Chapter 23

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Cami's POV

It's been a week since my surgery and I have to walk with braces on my legs and they make me walk funny but I can't walk without them so I happy. I have to take yucky medicine but daddy says if I take this I don't use needles anymore. I feel better most days. Some days are bad. I feel really sick and I have to stay in bed all day but Lux always comes over stays with me just like daddy. Today we are going to grandmas for a cookout. It's Saturday and me daddy uncle Liam uncle Zayn uncle Louis and uncle Niall are going and Lux is staying the night with me tonight so she's going to. I was dressed in light blue skinny jeans and a name willis jumper that daddy bought me to match his. I had my sparkly gray Nike shoes on and my gray beanie. I also had my leg braces on. "Cami lux is here and it's time to go" daddy said grabbing my play bag. "Okay" I said trying to run but ended up tripping and falling. "Cami r u okay. " daddy said running to me I sighed and nodded "daddy I know do anything by myself. I can't walk" I huffed "no Cami. That's not true. You just need some help sometimes. " daddy said. I got up and slowly walked down the stairs. I saw lux and she ran over to me "CAMI" she yelled. "LUX" I yelled. Daddy took her bag and put it on the couch and we loaded into two cars. Me daddy lux and Louis in one car and Zayn Liam and Niall on the other car as we drove to grandmas house. I looked at the clock and it was 11am. I knew it was almost lunch and we were eating lunch at grandmas. Daddy put on Deni lovato and me and lux yelled the words to like every song. Me and Lux both love Demi lovato. After a long car ride (1hour) we were finally at grandmas. Me and lux got out and ran/wobbled to the door while daddy grabbed my bag and followed with uncles. When we got inside grandma hugged us all and said lunch was ready. Daddy got mine and luxs plate and we went and sat down in the dining room because it was too cold out side to go out and eat there. We had hamburgers and Mac and cheese. It was yummy after I was done eating I asked daddy if we could go play at he said yea so we went to the living room and were coloring.

Harry's POV

This past week has been hectic. Cami is doing pretty good on her braces but every once in awhile she gets discouraged and wants to give up. Those days are the worst because she closes herself in her room and cries. It hurts as her dad to see that. But hopefully she can get them off in a couple months. So Cami's birthday is in 2 weeks and I'm planning a big party being its her first party with us. We are having in at our house and we are inviting all our families including the boys'. And we are also inviting Ed Sheeran and of course because Cami loves her Demi lovato. But that's a surprise. Lux is coming as well. I'm still trying to find the perfect present. I'll think more about it later. I finished eating and me and the boys cleaned up after convincing my mom to take a break. We washed and cleaned up dishes. Then We Walked back to the living room to see my mom playing with Cami and lux I snapped a quick picture and sent it to my mom and Lou. She turned around once she saw us. "Hey boys we were thinking we should watch a movie. " "sounds good" I said and sat on the couch. The other boys joined. We put in dolphin tale 2. Cami love that movie. We turned out the lights and all cuddles up. Lux was on nialls lap while Cami was on mine. This was a perfect moment. Don't get me wrong touring is amazing but it's nice to be with family and just relax. I looked down to see Cami really into the movie. She looked happy. I love seeing her happy. She's been going through so much and it's amazing how she stays strong. She does have moments but who wouldn't. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you Cami " I whispered. "I love you too daddy" she whispered back. I sat back smiling.
I guess I fell asleep cause I woke up to my mom shaking me. "Harry dear it's time to go. I mean you can stay if u want but the boys are leaving. " I nodded getting up. "I would stay but Cami doesn't have any of her stuff. Thanks for having us and I love you" I said picking up Cami who was still asleep. "Alright love you" she said kissing mine and Cami's cheek. I smiled and hugged her. I walked out to see the boys already had Cami's bag and had got Lux in her car seat. She was also asleep in the car. I put Cami in her seat with a blanket and went on the hour drive back home. It was only 6 so we stopped and ordered NANDOS on the way home. We took it To go though because everyone was feeling lazy. We got home and I got Cami and Lux their food and woke them up. We all ate in a comfortable silence. I guess everyone was really tired. We finished eating and I got Cami and Lux all set up in Cami's room. I put in Sleeping Beauty and tucked them both in. "Love you girls" I said. "Love you daddy" "love you uncle Haz" they said. I closed the door all but a crack and walked to my room. I was on my phone for about a half hour and went to check in Cami and lux and saw they were both asleep. I took a quick picture and sent it to Lou. Then walked to my room and falling fast asleep.

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