Chapter 94

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Cami's POV

The bell rang ending the day and I grabbed my bookbag and walked out with Kenzie. I noticed that as soon as we walked out Kenzie froze. "Hey Kenzie what's wrong?" I asked. "Momma not here. He here! Momma always pick me up!" She says lip quivering. "Hey it's okay! I told you I'm going to help! I promise-" "KENZIE NOW!" The man yelled she quickly ran over and got into the car. I watched as they quickly drove off. I looked over when I heard daddy call my name. I ran over and hugged his legs. "Hey baby girl! How was school!" Papa asked. "Good. We talk about Kenzie? I need help!" I said hugging papas legs as well. "Sure babe lets get in the car first.

Harry's POV

"So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked as we got into the car. I decided to leave it in the parking lot so I could hear what she was going to say. "My friend Kenzie she came to school with a purple bruise on her face and even though it hot she has winter clothes on. I asked her why and she didnt say anything. I didn't make her so at recess I tell her everything about me and then- then she told me how her daddy die fighting war. He solider. He die 2 months ago and her momma met a nice guy. Well he was nice. Then her momma try to leave an he got mean an and daddy we have to help Kenzie an her momma!" Cami said quickly before letting a few tears slide. I was in aww for one I'm proud my baby girl is respectful and didn't push to get the answer and two, what the actual hell. "Woah Cami babe calm down!" Louis said. "He hurt her and her momma. Like he used to hurt body should hurt like that!" Cami cried. My heart broke. "Babe go sit with her I'll drive home. " Louis said. I nodded and went to sit in back next to her. I pulled her to my chest. "Hey babe it's going to be okay! We're going to help! Why don't you invite her over for a sleepover tomorrow since it's Friday." I said. She nodded.

The rest of the ride home was quiet. Once we got home Cami got out and went straight to her room. She ususally comes in and says hi to everyone first then eats and well she doesn't usually go to her room so I knew she was upset. "What's wrong with Cami?" Zayn asked walking down the stairs. "I'll tell them go talk to her," Louis said. I nodded. "Thank you!" I said giving him a quick peck. I walked up the stairs and heard stuffing coming from Cami's room. I knocked and heard a small "come in" I opened the door and was met with a sobbing Cami. "Hey baby please stop crying." I said. "Daddy why are there so many bad people? Why only few good people? Why do people hurt other people?" She cried. I forced my ears to stay in my eyes because I need to be strong for Cami! "I- I wish I knew baby girl. All I know is we need more people like you in the world! We will try our best to help Kenzie but we can just go and call the police because we don't know anything okay?" I said. She nodded sadly. "Daddy?" She sniffled. "Yes baby?" "I love you!" She said. "I love you babe!" I said kissed her forehead. "Why don't you have a nap. You seem tired. You can play later okay?" I said. She nodded and I took her shoes off and pulled the cover over her. "Goodnight baby" I said and kissed her forehead leaving the door open a crack.

I took a deep breath as I walked into Louis and i's room. I couldn't go back down stairs now. I finally couldn't hold the tears and I sat on my bed facing away from the door and let them slide down my cheeks. I hate seeing my baby girl sad! I hate not being able to tell her everything's going to be okay. Or that all the bad people are gone. Because I can't! No matter how hard I wish I could there's always bad people! "Shhh babe! It'll be okay!" Louis said wrapping me in a hug. I shifted and cried into chest. He didn't ask questions just comforted me and homestly that's what I wanted. To be held and comforted my someone. I knew I always had Louis! And that was the best feeling in the world.

After I had finally stopped crying I looked up at Louis. He looked down at me sadly. "It's going to be okay Haz!" He said. "Lou you should've heard the questions she was asking! I can't answer them! Lou why can't our baby girl live in peace! What can't anyone!" I said slightly loud. "Hey babe please calm down...and I know I wish we could take away all the bad people but they only make us stronger!" He said. After that we just sat there cuddled together.

"Knock knock!" Niall said knocking on the door. "Come in" Louis said. We were laying in the bed cuddled together. Niall walked in and cooed at us. "Awww you love birds!" He laughed. I smiled. "Anyways. Just wanted to make sure you guys were okay..." He said. Niall was always the person you want as a best friend. He always wanted to make sure you were happy. "Thank Ni were fine!" I said sincerely. Louis looked at me seriously and I knew what it ment. "Hey Ni will you tell the boys that at dinner Lou and I have something to tell you all." I asked. "Yea sure thing. I came to get you because dinner is ready" he said. I nodded. "Be down in a minute" Louis said. I got up and went to Cami's room to see her still asleep. I carefully picked her up and carried her downstairs. "Sleep" she groaned pushing her head in my chest. "I know baby but it's dinner and papa and I have to tell you all something. " I said. She groaned in response still not fully awake. I laughed and sat her in her chair while getting our plated.

"So what did you guys need to tell us?" Liam asked. I looked at Louis and he nodded for me to tell them. "So today after we dropped cami off we went to the adoption center and we looked around..." I trailed off as I watched all the boys' eyes light up. "We found the perfect little boy! His name is Jase Connor and he had blonde hair and bright blue eyes! He's 6 weeks old and we adopted him!" Louis said smiling. All the boys smiled. "That's amazing guys!" Liam said. "Congrats! I can't wait to meet him!" Zayn said. "My twin!" Niall laughed. "We get him in two weeks but there is something you should know...Jase is conserved deaf. He will be able to hear with hearing aids but will still need signlaguage and they aren't sure if he'll ever be able to talk. " I said.

I noticed after dinner Cami was extremely quiet and hadn't said a word. I decided to talk to her alone. "Cami can you come here?" I asked. She nodded and got up and we both walked to the front room together. "What's wrong?" I asked. I watched as her eyes filled with tears and she let them fall. "Daddy I not be able to talk to bubby?" She cried. Awww she's already a perfect big sister! "Babe calm down. You will I'll teach you! You use your hands. Watch" I said. "Hello my name is Harry" I said and signed. "How I say I Cami?" She asked. "Like this" I said and signed the letters of her name. That's how the rest of our night went. Teaching even the boys some sign language.

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