Chapter 73

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Cami's POV

I woke up to see my worst nightmare Infront of my face. Him. I won't call him my really father because he was nothing close to it. "Get up you little bitch!" He screamed. I got up quickly not wanting to get hurt anymore than I was. "Turns out you precious little daddies would do anything for you...even if it ment they get hurt" he chuckled. "NO! Don't hurt them!" I yelled. He opened a door and I saw Harry and Louis chained up and beat up. "DADDY PAPA!" I yelled. Smack. A hit across the face. I felt blood trickle down my face. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Harry yelled. "Oh you mean like this" he said pushing me down and crawling on top of me. "STOP PLEASE!" Louis yelled. I just closed my eyes not wanting to get what was coming. He touched me all over while Harry and Louis screamed and pleaded for him to stop. "Please. Stop." I cried. He looked at me and punched my jaw. "Don't back talk me!" He yelled. "SO HELP IF YOU TOUCH HER ONE MORE TIME ILL KILL YOU!" Harry yelled. "What are you gonna do your chained up" he yelled. "Hurt me not her,not Louis! Please let them go!" He said. He got off me and walked toward Harry. "NO!" I yelled. He can't hurt Harry! I won't let him. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH HIM!" Louis growled. He kicked him hard in the ribs and punched his nose leaving him out cold with a bleeding nose. "PAPA!" I yelled just as Harry yelled "LOUIS!" I ran to Louis. "Papa wake up please papa!" I said. He didn't move. I grabbed a rag and held it on his nose. I turned and saw him on top of Harry touching him. No. I ran over to them. "DONT TOUCH HIM!" I yelled using my little fist to punch him in the nose. "Ow son of a bitch!" He yelled getting up and grabbing me. Harry took this chance to free his hands and kick him. He pulled out a gun. "NO" BANG before I could finish Harry was on the ground. "NO PLEASE NO PLEASE. HELP HIM." I cried.

"Cami Cami wake up. " I heard. I opened my eyes to see daddy. I couldn't talk all I did was cry. This was the second time he's woken me up tonight. The dreams they won't go away. "Hey Cami. It's okay. It was a dream. Your okay!" He said. "Papa is papa okay. You okay?" I said frantically. "Yes yes Cami were fine. Everyone one is okay it was just a dream. I promise!" He said trying to comfort me. "Daddy he won't go away. He's always there...he won't leave. He hurt you and papa. I try help but but" I burst into tears again.

Harry's POV

I woke up a second time to find Louis gone and Cami still asleep. I heard talking from the kitchen and figured Louis was down there eating. I got up and headed to the bathroom. "NO PLEASE!" I heard Cami cry from the bed. I instantly ran over to her grabbing her and trying to comfort her. After a few minutes of trying she stopped and opened her

"Daddy he won't go away. He's always there...he won't leave. He hurt you and papa. I try help but but" she burst into tears again. What is going on. She hasn't had these dreams in a long time. "Cami hey it's okay. It was just a dream he can't hurt you anymore!" I said. She just nodded and wrapped her tiny arms around me and hid her face in my neck. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you Cami!" I said. "I love you daddy!" She said. I picked her up and carried her down stairs. She still didn't look up she just hid her face in my neck. I walked into the kitchen and saw everyone was awake and down there eating. They all looked at me questionly and I mouthed "nightmare" and they nodded. I walked over to the counter and grabbed two bowls and filled them with cereal and milk before sitting next to Louis and having a space for Cami. I sat her down and she immideatly clung to me. "It's okay babe I'm not going anywhere! I promise!" I said. She relaxed and sat down but stared at her food. "Cami please eat! You need to eat or you'll get sick!" I said. She just grabbed her fork and took small bites of her food. I noticed the other boys just kind of staring. "So any plans today?" I asked changing the subject off of Cami since I knew she felt uncomfortable. "I say we should go swimming! I mean it's hot out and we only have a week before tour starts up again" Niall said. "I'm in" Zayn said. "Same here" Liam said. "I'm up for a swim" Louis said. "What about you camster" Niall said. "Will you catch me when I jump?" She questioned. I smiled because she was back to her cheeky and much like Louis and I self. "Of course!" He laughed. "Swimming it is" I said.

I quickly pulled on my swim trunks and pulled my hair into a bun before taking Cami to her room to get her ready. I pulled out a pink bikini for her and pulled her hair into 2 little pig tails. I grabbed the sun screen "hold your breath cover your eyes" I instructed. She listened doing so while I stayed the sunscreen. "All done!" I said picking her up and putting her in my shoulders and walking down stairs to be greeted by everyone else. We agreed on staying her since no one wanted to deal with the paps today.

"CANONBALL!" Niall yelled running and jumping into the pool right next to Cami who was in her little tube. "Uncle Ni!" She said giggling. I just smiled at the two and looked to see Louis laying on a raft. I smirked and swam over quietly and flipped him over. His arms went flying as he fell into the water. I started laughing as Cami and everyone joined in as well. "HAROLD!" Louis yelled coming back up. Uh oh. I quickly ran/swam out of the pool and started running around the yard trying to get away from him. "Got ya!" Louis yelled and flung me over his shoulder. "No Lou put me down" I laughed. The next thing I know I'm being thrown into a pool. "Oops" he smirked. "Hi!" I laughed. He rolled his eyes and jumped in next to me. I swam underwater and grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him. We pulled away and resurfaced. "Awww romantic Haz!" He said. "I know!" I smirked. "I love you!" He said kissing me. "NO POOL PDA. INNOCENT EYES!" Zayn yelled. I smirked and started making out with Louis right Infront of him. "OKAY OKAY CAMIS EYES!" Liam said laughing. "I love you too!" I told Louis pulling away and laughing at Liam.

"Daddy catch me!" Cami yelled. I turned around just in time to catch her. She squealed as she landed safely in my arms. "Careful babe. Make sure they are watching when you jump so you don't get hurt" I said. "I sorry daddy" she said. "It's okay. Just want you safe! Now let's go get uncle Z!" I said. She nodded and laughed. Zayn was laying on a beach chair "tanning" I picked up Cami and sat her on his stomach. Zayn opened his eyes and gasped. "Damn your freezing!" He yelled. Cami just giggled. "Watch your potty mouth! " I said laughing. He just rolled his eyes.

"DINNER!" Liam yelled. He had grilled up some hamburgers and Zayn made some French fries and mac n cheese. I grabbed Cami from the pool as I walked over getting her plate and setting her on a towel before going back and getting my plate. We all sat around the "camp fire" that Niall made and ate our food. As everyone finished eating we all sat back down around the campfire. Niall with his guitar and sang songs. Just like the old days. And honestly. I wouldn't want it any other way!

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