Chapter 76

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Louis POV

Today is our last show of this tour. I'm excited and kinda of sad at the same time. I love touring but I can't wait to be able to sleep in see my family and...get married. I can't wait to start a life with Harry and Cami. I can see another kid rubbing around. Plus I know Cami wants someone to play with. "Lou" Harry said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yea" I asked. "It's time to go" he said happily. I nodded and followed Harry backstage while the intro music started. Usually I would say bye to Cami first but she was at Harry's mums house tonight. She said she could take her since we ususal my go out after the show.

"Who London you look absolutely incredible!!!!" Liam yelled. "How's everyone doing?" He continued as the crowd cheered louder. "We just want to thank every single one of you for supporting us over the years and we love you all very very much. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you! We honestly appreciate you more than you will ever know!" He said. As he finished we all sat down on one of the platforms on the cat walk preparing for if I could fly. As the music started I looked into the crowd to see girls crying and smiling and jumping around. I waved to a few and that sent them crying even harder. I laughed and focused in on Harry's amazing voice.

"We have been one direction and thank you for making our last show of this tour an incredible night! We love you all so much!" I said. We all stood in center stage with the band with us and took a bow. Hugging each other and thanking the crowd some more before walking off stage. "That was so much fun! I'm really gonna miss it!" Niall said. "Agreed but I can't wait to see family!" Zayn said. Liam nodded along with them. "Now who's up for a night out?" I said. Liam, Niall, and Zayn smiled agreeing but when I looked at Harry I saw him quickly fake smile. I let the boys walk ahead before staying back with Harry. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing let's go" he said quickly. "No Haz-" "Louis please we can talk later!" He snapped. I just turned around and walked to catch up with the guys. I could tell Harry was following. I got in the car and sat inbetween Niall and Zayn while Harry sat with Liam. Usually Harry and I sat together so I'm pretty sure the boys could tell something was up. Plus it was pretty tense. I'm trying not to be mad but he's not telling me something and he didn't need to snap at me!

Harrys POV

I don't mind going out its just I know Louis is going to get drunk and most likely Zayn and Niall will too. It's not that I care too much it's just Louis gets touchy with girls. Yes I get jealous! It's not my fault. Usually when he is drunk we end up fighting...a lot!

We pulled up to the bar and all got out. There weren't any people to deal with cause it was a private club. I sighed and walked over to the bar ordering a drink and sitting on a couch in the corner. I watched as everyone else headed to the crowded dance floor(other people are there but it's like reservation thing yeah just go with it!)

We've been here for 3 hours and Zayn is drunk, Niall is smashed, and Louis is well hammered. Who would've guessed. Liam was tipsy but not too bad as for me. I had 2 drinks. I'm as sober as can be. I called our driver and Liam helped me get everyone into the car. Which surprisingly was easy. The ride home was quiet exept for Niall and Louis shouting at each other and laughing. I rolled my eyes focused outside the window.

Before I knew it we pulled up to the house and I crawled out after everyone else and walked inside. Niall went straight to his room. Along with Zayn and Liam to their rooms leaving Louis and I alone down stairs. "Why are so pissed" Louis huffed. I just ignored him and walked toward the kitchen. "What's your problem?" He said all sassy. I gritted my teeth. He's drunk don't listen. I kept saying to my self. I grabbed some juice and made my way toward the living room again. "I see you just going to ignore me what the fuck Harry. What did I ever do to you?" He shouted. "You know what Louis. This okay your my problem. When we go out we can't have fun together. You get completely smashed and leave me and start chatting it up with some slut!" I yelled. "You can't control everything Harry!" "I'm not trying to!" I shouted back. "So what your trying to control flash I'm my own person! If I wanna get drunk I will!" He yelled back. I knew this wasn't Louis this was the drunk him. He was a completely different person when he was drunk. That's why I hated him drunk. He became a total dick and well fuck boy like! "You know what go get drunk! Look at you this isn't Louis Tomlinson this is some fuck boy! You don't give a shit about anyone when your drink! Louis this is why I didn't wanna go out. I wanna have fun  and not have to worry that my fiancé could be off fucking a random chick!" I yelled. "Oh so you don't trust me" he yelled back. "God I'm so done!" I yelled running up stairs and slamming the door and locking it. I fell to the floor and cried. This isn't us! This isn't me! That's not Louis! It usually isn't this bad because I just walk away but this this hurt. Of course I trust Louis! The sober one! The real Louis! I looked to see it was 4am. I sighed and took a quick shower before walking over to my bed. I climbed in bed alone and played wit the ring on my ring finger. I love him so much! This hurts so much to not have him sleeping next to me! I felt tears slide down my cheeks. I cried myself to sleep.

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