Chapter 75

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Cami's POV

"Dad movie?" I asked him. "You don't deserve a movie! You killed your mother! How could you?" He yelled. "Dad I no hurt mommy!" I cried. He walked over to me and got in my face. He smelled really bad (alcohol). "Your going to pay for what you've caused!" He yelled smacking me across the face. I screamed in pain. "No hit. Cami sorry! I sorry!" I cried. "Sorry...sorry! That doesn't cut it!" He laughed hitting me some more. He picked me up and slammed me against the fall then threw me on the ground before kicking my ribs one last time and walking away. I curled up in a ball and cried. No sobbed. Everything hurt. I wanted my old dad back. He used to take me to the park with mommy or we would all cuddle on the couch watching movie. "I sorry mommy! I didn't try to hurt you! I love you!" I cried to myself. "Baby girl you didn't hurt me! Your dad is a very bad person! He's LIEING. You didn't hurt me! I love you too baby girl but now you have to stay strong!" I looked up and saw my mom standing Infront of me. "Mommy! Please don't leave me!" I cried. She bent down and kissed my forehead. "Baby. I don't want to but I have to! Don't worry though. I'll always be right here" she said pointing to my heart. "I love you Cameron! " she said. "I love you too mommy!" I cried. I didn't want her to leave me here.

I opened my eyes and pulled my knees to my chest. I wasn't scared. I was sad! I miss my mom!  I love Harry and Louis and the boys! But I really do miss her! I started crying as I looked at the picture of us on the wall. I might only have known her for a short time. But she is always with me. She was my mom! She protected me. She loved me! She used to read me stories at bedtime about a beautiful little girl who she called Cami. When I was sick she would rub my tummy and cuddle with me just so I would feel better. I really miss my mom. I continued crying but not a loud so big cry. Just tears falling thinking about how the old times used to be. I don't want to go back to them because I don't wanna see him I just wish there was some way I could go visit my mom. I love living here with Harry and Louis and all the joys. They are my family! I don't wanna leave them! I just wanna visit my mom, see her,hug her, tell her how much I miss her and how happy I am now living with my family.

I didn't wanna keep being sad but I still couldn't stop crying. I slowly got up and walked down the hallway seeing if papa or daddy were in there room but they weren't. I heard them talking downstairs and walked over to the living room. I saw daddy asleep cuddling with papa. I walked quietly over to papa and crawled on his lap. I saw uncle Liam and uncle Zayn siting on the other couch and uncle Ni in the chair. "What's wrong?" Papa whispered. "I- I miss mommy!" I said sniffling. "Oh Cami. I know you miss her. Hey don't cry it's okay! Remember your mom is looking over you right now and she's right here!" He said touching my heart! "She loves you very much Cami. She can see you and hear you. She's always listening baby girl!" He said. I smiled. "Thanks papa!" I said. He smiled and wiped my tears. "I love you Cami!" "I love you papa!"

I stayed sitting on papas lap and watching the TV when the doorbell rang. "PIZZA!" Uncle Ni yelled running to the door. I started laughing really hard and accidentally woke up daddy. "I sorry daddy" I said immidetly. He smiled. " it's okay! What were you laughing at." He asked. Before I could respond Niall ran in with boxes of pizza yelling. "PIZZA" running around. I started laughing again and pointing to Uncle Ni. "Oh I see" he laughed picking me up and running to the kitchen with everyone else following. "Daddy!" I laughed. He sat me down and grabbed a plate for me and put a piece of cheese pizza on it. "Thank you!" I said. "Your welcome baby girl!" He said kissing my forehead.

Harry's POV

"Hey Lou did Cami have a nightmare or anything?" I asked walking into our room after putting Cami in bed. "I don't think it was a nightmare. She walked into the living room and walked over to me crying. When I asked her about it she said she missed her mommy. I have a feeling she was dreaming about her dad and her mom because she still seemed timid. After comforting her she seemed perfectly fine." He said. "I wish I could make her night mares go away. And I seriously wanna punch that interviewer in the face. Who fucking brings that up to a four year old?" I said. "I know babe I know!" He said. I just walked over to bed and climbed in. I felt Louis climb in next to me and wrap his arms around me. "We'll be okay Haz! I promise!" He whispered kissing my neck. "I love you Lou!" I said. "I love you" he said back. I cuddled closer in his arms and closed my eyes.

"Daddy?" I heard and felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Cami standing Infront of me with her yellow blanket. "What's wrong baby girl?" I asked groggily. "I can't sleep" she said. "Come here" I said lifting the blanket for her. She climbed in next to me and cuddled into my chest. "Daddy?" She said after few minutes. "Hmmm" I said half asleep. "Thank you" she said. "For what?" I asked. "For being my dad...I never  had one of those." She said. "Awww Cami. Thank you for being my daughter! The best daughter I could've ever had! I love you princess! Now get some sleep!" I said kissing her forehead. "Goodnight" she said before closing her eyes. I waited til I heard her breathing even out before I closed my eyes.

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