Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

I woke up to Cami screaming. I held her close and rocked her from side to side singing softly. I didn't think about the aftermath of that. She's going to get nightmares for ever. She started to calm down. I though it was over. All of the sudden she said was screaming and the doctor came in. "It's nightmares. She's always gotten them about her dad but it seems they are worse now. Please can u do anything. She four years old and is already going through a lot please just make these go away. " I said. The doctor looked sad for a moment. Cami still wasn't calmed so I started to wake her. "Cami, Cami. Princess. " it wasn't working so I looked at the doctor and back at the water. He nodded. I took the water. "I'm sorry baby girl " I said before dumping a little on her face. Her eyes shot open as she hugged me. Her face hiding in my shirt while her tears soaked it. I looked at the doctor. "We can't really do anything. Just make sure she's calm before bed and if she starts to stir calm her down if it doesn't work wake her up." I sighed and nodded. "I know it's early but we need to get some tests done again. Just see what chemo is doing." I nodded noticing it was only 6 am. I got up and changed into some sweat pants and a t shirt and I put Cami in loose sweat pants and a loose t shirt because she had stitches from her uh her dad. My eyes got watery thinking about. "Daddy are you okay" I looked over to see Cami looking worried. I smiled. "Yep I'm fine now that I have my favorite person in the whole world back" I said kissing her forehead. She giggled. I smiled because I haven't heard her giggle in a long time. We followed the doctor down the hall. Cami started off walking but we made it about 3 steps down the hall before she was crying saying it hurt. I picked her up gently because of stitches and her IV. We got to the room where they were going to draw blood and I sat down with Cami on my lap. She looked at the needles and instantly looked terrified. "Hey it's okay. I promise they aren't going to hurt you. " I whispered in her ear. She nodded but still looked scared. "Okay on the count of three ready" she nodded I started to sing. I kept singing as the doctor filled 3 tubes with blood. Cami whimpered a little but she was strong through it. They put a frozen band aid on her and she smiled. I carried her back to the room and set her down. I decided we should hang out together. We don't do that much. "Hey Cami wanna color a big picture together" I asked getting one of those poster size coloring pages. She nodded. She picked a jungle theme picture and I got all the crayons out. We sat at the big table and started coloring. "So Cami. I have a show tonight so grandma and aunt Gemma are going to stay with you okay?" She looked said but nodded. "I'll be back right after I promise. " I said. She still just nodded. We both continued coloring and we said jokes and laughed together. I kept think about what could make her happier. Then I got it. I grabbed my phone while Cami was in the bathroom and called our stylist Lou.
L- hello
H-hey so u know how Cami's in the hospital and I have to be at the show. Do you think u could bring lux to play with her til it's over. My mom and Gemma will watch them.
L- of course. Lux loves Cami.
H- thanks Lou.
L- no problem bring her over before u leave say 2pm.
H- sounds good. Bye
Cami walked back from the bathroom. We had finished the picture and it was taped to the wall. I looked and saw it was 12 "Cami lets go get lunch okay" she nodded. I went to pick her up but she winced. I sighed her stitches were making it really hard for her to walk or be carried considering they're on both sides. I grabbed her wheel chair and her mask and we headed down the hall. On the way to the cafeteria I saw all the boys and my mom walking in. They saw me and instantly ran to Cami. "CAMI" the boys yelled she looked over and smiled. "Hey guys be gentle she can't even walk that much. She's very weak and she's in stronger chemo and she has stitches up her sides." The nodded and gave her gentle hugs. So did my mom and Gemma. I hugged them as well. So how about some lunch. They nodded and we headed to the cafeteria.
We chatted for a while til we were full then we all went to Cami's room. I had already told mom and Gemma about lux but it was a surprise so Cami didn't know. We all sat around chatting and saying stupid jokes and laughing and having fun messing around. Then it was 2 and we had to leave. All the boys went to get lux from downstairs while I said bye to Cami. "I'll be back baby girl. So will uncles. I love you" I said. "Love u too daddy" she said. "But first I have someone who really wanted to meet u so she's staying with u til after the show. " I said and moved to the left to show lux at the door Cami squealed and lux jumped on the bed with Cami being very gentle with Cami. "Alright girls see u later and be careful okay. Take it easy. " I said. They both nodded and went back to coloring some more. Cami looked happy that's all I wanted. I'm happy she's happy. I walked out to the van smiling. I got in with the boys. "Why so happy styles " Liam asked. "Just happy my girl is back and is happy " I said. They smiled and nodded. Soon we arrived at the venue. Time for our last show of the the otra tour. We have December, January, February, and March off before we go on our next tour. I was happy to have a break coming up so Cami can get better but also said because I love performing. I knew that's how the boys felt too. We were all ready and soon we walked onto the stage.

Life's a BattleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora