Chapter 42

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Louis POV

We just arrived at the studio for our interview and performance. Harrys told the boys why I wasn't myself. They were all upset after that. I told them I was okay and I was going to see them after the interview. They all agreed.

We all sat on the long couch. It was me Harry Niall Liam and Zayn. Cami was backstage with Paul. The interviewer asked random questions until the question we wanted finally came along. "So last we heard Cami wasn't doing to well. What going on with all that?" She asked.
"Well she was in a coma because her cancer hit hard. Then 2 nights ago I got a call at 11pm and they said get here as soon as possible. I didn't wake anyone I just got up and left. I thought something went wrong. I was really worried. Turns out Cami had woken up. I was so happy. The next morning all they boys got there. It was amazing. The doctor told us that the coma actually helped Cami. She's officially cancer free." Harry was interrupted by claps of the audience. "She is still weak. From the chemo being on her system but she's getting better. She can't walk without leg braces right now. And has to wear a mask around big crowds because her ammune system still isn't strong. But she was able to come that morning." He finished. I sat beside him smiling. Along with the rest of the boys. "Is she here?" The interviewer asked. "Yep. She's backstage" I smiled as best as I could. I just wanted to be with my family right now. "Can we bring her out?" She asked. "Course" Harry said. He nudged me meaning that I can get her. Cami always made me happier. I smiled grateful for that. I got up and went backstage to get.

I walked back out her holding my hand. We walked slowly considering her legs went back to normal yet. The crowd cheered and Cami waved shyly. I sat down and helped her sit inbetween harrys and I. "So Cami how are you?" "I good. I not sick!" She said happily. I smiled. "That's wonderful. So how is it living with one direction?" She asked. "It normal. They are funny and nice. We are just a big family. And I love them" she said looking us. "Awwww we love you to Cami" Niall said. "GROUP HUG!" I yelled. We all huddled together in a group hug. We laughed and sat back down. "So Cami what is your favorite song?" She asked. I listened because to be honest I didn't really know. "I like hey angle. " she said. I was kinda shocked. I didn't realize she like that song. I could tell the other boys were too. "Well can you boys sing that one?" The interviewer asked. We nodded. We got up and moved to the microphones. And put our "ears" in. Cami sat on the couch still smiling at us. The music started and Harry's beautiful amazing voice filled the studio as fans cheered.

In the middle of the song Harry motioned for Cami to come one stage and she walked carefully over to him. We all kept singing as Harry "danced with Cami. We all started dancing. It was quite funny. The music ended and we waved goodbye and left.

Harry and I sat up front in his car with Cami asleep in the back. We were headed to the hospital. I was freaking out. What is they weren't okay what if something goes wrong? What about fiz  she's all alone. "Hey calm down it's going to be okay. " Harry said rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I nodded not trusting my words.

"You go I'll get Cami!" Harry said as we pulled up. I nodded and tan in the hospital. I saw Fiz on the corner sitting on a chair with her face in her hands. I ran towards her and hugged her. She immediately stood up and hugged me back. Lottie couldn't be here since she was in America. I didn't want her stressing so issue it would be okay. "Louis oh my gosh. I'm so scared and.." She couldn't finish   She busted into tears. "Hey hey love. It'll be okay. I promise!" I said. "No Lou you don't understand! You didn't see them!" She cried. I didn't know what to say so I sat down and pulled her onto my lap rocking her back and fourth like I did when she was littler. She continued crying into my shirt until she fell asleep. Harry sat beside me with Cami asleep on his lap. I was about to say something but the doctor came out. "Tomlinsons" I stood up with fiz in my arms. She was extremely light. Harry followed me to the doctor. "Your mom is out of surgery she will be okay. She is resting at the moment. We put her in a room beside the kids we were able to put all the kids in the same room. Phobe has some broken ribs and is pretty bruises up but will be okay. Daisy has a broken right leg and is bruised up. As for the younger ones. Your lucky they are alive. I don't know how but they made it. They are extremely beaten up. But everyone will be okay." He said. "Can we see the kids" I asked. He nodded and showed us the room. I thanked him and sat Fixzy on the couch. And Harry sat Cami on the couch. Phobe was asleep but daisy was awake. "Oh my god. Daisy. " I said. She looked up at me and cried. "Hey love it's okay. Everyone is okay!" I said. "I was so scared. I saw mommy bleeding and Ernie and Doris went moving. And phobe was screaming. Lou I was so scared." She cried into my shirt. "Hey it's okay. Everyone is okay. I'm here now!" I said. Can you lay with me?" She asked. I nodded and layed in bed with her. She layed her head in my chest I softly started to sing moments. She slowly closed her eyes and drifted to sleep. I looked at Harry seeing him looking at Doris. "Haz." I said. I knew he had a soft spot. And this was breaking his heart.

I walked into my moms room. Harry decided to stay with the kids. "Mom" I said sitting next to her holding her hand. Her eyes fluttered open. "Louis. Oh my god. The kids. Are they okay" she said panicking. "Mom they are fine. Phobe has broken ribs. And bruised up. Daisy has a broken right leg and is bruised up. The babies are just bruised up. They said we can take Ernie and Doris home tonight but they want to keep phobe and daisy and you for the night. " I said. She nodded. "Thanks god. Are you the only one here." She asked. "No. Fiz called me. I got here asap with Harry and Cami. Fizzy was a mess. I called Lottie told her it was all okay and to stay where she was. " I said. "Thanks so much Louis!" She said. "I love you mom. Never scare me like that again" I said breaking down. "Lou. Hey I'm okay. Come here" she said. I stood up and she wrapped her arms around me. "I love you so much boo" she said.

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