Chapter 78

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2 weeks later
Louis POV

I stared in the mirror as Lou finished my hair and checked my clothes on last time. I can't believe today is finally the day I'm marring Harry. I'm so nervous. "Louis?" Liam questioned snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned towards him. "Hey mate. Calm down. It'll be fine! You've got this!" Liam said sensing my nervousness.

I saw Zayn, Liam, and Niall all dressed up in their tuxs then all the girls and kids walked out getting in formation. Liam and Gemma, Niall and Fizzy, and Zayn and Lottie. Phobe and Daisy would be walking out with Ernie and Doris and also Lux. They all looked absolutely beautiful. Cami was going to be walking out right before Harry so I didn't get to see her. "It's time mate!" Niall said.

Harry's POV

"Oh my god I'm so nervous!" I said frantically. "Harry calm down! It's going to be great!" My mom calmed me down. "Daddy!" Cami yelled running toward me. She looked so beautiful! She had on a beautiful dress and her hair long blonde hair was curled in perfect curls laying in her shoulders. "Cami you look so beautiful!" I said. She smiled and did a turn. "Thanks!" She giggled. "Haz it's time." My mom said. Oh lord help me!

I watched as everyone walked down with there assigned partner or group then it was Cami's turn. She was the flower girl so she was walking down right before me. "Go get em' baby girl!" I said to her. She was really nervous I could tell. She just nodded. "You'll do perfect!" I said before she walked out.

The slow music started playing and my mom grabbed my arm. The doors opened and I looked up seeing Louis looking absolutely stunning. My eyes filled wit tears but I pushed them back. All the boys smiled and me giving me thumbs up. I walked until we finally reached the alter my mom kissed my cheek quickly before finding a seat next to Jay.

My eyes met Louis bright blue ones and it was like the first time we ever met all over again. I grabbed his hand and turned toward him. The minister started his whole speech but u tuned most of it out only focusing on how beautiful Louis was.

The first time I met you I knew there was something special. Then with the band forming and is being together all the time I realized that I was right there was something there. We had to crawl through hell to get here and I'm so glad we made it. I never could've imagined my life like this. And along the way of our amazing journey we happened to get an amazing daughter who brought us closer and showed us what being strong is. We've had many speed bumps in our relationship but we made it over them. I'm certain there will be more in the future but as long as I'm with you. We'll get past them! We always will! I love more than you'll ever know...forever and always!
Louis said saying his vows. I had A River running from eyes. And laughed as he wiped them away. Now my turn.

I didn't believe at live at first sight. But that day I saw you walking around the X factor I knew I had to get to know you! Being put in a band with you and of course my best mates was the best thing that could've ever happened to me. Your right about those speed bumps. Louis those few years we couldn't be anything were hell to me. I honestly didn't think I'd make it but saved me! I can't live without you. You helped me through my darkest days. A lot of those days were with were strong for her and for me. I can't thank you enough Louis. I love you so much...forever and always boo!
This time it was my turn to wipe Louis tears. The minister said a few more things before "Do you Harry Edward Styles take Louis William Tomlinson to love and to hold in sickness and in health..." "I Do!" I smiled. "Do you Louis William Tomlinson take Harry Edward Styles to love and to hold in sickness and in health..." "I Do!" He smiled back. "I pronounce you husband and husband You may now kiss your groom!" Louis pulled me close and connected our lips. I immediately kissed back. We pulled away much to soon for our liking but had to remember there were other people there. I smiled as Louis took my hand and we motioned for Cami to run over. She came running to me and jumped into my arms as we walked down the aisle...together. As a family!

We got into the car that was taking Louis , Cami and I home. I held Louis hand the whole way. I couldn't be any happier right now. We had a small celebration after the wedding but now we are going home and spending our last night before Louis and i's honey moon together...we'll be gone a week. Cami is staying with my mom for half the time an Louis for the other half. I smiled as I saw Cami asleep in her car seat. Poor girl was tired.  I smiled as I felt Louis rub his thumb over my hand making me look up and realize we are home. "I got her" I said picking Cami up carefully not waking her and taking her to her room. It was really quiet considering the boys were all going home to see family. I layed Cami down and Louis handed me a pair of shorts and a t shirt to put her in. I pulled off her dress and dressed her quickly. I got up and shut off her light " daddy. Papa" she called. I turned around slightly startled because I thought she was still asleep. "What's wrong love" Louis said as he followed me back in. I turned on her side lamp and saw she was crying. "Babe what's wrong?" I said. "No no I happy...we finally family?" She asked. I smiled looking at Lou. "Yes baby we are! We love you very much! Now get to bed bug...we have all tomorrow to be lazy then your going to grandmas!" I said kissing her forehead. She smiled "I love you daddy I love you papa!" She said kissing mine and Louis cheeks. "We love you too " Louis and I said at the same time smiling.

I finished changing and walked back into the bedroom to see Louis was already changed and in bed. I smiled and layed next to him. "Hey babe!" Louis said. "Hey husband" I laughed. He smiled and kissed me. We were way too tired to do anything plus Cami is here. "Goodnight babe I love you!" Louis said kissing my forehead as I snuggles up to him. "Goodnight boo I love you" "forever and always" "forever and always!"

Sorry it sucked! I have a lot more plans for the story...I might make it 2 stories. Not sure but it isn't ending anytime soon! I'll probably do flashbacks from the party after the wedding since I didn't put it in here stuff like their first dance. My phones been messing up and it was deleting stuff...again sorry it sucked! :)
~Payton xxx ;)

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