I promise. I love you okay baby girl." She nodded. "I love u too daddy". I got her out a she got dried off and dressed in some black nike joggers and a white tank top with a black jacket over since it was November and some white and black nike gym shoes. And of coarse the chemo. Oh and a cute little whit benie. "Cami u look so pretty today" I said she smile. "Thank you daddy" we walked out to see all the boys in our room. "you ready. " I nodded and got Cami's play bag and put her juice and snacks in it along with her coloring books and iPad. And my stuff. She had her chemo bag. We headed to the car and then to the venue. We had bother show tonight it Tampa Florida. "Cami please don't jump around today and be careful and don't push yourself too much. That why u were sick this morning. Now we need you mask okay. " she pouted and put the mask on. "I play with lux" I nodded "yes but no running around okay" she nodded. We arrived and I told Cami she could color with Lux. Lou got all our hair ready and soon we were ready. I went to see cami real quick. "Cami we gotta go on stage now okay. Be good be careful. Just play on the iPad or color and u can watch us on the tv. And if u need anything get aunt Lou or tell lux okay" she nodded. "Love u" "love u too " I said before leaving. We walked on stage and the screams were really loud tonight. We ant our songs and all did our talking. During the last song I was walking down the cat walk doing our last round waving when someone threw something and hit me in the head. I looked down to see a red bull (full) can with a note that said "I will get Cami back" we quickly got off stage. Damn my head hurts I thought "Harry mate u okay" Niall asked I shook my head no and told them all what the note said. "Don't worry we will all keep her protected. " Zayn said and the rest nodded along. We will get Paul on it too. I nodded then went to touch my head and felt blood. Great just great. I though again. I grabbed a tissue and looked in the mirror. I wiped it off and cleaned the "wound" and I was fine. I would have a cut and bruise but oh well. I'll kill that person if they ever touch Cami. I walked to Cami seeing her asleep. I picked her up and got all her stuff around saying good bye to lux and her mom Lou. We all headed to the plane because we were flying back to London for a few shows then this tour is over. I love touring but I also love being home. Paul already had all our stuff on our plane. We walked on and got comfortable. I got Cami a pillow and blanket. And then I layed back and fell asleep with the rest of the boys. This was a long night.

A/N sorry just a filler next chapter will be more interesting. Ignore how they keep flying back and fourth. It was because of Cami's treatment.
~ Payton xxxx

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