Chapter 44

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Harry's POV

I woke up and carefully untangled my self from Louis. I walked out the door and down the stairs. I heard Cami ask fiz why the others weren't here so I quickly jumped in telling her what happened. Fizzy sent me a grateful look to which I smiled back. I grabbed and bowl and got some cereal joining the rest of them eating. "Where's Lou?" Fizzy asked. "Still asleep. He'll be up soon." I said. She nodded. "Are you going to tell him about last night?" She whispered. "I won't if u don't want me too. But you should tell him if you want." I said back. She nodded.

Louis walked down the stairs after we were all don't eating. "Morning" he said rubbing his eyes. "Morning" we replied back. "PAPA" Cami yelled. "Morning princess!" He said hugging her. He sat down at the table and put her on his lap. They were laughing and talking together. It was cute. I got up and got him some cereal. "Thanks babe" he said. "Your welcome" I said. "Come here Cami let papa eat." I said. She climbed over to me. And I took her upstairs to get dressed.  I carried her upstairs and into the girls' room. Cries interrupted us. "Stay here cam." I said. Going to the other room to get Ernie and Doris. I carried them downstairs and into the kitchen. Fizzy took them feeding them. "Thanks I'll be down in a minute. " I said. She nodded. I ran back up and got Cami dressed.

I walked back down stairs and fiz and Louis were dressed along with the twins. Louis was the only one going to get the other because there want enough room in the car. "Alright I'll be back" Louis said. "Bye babe love you" I said pecking his lips. "Bye" he mumbled back. "BYE PAPA!" Cami yelled. "Well she definite get her yelling from you " I laughed as he said bye. He smirked back and walked out the door.

While Louis was gone getting the rest of the family I cleaned up breakfast with the help of Fiz while Cami intertained the twins. "Fiz where were you when the accident happened?" I asked because she never said. "Oh I was at a friends" she said hesitant. I knew she was lying but I decided to drop it. We finished the dishes and fiz excused her self and went up stairs.

Fizzy' POV

I excuses my self after helping Harry with the dishes. I can't let anyone find out. It's hard to lie to Harry but it's for the best. I decided to take a shower to get my mind off things. I went to the bathroom and got undressed. As I took off my shirt I could see the bright purple yellowish bruise on my back and side. I winced when I tried touching it. I sighed and got in the shower.

I slowly got dressed in some light wash skinny jeans and a pink jumper drying my hair before putting it in a messy bun before heading downstairs. I saw Louis wasn't back so I went to the living room seeing Harry Cami and the twins all sitting there watching Peter Pan. I sat next to Harry on the couch and he smiled up at me.  "Louis texted me. They are going to get food then they will be here. " he said. "Okay" I nodded. Doris started crying so I stood up and picked her up. "Hey girly. Why so fussy? You want so milk" I said smiling at her. She stopped crying and giggled poking my face. I laughed and went to get her milk.

"We're home!" I heard Louis say. I jumped up and ran to him. I ignored him and ran to my mom and hugged her tight. Then moved on to my sisters. "I'm so glad your all okay" I said. They all replied with I love you too. We all sat down and are eating a family meal together. It was nice. (A/N Louis step dad isn't in this!)

Louis' POV

"Haz you ready to go?" I asked. It's been a day since everyone came home and we had to leave for Harry's moms today. "Yep all ready" he said. I nodded and we went to tell everyone bye. I picked up Cami and put her in her seat buckling her up and handing her the iPad. It was a 3 hour drive so hopefully she would fall asleep.

"Harry?" I asked from the passenger side of the car. "What's up?" He said. "Do you remember when we used to sneak out at night when everyone was asleep while we were on the c factor?" I said looking at our intertwined hands. He laughed a little "Yeah. We were pretty rebellious. " he said. I laughed. "Remember when all the boys went shopping and we decided to stay saying we were sick but really we just cuddled up in your bed watching movies. Then we fell asleep and woke up to the boys telling us to explain" I laughed. "Of course. That was the day I realized I was truely madly deeply in love with you" he smirked. I laughed at his cheesy joke. "But seriously that was when I realized I wouldn't ever love anyone else as much as I love you and Cami of course" he said. "I'm so happy how this all turned out. We ups and downs but it only made us closer. " I said. "That's right! What brought all this up Lou" he asked. "Nothing just day dreaming. " I said smiling. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. Looking at me for a second before turning back to the road. I went back to looking out the window day dreaming.

Harry's POV

"Hey boys your finally here!" Anne said pulling us in for hugs. "Hey mom. Nice to see." I said hugging her back. "Alright well you boys go get settled and dinner will be ready in about a half hour." She said. I nodded and carried Cami up to my old bedroom. I sat her in the little bed my mom had placed in the opposite corner from mine. I covered her up and let her sleep. I'll wake her before dinner. I layed on my bed and sighed. It felt good to relax. I felt the bed dip and knew Louis had layed beside me. I turned to face him and pulled him into my chest. He smiled at me. I kissed his lips before pulling away and closing my eyes. I felt myself slowly start to fall asleep.

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