Chapter 40

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Cami's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and saw papa. "Papa?" I questioned. He looked at me shocked. So did all my uncles. "Cami omg your awake!" Uncle Niall said. I smiled. "Omg we missed you so much" papa said. "I missed you too" I said back. I was really weak so I wasn't talking very loud. Daddy started to move and opened his eyes. "Morning Cami" he said. "Morning" I said back. He looked so happy. "Harry why didn't you tell us" Liam said. "Sorry I got the call at 11 and they didn't say what was wrong then I got here and I was so happy to see her." He said. They nodded. Then the doctor walked in. "Nice to see your awake Cami. So now that your all here. Cami's still very weak. But I have amazing news. She's cancer free!" The doctor said. I smiled. All my uncles and papa and daddy were crying. "How" daddy asked. "Seems she's a miracle and the coma actually helped." He said. I knew it wasn't a miracle. Mommy was there. She protected me. "She's perfectly healthy. Exept for her being a little weak from the coma and the chemo. But she's off all that now. And as for her legs she doesn't need the braces unless her legs hurt. The braces will help take away pain. Of course it will take time to walk completely normal again but Cami. She's a strong one. " he said. I smiled. I knew mommy helped with this. Mommy helped get me better.

Harry's POV

This is the best news ever. "When can she go home?" I asked. "Well we did all the testing last night and she is perfectly healthy so whenever you want" the doctor said. "I wanna go home" Cami said. I smiled. "Alright well get u checked out" the doctor said.

I carried Cami up to her room. It was 2pm and she fell asleep in the way home from the doctors. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. I turned around and saw the picture of Cami and her mom. I smiled and whispered thank you. I knew she was Cami's guardian angle. I slowly closed the door leaving it open a crack and walked back down stairs. Liam, Niall, and Zayn went to the store while Lou and I stayed behind. I walked into the living room seeing him laying on the couch asleep. I smiled and took and blanket and covered him up.

I decided to call my mom and update her.
"Hey mom."
"Harry I'm good how are you"
"Good that's why I'm calling. Cami woke up at 11pm last night. She's perfectly fine. It's a miracle. The coma helped her. Mom. Cami is cancer free!"
"Omg. Harry that's great!" She said crying hysterically.
"Yea. It's amazing. Well I wanted to let you know. I gotta call Simon so I'll talk to you soon mom. I love you!"
"I love you too baby"

I decided to call Simon and tell him the news as well. He was happy for Cami and suggested we do another interview updating everyone. I agreed and he scheduled it for tomorrow.

I heard the boys pull up and they brought the groceries in. "Simon said we have an interview tomorrow. To inform everyone about Cami. I agreed considering we get this done then we are off all through Christmas." They all agreed. "So what are you guys doing for Christmas?" I asked. "I'm going back home. I'm leaving on in
3 days (December 23)" Niall said. "I'm going back home as well. I'll probably leave the same day as Niall" Zayn said. "I'm doing exactly the same" Liam said. "Yeah. We will probably go to my moms the 23 and have Christmas on Christmas Eve morning. Then leave for lous mom and stay til Christmas." I said.

I just finished making dinner. It was 5:30pm and I made homemade pizza with Mac and cheese. I told the boys and they went and got their plates. I walked to the couch. "Louis. Dinners ready" I said. He rolled over and nodded. I smiled and kissed him. It was short but nonetheless amazing. Then I walked upstairs and into Cami's room. I'm suprised she slept this late. "Cami. Baby. It's dinner time." She groaned and rolled over. "Daddy tummy hurt." She said. I knew this was going to be happening the next few weeks because she still has chemo is her system. "I know baby girl. Let's get food inside your tummy and maybe it will feel better" I said. He nodded weakly. "Daddy I change" she asked. She was still in her clothes from the hosptial. I nodded. I got her some sweatpants and a jumper from the closet. I helped her put it all on before carrying her downstairs. She had her head layed on my shoulder. By the time we got downstairs she had fallen asleep again. "She doesn't wanna get up does she?" Niall laughed. "Guess not" I said. "Princess. It's dinner time. I promise you can go right back to sleep after." I said. She nodded and I sat her in a chair and got her plate.

After cleaning dinner and putting Cami asleep I walked into my/Louis room and layed in the bed. I know Louis will be up soon so I turned on the TV.

Louis POV
I walked into Harry's -well kind of our- room and saw he was laying there watching TV.
"Hey" I said smiling sitting next to him.
"Hey boo. What's up" he said smiling back. I smiled and kissed him. It was sweet and passionate. I pulled away and laughed as Harry whined.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. He nodded. I got up and decided to put in The Purge. I heard about it but never watched it. When Harry saw it was coming on he smiled.
"Have you seen it before?" He asked. I shook my head no and he laughed. Oh god I thought.

"Oh my god...I hope this never happens because I would be the first one dead because I can't keep my mouth shut!" I said. Harry sat beside laughing at my reactions to the movie. "Don't worry. I'll protect you!" He said. I laughed. "No...I protect you!" I said. "No..." The arguing continued until Harry pinned me down against the bed. "Well look who won" he smirked. I didn't have anytime to react before his lips we on mine. The kiss got more and more intense. I pulled his shirt over his head. He did the same to mine. We continued making out until he pulled away breathlessly. I wined. "Sorry Louis. I'm not ready..." He trailed off looking down. I knew what he ment. I knew it would take time recovering from everything her went too. And I understand and respect that. "Hey" I said he continued looking down. I grabbed his chin and lifted it up. "Hey it's okay. I don't wanna push you. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. And I'm not mad. I love you Harry. And I'll wait forever for you!" I said kissing his softly. He kissed back. It was short and sweet. "I love you too Louis." We cuddled together and fell asleep fitting like a puzzle piece.

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