Chapter 29

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Louis POV
I had just gotten out of the shower and I saw Harry. He looked really panicked. "Haz what's wrong" "u-uh umm" he tried to speak. "Haz breathe it's okay" he shook his head. "It's not okay. He-hes back." Harry said handing me his phone. I looked at what he had pulled up. It was messages from an unknown number. I read over these messages. I looked at Haz when I was done. "Hey hey. This doesn't mean anything!"  I said. "What the hell does that mean Louis! What do mean this doesn't mean anything." Harry yelled getting loud. "Haz calm down your gonna wake Cami. " I said calmly. "Don't Louis I'm not fucking losing Cami again. He's clearly going to go after her again!" He yelled again. He was mad. "Hey calm down. It's going to be oka-" "don't Louis just don't. Don't say things you can't promise." Harry said cutting me off. "Look. I need some air. Just just ugh" he said getting up and walking away. "Harry don't leave" I cried. If someone was out to get Cami thy would be put to get him. "Louis just give me a minute to relax!" He yelled slamming the front door. By this time Liam,Niall and Zayn came running down the stairs. Cami started screaming. I cried and ran to Cami. "Papa. Where daddy? I want daddy" Cami cried. "Shhh it's okay Cami. Daddys taking a walk. He needs to cool off" I tried to calm her. She continued crying so I started singing it wasn't working either. The boys stood at the door. "We need to find Harry now. I'll explain later." I told the boys they nodded. "Cami comes with. Cami help" she said. I sighed but nodded. "Okay. Me Cami Zayn together. Niall and Liam  you guys together" I said and they nodded. "Wait Louis. Tell us what's going on so we know where to look." Liam said. I looked at Cami who looked at me. "Okay so Harry has been getting texts from him and he showed me and I tried to calm him down and he freaked saying he needed air. " I explained. I looked at Cami to see her looking terrified. "Okay let's go" I said and we headed find 11 at night. This is not good.

Harry's POV

I needed time. I needed time to think about what to do. I was so stressed with all this. I was walking around. I don't how far or how long I've been walking but I wasn't sure where I was and I didn't have my phone on me. I knew it had at least been an hour. I took a turn and noticed someone behind me. I shook it off and kept walking. I turned into an alley to try to lose the person following me but instead they kept following I started to get worried and picked up my pace. I realized I was trapped. It was a dead end. I turned to see the person I couldn't tell who they had a hoodie on. "What do u want " I said. They laughed. "You know I want. I want Cami. And seeing she isn't with u I guess I'll take you. " he said. I went to run but he grabbed me. "Scream or say anything I'll kill Cami. I know where she is!" He said pulling on my arm. I knew there would be a bruise. I noticed a car was waiting for him outside the alley. He threw me in it and the car pulled away.

"Get out now!" He hissed. I nodded and got hot out. The car pulled away and it was me and him. He grabbed me and pulled me in the house. "Jut let me go" I hissed. He chuckled. "As Soon as I have Cami then u can leave " he spit. "You'll never get Cami back. She's mine!" I yelled. He turned around and punched me to the ground. I tried to fight back but he was too strong. "You little faggot. You'll pay for this! You caused Cami so much pain. You hurt her more. Without you she could've been cancer free. She doesn't love you she hates you. She blames you! Your killing her!" He yelled at me. All those punches and kicks didn't hurt. What hurt was the fact that he was right. I was killing Cami! He stood up and kicked me in the face one last time before I blacked out.

Louis POV

We've been walking for 3 hours. Cami's asleep and I'm carrying her in my arms. "Alright I'm calling the cops. I'm not going to look for him. He wouldn't run away from Cami. He wouldn't leave Cami. I'm calling the cops." I said. All the boys agreed. "Okay I'll call them Louis take Cami back and get some sleep. Cami needs you now!" Liam said. I nodded and got in the car.

I put Cami in bed and turned to walk out. "Papa. Don't leave me. Don't leave like daddy leave. Please papa" Cami cried grabbing my wrist. "Hey hey. Cami. I'm not leaving." I said climbing in bed with Cami. "Daddy didn't leave either. He just-". "Papa. I heard u talk. Daddy missing. We need to find daddy. I know he took him and I know where to find him. I promise!" Cami said. I looked at her and knew it was true. She's went through the this and it was no doubt he took my Haz. "Cami can u tell me where u think daddy is" I asked. "House by park" Cami said. "My old house. By park" Cami said again. "Okay Cami. I need to call uncle liam. " she nodded. I called Liam and told him everything.

Nialls POV

It's been 3days. 3 days. We called the cops the night he left. We told them everything the texts the guy. Everything. They have been looking for 3 days. Today we are taking Cami to Harry's mums house. She knows everything too. So keep both there minds on it we are putting them together. Cami doesn't need to worry. She's too young.

"Hey Anne. How you been" I said. "It's good Niall honey thank you" she said. I smiled as she let me in. It was just me in case the cops got a lead. I carried a sleeping Cami and layed her on the couch. "So all her medicine is here. If u take her out she needs her mask and if she wants her braces off her legs she can but she needs carried. Also. She wakes up freaking out and screaming Harry's name. " I said sadly. Anne nodded. "He's strong. They will find him. Hell always stay for Cami. And Louis!" She said patting my back. I smiled. "Thanks Anne well I better get goin. Thanks for this. Cami really needs you. It's so stressed at home and she just can't take it. It makes all of us sad. As soon as we have Harry back we'll bring him here!" I said. She nodded. "Thanks Anne. Love ya" I said hugging her. "Love you too Niall bye" I waved and jumped in the car.

Life's a BattleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora