Chapter 27

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Louis' POV

I woke up to screaming and jumped out of bed along with Harry and we ran to Cami's room. She was still asleep but she was doing that scratched thing again. "Haz her arms again" he sighed and picked her up which causes her to scream more and kick. She hit and kicked Harry nonstop but he stood there taking it. He wanted to feel the pain that Cami felt. No. "Haz stop I know your trying to feel the pain but stop. Please. Here give her to me. " I said calmly. He had tears streaming down his face. I held her and close and started to sing don't let me go and soon Harry joined in. She calmed down and I put her back in bed. We walked back to Harry's room. "Haz we need to talk I know it's early but please listen. What happened in there. Usually you calm her down and cuddle her. This time you let her kick and hit you. I know that you want to take her pain away. I know you do. I see it in your eyes every time she's hurt. I want to make it go away to. But that's not the right way. I know we haven't really able to do much with her yet. But how about tomorrow when we all wake up we go to my moms house. She can play with the girls and we can tell my mom and have a cook out." I said. "That sounds good. Only if Cami's up for it because you know her health completely unpredictable. And as for the whole pain thing. I can't help it. What she's been through is sick. It's fucking sick. And when I walked in on that man hurting her. That's when I broke. I try not to show it. I wanted to kill that man. He deserves to fucking suffer." Harry cried. Woah. This this is not Harry. Harry doesn't cuss or ever want to hurt someone. "Haz calm down. It's okay. I promise." I soothed.
Your hand fits in mine like it's made just to be but bare this in mind it was ment to be and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and all makes sense to me.
I sang softly and Harry fell asleep. I knew what he was saying was partly true. The other parts were he was just tired and overwhelmed. I kissed his head and cuddled him.

Zayns POV

I didn't get home til late last night and everyone was asleep. I had just gotten into bed when Cami started screaming I waited a minute to see if Harry got her and he did. I listened and then I heard them go back to Harry's room. Harry was a mess. I felt so bad for him and Cami. What he saw in that house was unimaginable and disgusting. It was unforgettable. I'm glad he has Louis right now because without him I think Harry would've been back to old ways. Not because of Cami but because he thinks he's useless to her. But what he doesn't know is that he's Cami's hero. And always will be. "Uncle Zayn" Cami whispered interrupting my thoughts. I looked to see her sitting in the doorway. I went and picked her up because she didn't have her braces on and she had crawled. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9am. "Daddy and Papa are still sleeping" Awww they told her. And she calls him papa. That's so cute. " okay well let them sleep. How about we go get some breakfast. She nodded. "Cami. You can always call for me and I'll come get u okay. You don't have to crawl. " I said. "It's okay. It wasn't hard". I smiled at her. She's so strong. I carried her down the stairs and made her some waffles. Then got her apple juice and her medicine. She took her medicine like a pro and ate all her food.  By the time she was done Harry and Louis came walking down the stairs. "Morning Z" Harry said. "Morning Zaynie" Louis said. "Morning guys" I replied. "Thanks for making Cami breakfast" Harry said. "No problem. She already took her meds too" he nodded. "So we are going to go to my moms today. Wanna come with" Louis asked. "Nah thanks though. Perrie leaves tonight so I'm gonna spend the day with her again." I said. "Okay tell her we said hey" Louis said.  I nodded. "Well I'm gonna go change " I said walking up stairs.

Cami's POV

"What's we doing today daddy" I asked. "We are going to see papas mom" daddy said. "Grandma ?" I asked. Daddy looked at papa and papa smiled. "Yes grandma" papa said. I smiled. "Daddy I need braces. " I said. "Ok baby hold on" papa said. He grabbed them and put them on for me. "Thanks papa. I go change." "Yea. Papa will go with you to change okay" daddy said I nodded. I walked which was pretty much wobbling because of the braces on my legs. Papa picked out some blue skinny jeans and a black Demi lovato shirt. I smiled at the shirt. I love Demi lovato. And then I got my white beanie and black nike gym shoes and walked down stairs while papa went to get ready. "Daddy" I said looking for him. "In here Cami" daddy said from the kitchen. He was already dressed and eating his food. "Look my shirt" I said pointing to my new favorite shirt. He smiled. "Smile Cami I'm gonna take a picture" daddy said. I smiled and he took the picture. Papa walked down stairs after and grabbed his food. I sat there waiting quietly. "Alright is everyone ready" daddy said. Me and papa nodded. "Okay let's get going. " daddy said handing my bag. "Your gonna want that it's a 2 hour drive." Papa said I nodded and took my bag which had my iPad snacks juice and coloring books in it. Papa put my coat on me and we got in the car. Papa was driving while daddy sat next to him. The radio was playing then Demi lovato song skyscraper came on. I squealed and yelled turn it up please and they did and I started singing the words.

Harry's POV

I was videotaping Cami as she was singing skyscraper. She didn't notice I was taking it so once she was done I posted it on Twitter. My baby girl loves her Demi. Then I tagged Demi in the video. I also posted the video from Cami walking. I know this doesn't seem big to you but to us it's amazing. Cami took her first step by herself without her braces on since her surgery. Then I logged off. And held Louis hand while he drove. Cami fell asleep a half hour into the drive. "Louis. Do you think your mom will be happy about Cami calling her grandma " I asked nervously. "Of course Haz. She will love Cami. Plus she knew I had the biggest crush on you so she will be happy to know I finally admitted it." He laughed. I chuckled. "I love you boobear. ". " I love you too Haz. " we continued driving in a comfortable silence.
We finally pulled up to Louis moms house I looked back and Cami was still asleep. I got out and carfully put her mask on to be safe. Then I carfully picked her up and held her close while Louis grabbed her bag. "Thanks Lou" I said. "No problem Haz " We walked up and Louis rang the door bell. "Louis! Harry! Your here" jay said hugging us carefully since I had Cami. She was starting to wake up. "Cami. Princess. We're here" I said and she opened her eyes and looked around. "Mom this is the famous Cami you've all heard about. " Louis said. "We uhh also have to tell you. She's kinda your granddaughter since me and Harry ar-" before Louis could finish jay squealed and hugged us. "Finally. Awww you too." Jay said. "Grandma?" Cami asked. "Yea baby that's grandma" I said. "Can I hold her" jay asked. I nodded. And Cami stuck her arms out to jay.
We had an amazing time. Everyone was happy about me and Lou and they were happy to meet Cami. Cami loved all of Louis sisters and his little brother. Today was a great day I'm so happy Louis brought us here. After dinner Cami fell asleep and was laying my lap as we sat talking. "Alright guys. We have to go it's getting late. But your coming to her birthday right " Louis asked. "Of course. " jay said. We thanked her and gave hugs to everyone. I said bye to all of Louis sisters and his little brother. Then we were back on the road. With Cami asleep in the backseat.

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