Chapter 85

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Harry's POV

I jumped out of the taxi with louisbright behind me and ran u to the hospital and to the front desk. "Cami styles?" I asked. "Sorry sir only family is aloud" she said. "Excuse me I'm her father and so is he!" I yelled. She looked up the room. "Room 312" was all she said. I ran to the elevator. Louis grabbed my hand and squeezed saying he was just as scared as me. I held onto his hand tight and when the elevator opened we were both running down the hall to the room. I saw her door and saw my mom and sister sitting outside.

Gemma stood up and ran to me crying. "I'm so sorry Harry it's all my fault! I'm so sorry!" She sobbed into my chest. I wrapped her in a hug. "Shh gem it couldn't have been your fault!" I comforted her. "No. She saved me! She jumped in front!" She cried more. "gem what are you talking about? Can someone explain what even happened and where is Cami?" I said. "We went to the store and we were walking down the aisles and Cami froze and turned to her she was breathing really hard. I tried calming her down but nothing worked. Until she looked behind me and she jumped in front of me right before some man pulled the trigger of his gun. She's in surgery now" Gemma cried. What? Some man. "Gemma who was this man?" Louis asked reading my mind almost. She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture. No! "Gem that's Cami real father!" I said. She froze so did Louis. "Harry I'm sorry I should've protected her!" Gemma collapsed in my arms. I wasn't mad at her...never. This wasn't her fault. I didn't cry. I just comforted Gemma. I knew she needed it now.

It's been 3 hours and finally a doctor walked over to us. "So the bullet did a lot of damage to her small body. We managed to get the bullet out and stop bleeding but she hasn't woken up from surgery and we have no way of knowing when she will" the doctor said. "So is she in a coma?" Louis asked confused. "In a sense yes. Almost like a sleep that could last days. " he said.

They would only let Louis and I in Cami's room so my mom and Gemma had to leave. "Gem this isn't your fault! I promise! Now go home relax. Well call if anything happens!" I said. She nodded and we said our goodbyes. I took a deep breath and with Louis by my side we walked into Cami's room. My eyes stung as I saw her. Pale. Lifeless. I walked to her side and grabbed her hand. "My baby" was all I could say. I held her cold hand and watched her. Her small chest going up and down slowly. That was the only thing telling me she's alive.

I felt Louis pull up a chair and sit next to me. "She'll be okay! She's a fighter! She's made it this far...she'll make it further!" Louis whispered as tears slid down his cheeks. I turned toward him. Our eyes met but both were filled with sadness. I nodded and him and layed my head on his shoulder and looked back toward Cami. Throughout the night nurses came in to check her and make sure everything was okay. Neither Lou or I slept that night. I was too afraid I would close my eyes and she would be gone. I think Louis thought that too.

I opened my eyes and saw it was 4am. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep but I looked and saw Louis was asleep. I grabbed my phone and stepped out of the room. I need to let the boys know what's going on. I walked down the hall to a big window and sat on the bench and dialed Nialls phone number. I knew in Ireland it would be around 3 in the afternoon.

Hey Ni
"Harry. Mate what's wrong you sound terrible
It's Cami. We flew back yesterday morning after gem called. Apparently they were at the store and her father was there. Cami stepped Infront of gem and took a bullet. S-she's okay now. Just don't know when she'll wake up.
"Oh my god! I'll be on the next flight!"
Thanks Ni could you tell the others.
"Of course"
With that he hung up. I walked back into the room to see Louis still asleep and Cami still the same. I sighed and sat down in the chair next to Cami. All we could do was wait.

I sat looking at Cami hoping she would wake up soon suddenly her heart monitor started going crazy Louis jumped up in panic. Doctors rushed in and pushed us out of the room. "BO THATS MY BABY! SAVE HER PLEASE!" I screamed. I collapsed on the floor. I sat there crying. I looked up to see Louis leaned against the wall crying. Why? Why does this always happen to us. To Cami. To our baby? Cami is 4 years old and I garentee she's stranger than all of us combined. She's spent her whole life in pain or in a damn hospital.  I've tried everything to make her better but it seems as though nothing works. She always ends up the one that's hurting.

I stood up as the doctor walked out. "I'm afraid we have bad news. Cami needs a heart transplant or she won't live. We've gotten her on the list but I'm afraid if she doesn't get one within two days she won't make it. " he said. I turned to Louis and sobbed into his side. What are we going to do?

Louis and I didn't really say much to each other we spent the day by Cami's side praying for a miracle. We updated everyone on Cami's situation they were all upset. And Gemma won't stop blaming herself. I'm just praying for a miracle. I can't lose Cami! Not yet! Not ever! 

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