Chapter 25

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Cami's POV

I woke up and I couldn't breath. I started crying and screaming til lux woke up and aunt Lou came running in. I was gasping for breaths and crying Lux was crying too and aunt Lou was on the phone. All I wanted was my daddy. I couldn't see what was happening. All I saw was black.

Harry's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing I looked at saw it was 3am. Who the frick would call at this time. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Lou. Omg. "Hello." "Harry. We're on our way to the hospital. Cami woke up and couldn't breath then she blacked out. They took her in an ambulance. I drove behind and just meet us there please" she hung up and I started crying and shaking and getting dressed really quick. "Harry what's going on. " Lou said. "Cami " I cried. He jumped up and put a shirt on (he already had sweats on) and followed me down the stairs. We hopped in my car and I was about to drive when Louis told me to go to the other side. I nodded. I couldn't drive like this. I was crying the whole way while Louis tried to comfort me. We finally pulled up to the hospital and we both jumped out.  We ran to the front desk but were stopped by Lou and lux. "They took her away and won't let us see her. " Lou said. "I sorry uncle Haz. I couldn't protect Cami. It my fault. " lux screamed. I picked her up and cradled her. "Hey lux lux listen to me. This is not your fault. Cami is still sick. It's not anyone's fault okay. Be strong. We have to be happy so when Cami sees us she sees we are happy. Okay. I love you and Cami loves. This will never be your fault." I said. She didn't say anything so I continued holding her. She soon stopped crying and I noticed she had fallen asleep. I handed her to Lou who smiled and took her. "Go home get some rest. We'll be okay. Thank you so much Lou" I said. She nodded and took lux and left. Louis and I sat waiting for the doctor. I held his hand tight. I was really scared. "Haz it will be okay. Cami's a fighter" I nodded and layed my head on his shoulder. It was now 4:30 am. I was extremely tired. I was about to close my eyes when the door opened and the doctor came out. "Mr Styles." Me and Louis got up and walked with him to his office. "Cami's lungs filled with water and that's why she couldn't breath. She okay now she's asleep." I nodded. "What do we do now. " I said. "Well we wil take more precautions. But her cancer is the same. Keep taking the meds. And her legs are getting better but she still needs her braces." I nodded again. "What precautions do we take " Louis asked. "Jut don't let her over work herself and make sure shes well rested. " "thanks doctor. Can we see her please" he nodded and took us to her room. "The couch pulls into a bed. Get some sleep boys. " I nodded and sent a quick text to the boys saying where we were. They wouldn't see it til they woke up. Louis pulled out the couch while I kissed Cami's forehead and then climbed into bed with Louis. "I love you Haz" "I love you too boo" "forever and always. " "goodnightL "night" we both fell asleep cuddled together. We fit together like puzzle pieces sounds cliché but true.
I woke up to see Louis still asleep so I let him be and carfully got up. I saw Cami was facing the other way but she was awake. I got in bed with her and wrapped my arms around her small frail body. She gasped. "Shhh babe it's just me. It's just daddy" I said calming her. She instantly turned over. "Daddy I so scared I couldn't breath and it scary. And I want u. Daddy no leave Cami no more daddy no leave." She cried. That broke my heart. "Daddy never ever leave Cami. Daddy loves Cami very very much " I said kissing her forehead. She hugged onto me like I would disappear if she let go. I heard the door open and the boys walked in. I looked at the time and it was 9am. I pointed to Louis and said shhh they nodded and walked in. "Hey Cami" Liam said. "Hey cam cam" Niall said. "Hey camibear" Zayn said. She smiled and waved. Her voice was really scratchy because of the tube that was down her throat. "Let Louis sleep we got here at 3am and went to bed at 5:30am. Let him sleep. " I said. They nodded. "So when can she go home. I think today. They did her regular check up. Her cancers the same. And she still has to take her meds and her legs are getting better but she still needs the braces. Her lungs filled up with water last night and she couldn't breath but they fixed it and said to take precautions and make sure she doesn't over work herself and gets well rested. " I said and they nodded. The doctor walked. "So Cami is okay to go home remember what we said. And if this happens again get her in here fast" I nodded. "Can u guys get her stuff ready while I get her ready" they nodded. I got Cami in some sweats and a jumper. Then I woke up Louis "hey boo were going home. " he nodded and got up. We all walked out and went straight home. I had texted Lou and told her everything. We walked in and Cami was asleep so I put her in my be and then me and Lou got in and cuddled with her too. This felt right. We were a family. I knew the door was open and I heard the boys take pictures but I was already asleep so was Louis. My family. It's all right.

Louis POV

I woke up and Harry and Cami were still asleep. I carfully got up and saw it was 1pm. Today is definitely a lazy day. I walked down the stairs and saw that Zayn went out with Perrie and Liam was out with Sophia and Niall went to visit his parents and wouldn't be back til this weekend. It was Wednesday. I went and made lunch. Which was grilled cheeses and French fries. While I was putting the food on plates I heard Cami walk down the stairs. "Hey baby girl is daddy awake?" She shook her head no. "Okay well I made you lunch" she sat down in her chair and started eating. A few minutes later Harry came walking down the stairs. "Hey boo" Harry said kissing me. I kissed back then stopped when I realized Cami was there. I looked at Harry we both looked at a very confused Cami.
"Daddy u love uncle Louis?" Cami asked. "Cami I love uncle Louis very much." Harry said. "Daddy and papa?" Cami asked and I looked at Harry and he smiled. "Yea baby daddy and papa". I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love u baby girl. " I said. "I love u too papa" My heart melted at that. I technically have a daughter. With Harry. This is my family. I gave Harry his food then stepped out when my phone started ringing.
"Louis its management. Why is there a picture of you and Harry holding hands and him laying his head on your shoulder. You wanna tell us something?" Oh shit.

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