Chapter 70

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Listen to the song free falling by John Mayer while reading...emotional

Harry's POV


  Ring ring ring
I opened my eyes and grabbed my ringing phone confused as to who it was at 2 in the morning. "Hello"
Mr styles it's the hospital um you should get here now
"I I'm on my way" I said panicking. I ran out of bed and three on a pair of sweats and one of Louis sweat shirts. I ran to Liam's room and shook him. "Liam. Liam wake up in an emergency!" I said. His eyes shot open. "What what's wrong?" He said groggily. "T-the hospital they need me there. " I said. "Okay. Should I go with you?" He asks. "No just can u watch Cami. Ill call you later. " I said. "Alright. And Harry. Be careful. Please!" He said. I nodded and grabbed my keys running to my car.

I pulled up to the hospital and ran inside. "Louis Tomlinson" I said to lady in the front desk. "Let me call the doctor" she said. A few minutes later the doctor appeared. "What's wrong is he okay?" I asked frantically. "Mr styles Louis isn't doing to well. I called you because I this may be your last goodbye. " he said. No no this isn't happening. He will be okay! He has to be. He's my life. My light. My rock. We are getting married. We are happy. We have a family. The doctor led me to his room "call me if anything happens. " he said before patting my back. I ran to the chair and grabbed his cold lifeless hand and sobbed. "No Louis. God damn it. Your not leaving me. You promised. You promised. And you can't break promises. You can't! We have a future Louis. Please you can't leave me. You can't leave us. You can't leave Cami. I can't take care of Cami by myself. I can't! I can't be strong. Louis do you see me. I'm a fucking mess! I don't eat properly without you. I don't sleep good because every time I close my eyes I see you walking out that damn door. I could've stopped you! I should've stopped you! It's all my fault! Louis that should be me! I never should've let you leave. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I cried letting my head into my hand.

"Hazza" Louis laughed. "Stop it! Your such a dork!" Louis said smiling at me. I watched myself as I asked Louis to dance with me. We were home alone and my favorite song came on. "C'mon Louis. Please just one dance!" I begged. He sighed giving in. "Fine" I smiled and grabbed his hand. "She's a good girl loves her momma loves Jesus and America too" the song played in the background. We swayed to the music and Louis layed his head on my shoulder. "Now I'm free free falling" Louis sang to me.

I snapped out of my flashback. I couldn't do anything but cry. Louis and I we made it through hell and back. We can't end here.

"Oi you love birds! Your so cute just snuggling over there!" Zayn laughed. I blushed and his my face in Louis neck. "Shut up Zayn your jelous you don't have this!" Louis sassed laughing. "Hey now. Didn't have to get so personal!" Zayn faked being hurt. I laughed and threw a pillow at him. "Fine fine. Go back to your romantic cuddling. I'm going out with the boys!" He laughed leaving Louis and I alone. "Louis" I asked after a few minutes. "Yes love?" He said looking down at me. "Promise me you won't leave me!" I said. "Haz I would never leave you. Even if you wanted me too! I'm here to stay!" He said. "I love you!" I said. "I love you too hazziebear!" He said kissing my lips softly.

I held Louis hand tighter! We will make it through this. He promised. And he never breaks his promises. Even if someone try's to break them for him.

"You guys can't be together! Your just starting out. You won't get as many fans being gay. I'm sorry boys but you just can't!" Simon said. "What no! You can't control us! I'm not leaving him!" Louis said. "Im sorry. But think about the other boys. Your ruining there careers!" Simon argued. "No please Simon! He's my everything! I can't!" I said. "I'm sorry boys but one of you will get a fake girlfriend." Simon said.

Even when the world didn't accept it. We made it past that. I thought life was over then. When really it was just beginning. We made it past the hardest time. Even when we wished could just end it all.

"HOW COULD YOU?" I yelled at Louis. "Harry just-" he tried. "NO! You just don't love me anymore. I see. Eleanor she's a beautiful girl. Smart amazing funny. I get it. She's your dream girl! Look just forget about us! Forget about the memories. Forget about the kisses. Forget about the I love yous. FOREGT the damn promises! They ment shit to you! You never cared! JUST FORGET ME!" I yelled crying. "Harry no! YOU KNOW WHAT HOW COULD YOU SAY THOSE THINGS. HOW COULD YOU SAY ALL THAT MENT SHIT TO ME? DO YOU REALLY THINK IM THAT KIND OF PERSON? Wow I thought I knew you better I guess not!" He said. "You know I loved you! But I guess feelings are never returned. " he said wiping a tear and walking away. "WAIT" the door was slammed shut and Louis was gone. The worst about all this was that Louis said he loved me. Past tense. He doesn't anymore. I fell to my knees and cried. I wish I never met him!

We were up against the world. And back then the world was winning. All the fake dating and rumors. They tore us apart. Yet look at us this past year. We made it.

"You know when I said all those promises and I love yous I ment every single one!" Louis said as we layed in my bed me cuddled into his side. "I know Louis. I was just mad. And I didn't mean anything I said" I said. "Good because I can't live without you and I promised I would never leave. And I don't break promises!" He said kissing my forehead. "Louis do you think people will ever accept us?" I asked. "I don't know Haz but I know as long as we stay strong together nothing can tear us apart!" Louis said. That little sentence ment the world to me. It gave me hope that one day maybe we can be something. Have a family.

We became something. Even when luck wasn't on our side. We went through hate, fights, fake dating, management, Simon. We fought like hell to be something. Be a family. And it can't end like this. We have so many more memories to make! So so many more! Getting married, raising Cami. Maybe even another child. Watching our family grow up. Writing more songs. Going on more tours. Even getting in more fights that only make us stronger. We have a future. And we will live that future! We have to.

I kissed Louis "Do you wanna go?" I asked. "I can't hold you back! But Louis I need you. Cami needs you! Fans need you! Niall needs you. Liam needs you. Zayn needs you. Your family needs you! Just please please fight! I remembering you telling Cami to fight! She fought Lou. She fought and now she's okay! You can fight too. Please try Lou! I love you so much and u know your there somewhere so please hear me out and fight!" I said sniffling the tears away.

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