Chapter 35

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Harry's POV

I walked out of the room. I couldn't hold it together anymore. I sank to my knees. And cried. I felt Louis rub my back. I just continued crying. I heard him start crying too. All he did was hug me. I let him. We needed each other right now. God why is this all happening. Why. I can't fucking take it. I need relief. I need it. "Louis. I'm gonna take a walk. I need some time to think." I said. He looked unsure. "I promise I'm just gonna walk around the hospital. Will you stay with Cami" I asked. He nodded. I kissed him and walked down the hallway.

I feel terrible for leaving Cami but I can't take it there right now. I was currently somewhere in the hospital. I was thinking about everything. I used to be depressed when I was younger. I cut. I still have the scars on my thieghs and arms. But they are faded. I stopped after getting help from Louis and the boys. If Louis knew I was even thinking about it he would be so disappointed. When I told him I needed time. I really needed relief. I continued walking until I came across someone. "Alix?" I asked. She turned around "Harry? What r u doing here" she said. "Cami is um really sick again" I said sadly. She frowned. "I'm sorry. She'll get though it this time. She's strong." She said. I nodded. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I'm here with a little boy. He fell and broke his arm so they are putting a cast on it" I nodded. "Well I should get going good luck" she said. "Bye" I said walking away.

I felt my phone run in my pocket and pulled it out. "Hello" "daddy" Cami said. I felt my heart drop "hey baby what's up" i said. "U come see Cami now. I miss you daddy." I heard her say. I sniffled. I knew I shouldn't of left her. "Of course Cami I'm on my way" I didn't realise I've been walking for 2 hours. She sounded so tired.

"Daddy" Cami's small voice said as I walked into her room. "Hey princess. How you feeling" I asked. "I feel okay. Daddy lay wit me pwease" she asked. "Of course. You wanna watch a movie" she nodded. "How about Peter Pan" I said. She nodded. I put the movie in and climbed into bed with Cami.

The boys had just left for the night and Cami was asleep. I looked over to see Louis staring at me. I got up off the bed and sat next to Louis. We sat in silence til Louis spoke up. "I know what you were thinking Harry. I see it in your eyes. " he said. I looked down and fiddled with my hands. He lifted my chin up so his eyes met mine. "Hey. Don't be ashamed. I'm not mad. Just tell me. Tell me what your feeling." He said. I took a deep breath. "I feel like my whole world is crashing down. My always happy daughter is weak and stuck in a damn hospital bed. And I can't do shit about it." I said. "I need relief and I don't wanna do that anymore I just wanted to walk to get my mind off it. I'm not going to do that anymore. I have you and I have a daughter. Technically we have a daughter" i said. Louis smiled. "I love you Harry! I love you so fucking much!" He said. I smiled and kissed him.

We layed cuddled up on the pull out couch with  a blanket covering us watching love actually. I loved this movie. And laying next to Louis made all the problems disappear. "Daddy" I heard a sniffle. I looked over to see Cami looking at me with tears in her eyes.  I got up walked over to her. "Hey princess what's wrong?" I said. 

Cami's POV

I woke up to my whole body hurting. I turned to see daddy laying with papa who was asleep. "Daddy" I said crying. He got up quickly and walked over to me. "Hey princess what's wrong?" He said. "Everything hurts daddy make it go away!" I cried harder. Daddy looked scared before he nodded quickly and went to get a doctor. The doctor came running in and did some tests.

After that they gave me medicine that made me sleepy so I wouldn't feel pain anymore.

Harry's POV

After they gave Cami the medicine she fell asleep. The doctor said they had to go see the results of the test and then they would get back with me as soon as they could. I thanked him and went back to sitting in the bed. Louis was still asleep so I looked on my phone. I looked through pictures of me and Cami. I smiled at them. She's always so happy no matter what. This is tearing me apart. I'm hoping Cami's health gets better soon. I want her to be a kid. I also want her to be on tour with us next year.

It was 4am and I haven't slept at all. I heard a slight knock and the doctor walked in. "Mr styles. Can I talk to you" I nodded and went to the hallway with him. "So Cami's results are in and Cami's cancer is spreading unbelievablely fast. If we don't act fast she is going to die. We have to surgery. We have scheduled it for 8am today. The thing about this surgery is well it's life threatening. Not a lot of people make it. " he said. "So your saying if she doesn't get it she will die but if she does get it she will most likely die" I said. "I'm sorry mr styles." He said. He patted my shoulder and left. I sank to my knees and cried. I soon felt someone pick me up and I knew it was Louis. He brought me back to the bed. "Did you hear" I said. "Yea. Haz I did. I woke up and saw you guys talking. But hey. Cami is trying. She will make it through. She has too. " he said. I could tell he was crying too.

"Bye Cami. I love you! Don't forget that" I said kissing her forehead. "I love you too daddy" she whispered. "I love you Cami." Louis said. "I love you too papa" she said hugging us both before they put the mask on. Within seconds she was asleep. They wheeled her out and the thought of that being the last time I ever see her broke my heart.

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