Chapter 104

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Harry's POV

I sat in the waiting room with Cami asleep on my lap as we wait for the results. I'm happy she fell asleep because I don't want her to worry. She shouldn't have to! I silently prayed for good results. I don't want my baby going through this again! It's the hardest thing to watch...the people you love fighting for their life. And we've all had to do it more than once this past year.

"Mr. Styles." I looked up to see the doctor. He motioned to to follow him. We took a seat in his office before he looked at me seriously. "Cami has a golf ball size tumor in her stomach. However we don't know if it is cancerous so we need to have it surgically removed then tested." I looked down at a peaceful sleeping Cami and a tear slipped down my cheek. "When do we need to surgery done?" I asked. "As soon as possible. I recommend in 3 days, Monday. " he said. I nodded. Not really wanting to talk at the moment. "Just fill these out and it'll be done. " he said. I took the forms and filled them out before carrying a sleeping Cami to the car. I buckled her in and sat in the drivers seat and cried. Cried because I wasn't sure if my baby was okay, cried because I can't do anything to stop this, and cried because my baby girl is in pain and I can't make it go away.

"DAMN IT!" I yelled hitting the steering wheel. I let the tears continue to fall. "D-daddy?" I heard a whimper from the backseat. I turned around to see Cami terrified and crying. "Shit sorry baby! I didn't mean to wake you!" I said turning around to grab her hand. She flinched as I did. "Hey baby you know I would never hurt you! I just got upset. I'm sorry!" I said. She nodded. I wiped her tears and kissed her head. "I love you!" "I love you too!" She smiled.

"Where papa and bubby?" Cami asked. I smiled. She already missed her brother. "They are at home with your uncles. We'll be there soon love" I said. It was quiet til we pulled up. I opened Cami's door but she didn't unbuckle or look at me. "You okay baby?" I asked. "I'm sick again aren't I? That's why you were crying." She said sadly. "Hey baby we don't know for sure yet! You have a tumor but u might not have cancer so they are taking it out in 3 days to test it. But don't worry I'll be right there with you!" I said. "Daddy I don't wanna be sick again!" She threw herself at me crying. I held back my tears and hugged her. "I know baby I know!" I said. I picked her up and walked into the house. I saw all the boys were gushing over how cute Jase was, who was laying in his cradle thing (the ones that swing to make them sleep). The boys looked up when they noticed me and I motioned for them and Louis to meet me in the kitchen. "Hey baby i think Jase wants you to play with him. I think he missed you!" Cami smiled slightly and nodded. I walked to the kitchen but I could still see boy of them.

"Okay what happend?" Louis asked as soon as he saw me. "There's a golf ball size tumor in her stomach. They want surgery on Monday and testing to see if it is cancerous. " I sighed. All the boys looked at me. "Is that why she was upset when you walked in ?" Niall asked. I nodded. "Just act normal around her. She doesn't want people feeling sad. But if she seems sad cheer her up. She's having a rough time with this." I said sadly. They all nodded. "I say pizza and movie day!" Liam said. "Agreed!" Zayn and Niall said. I laughed but agreed.

"Mate it's so cute how thy are already inseparable!" Zayn said pointing to Cami who was sitting on the couch by Jases cradle, he was holding her finger while they both slept. "I know! The first thing she asked me after the doctor was where's papa and bubby." I laughed. He smiled. We were all layed out in the living room watching movies and during Toy Story Cami had fallen asleep. "Lou will you take her up while I feed Jase?" He smiled and nodded. "Thanks babe!" I kissed him. "Lay off the PDA!" Liam said throwing a pillow. I laughed and Louis flipped him off.

I put Jase down after feeding him and grabbed the baby monitor heading back to Lou and I's room. I heard him in the shower and decided to join him. (I can't write smut to save my life so...imagine it ;) )

"I love you so much!" I said kissing Louis. "I love you babe!" He said in between kisses. I sighed as we both got out of the shower and changed into boxers before heading to bed.

I groaned as the baby monitor sounded crying. I sighed and got up looking to see it was 1:30 am. I went to Jases room and saw his face red from crying. "Aww bub! It's okay!" I said rubbing his back. I know he couldn't hear. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen making him a bottle. I rocked him in my arms as I waiting for the bottle to warm up. I tested it making sure it wasn't too hot before giving it to him. I walked back up stairs and went to his nursery and say in the rocking chair and finished feeding him. By the time he was finished and burped he had fallen back asleep. I quickly changed his diaper and put him back to sleep.

As I went to walk out I saw Cami stand in in the doorway. "Hey baby. What's wrong?" I asked. "Side hurts." She mumbled. I frowned. Until the tumor is removed we can't do anything for the pain. I picked her up and carried her to her room. "I'll get you some warm milk and a heating pad okay?" She nodded. Warm Milk always makes her sleep and the heating pad usually helps the pain.

"Goodnight daddy I love you!" Cami mumbled before closing her eyes. "Goodnight baby girl I love you more!" I whispered kissing her head. I yawned and walked back to Lou and i's room. I got comfy and cuddled Louis. "She okay?" He mumbled. "Yeah." I said. He nodded and cuddled into me. "Love you" "I love you too babe!" I said kissing his head before letting sleep take over me.

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