Chapter 95

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Louis POV

I opened my eyes hearing Harry in the bathroom. I soon realized what was happening. He was getting sick. I jumped up and held his hair back while rubbing his back. He hates being sick. After a few minutes when he was sure he was done he groaned and stood up to brush his teeth. I saw it was 7 and Cami needed to be at school at 7:30. "Go to bed babe. I'll get Cami." I said kissing his forehead as he walked back to bed.

"Cami's time to get up!" I said. She groaned but opened her eyes. I smiled as she sat up and fell right back down. "I know babes your tired but we gotta hurry. You still need breakfast and it's just you and me today cause daddy feeling icky," I said. She nodded. "Daddy okay?" She asked. "He's fine love. Just a little sick. No worries. Now let's get you dressed. " I said. She climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth while I picked out some black leggings with a pink addias windbreaker and some black ughs. Cami changed and came back to me with a brush. I brushed her hair and did two French braids. I loved her hair. It was getting so long! "Ready?" She nodded and we made our way down stairs but she stopped me. "I say bye to daddy?" She asked. "Course" I said and opened the door to see Harry half asleep but smiled when he saw Cami. "Bye daddy. Feel better. Love you!" She was giving him quick hug. "Bye baby I love you!" He said.

"Bye babe have a good day! I'll see you later! I love you bug!" I said kissing her forehead. "Love you papa!" She said back before running up to the school. I smiled. Our baby girl is growing up so fast. I can't believe how much she's grown since we first met her. She's absolutely incredible and despite everything she's been through she's still the happiest little girl.

Cami's POV

   I waited all day for Kenzie to get to school but she never did. I was sad because I wanted her to stay at my house today. At recess I sat alone under the tree that was until Logan came over. "Aw your all alone!" He laughed. "Please leave me alone!" I said. "You can't tell me what to do!" He said pushing me. "Logan leave me alone! I never did anything to you!" I said getting upset because he made me fall and I hit my head in the ground. "Shut up your such a stupid baby!" He laughed (leave it guys they are 4 and 5) I pulled myself off the ground to walk away. He grabbed my hair and pulled me back and pushed me down again. This time I fell on a rock and it dug into my ,still sensitive, scars from all the tubes. I cried out and let the tears fall. I closed my eyes and felt someone pick me up and carry me. I opened my eyes to see my teacher carring me to the nurse.

"Cami what happened?" Ms. Tori and the nurse asked. "N-nothing I-I fell. " I said still looking down and sniffling. "Cami we know you didn't fall why don't you tell us who did this?" Ms. Tori asked. "N-no one I f-fell!" I said again. "Cami-" "I fell! I trip and fall! No one hurt me!" I said louder and interrupting her. "Cami! There is no reason to shout! Do we need to call home?" Ms. Tori said. I shook my head no. "Please go back to class now! We will talk with your parents once they get here!" She said. I nodded and left going back to my classroom.

The bell rang and Ms. Tori walked me out and once I saw papa I looked down. He noticed and walked over. "Is something wrong?" Papa asked. "Well Cami had an incident today at recess she fell and a rock dug into some old scars and caused it to bleed and caused her some pain. When we questioned what happened she said that she fell but we know that's not the case. We tried again and she raised her voice stating that she tripped. We had a serious conversation about not yelling at the teacher. Didn't we came?" Ms. Tori said. I only nodded. "Okay I'm so sorry about this. We will definetly be having a conversation about this!" Papa said to ms. Tori. She nodded and papa carried me to the car.

"Harry?" Papa called as we walked into the kitchen. I saw daddy sitting on the couch. "We need to have a talk. " papa said. He explained everything that happened and then daddy looked at me. "Cami you know we don't yell at people! What's going on bug. If someone hurt you we need to know. They only wanted to help!" Daddy said. "Nothing. I just fell!" I snapped. "Cameron Styles!" Papa said angrily. "We don't yell!" He said again. I looked down again trying to hide my tears but they clouded my vision and I ran upstairs and hid in my closet.

Harry's POV

  I watched how Cami ran up the stairs crying. I looked at Louis who looked stressed. "Haz I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get angry-" "babe stop. It's fine. She knows better but I think somethings going on. I'm gonna go talk to her." I said. He nodded and I walked upstairs. I looked in her room and didn't see her but I heard whimpering coming from the closet. I opened the door and saw Cami huddled in the corner crying. "Cami baby" I said reaching out to her but she only cried louder. "Hey babe I'm not mad it's just me! Come here. " I said. She shook with fear as I got closer. "LOUIS GET THE INHALER!" I yelled as Cami started gasping for air. Suddenly Louis was at the door with 3 other concerned looking boys. I quickly grabbed Cami making her scream but I didn't care and put the inhaler on her mouth. After minutes of calming her down she could breath on her own. I looked at Louis and he nodded. He and the boys left us alone.

"Cami I'm not mad...please just tell me what happened" I said. She sat there still crying. I gave her time as I wiped her tears. "Kenzie not at school so I alike at recess and a mean boy Logan came over say mean things. I asked if he leave me alone but he pushed me and called me more mean things when I go to leave he pulled my hair and I fell in rock." She said pulling up her shirt I saw a big bandage on one of her old Chemo IV scars. "Baby..I'm so sorry! Next time just tell the teacher and they can help!" I said. She nodded. I held her close to my chest for a while.

"Harry Harry wake up!" I heard Louis. I opened my eyes to see that I fell asleep with Cami on my chest still asleep. "What's wrong?" I said noticing his pacing. "It's Kenzie!"

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