Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

"Can I see her" I asked the doctor he nodded. And showed me to her room. The boys had went to get food so it was just me. I had called my mom and told her that Cami was here and there were on there way. I walked in and my heart broke my baby girl was lying in the bed looking dead. I couldn't take it. I ran to her and cried beside her. I held her hand begging her to wake up. "Please baby girl. I can't live without you. You are my world. Please. Please" I wailed.   I looked to see it was 7am. We had a concert today. What am I gonna do. Paul Niall Liam Louis and Zayn burst through the door. By the look on their faces they knew already. My mom and Gemma followed after. We all sat around waiting. "I'm sorry but u guys can't cancel the show." I nodded knowing already. "Mom and Gemma can u stay and I'll be back right after the show" I asked. They nodded "of course." Mom said. I thanked her and we had to get going. I kissed cami's head " please get better princes. I love you" I said before leaving.

We were about to go on stage and my mind was with Cami. We walked out and sang our first song "clouds". After clouds I started talking. "Look I know many of u know Cami. Well right now Cami is in a coma because of her cancer. I'm doing my best tonight. Please pray for my baby girl. This song is her favorite. This is right now dedicated to Cami." We started the song
and I sang with tears streaming down my face.
At the end of the song everyone started chanting cami Cami Cami. It went on the whole show. At the end of the show I took my mike "I want to thank all of you for coming to watch us but I would like to thank u also for cheering for Cami. We love u guys" I said walking off stage. I could tell the other boys were hurring to get back to Cami just like I was. We all love her. We got in the car and we're headed to the hospital. We got there and I jumped out running to her room while the others mumbled something about getting food. I walked into her room seeing Cami still looking the same. I sighed. Why did this happen to my baby girl I thought. "Harry honey we have to go" my mum said. "Thanks again" I said. "Yea. We will be back tomorrow morning." Gemma said. I nodded. I gave them each a hug and they walked out. I took a seat next to Cami and grabbed her hand "hey baby girl. You need to wake up soon. I miss your hugs and your voice and your amazing smile. I love you so much. Cami please. I'm so sorry I had to leave for the concert I have to again tomorrow. I promise I'll be right back after. Grandma and aunt Gemma stay with you while I'm gone. But u have to get better because I can't live without you. You are my rock. U hold me up without knowing it. I'm so much happier with you here. I love you. " I said to Cami. I heard someone clear there throat and I looked up seeing Liam Niall Louis and Zayn. "That's really sweet Haz" Niall said. I smiled. "We got u some food" Liam said. I took it and thanked them. We sat and ate while talking some about the show. We were talking when a knock interrupted us I looked over to see the doctor. "So we took more tests. Her cancer is slowing down. But since she can't be up to eat we fill have to hook here up to a feeding tube. " I sighed and nodded. "We will do all of this tomorrow." I nodded and thanked him. I wasn't talking much. I was kind of depressed about Cami. I miss her so much and she's actually here but I miss her laugh and her smile and her eyes and I just miss my baby girl. "You guys can go back to the hotel. Just because I stay doesn't mean u have to." The shook their heads no. "We are staying. I called Paul and he's bringing all our things here. Plus we have one of the biggest rooms. We also talked to the doctor and they can bring another couch in here. We will all fit in here and it will be a big one direction slumber party." Louis said. I smiled. "There's that smile" Zayn said. "I'm sorry. I'm trying not to be any different but I can't help but feel slightly depressed." I said. "Haz we get it. She's your daughter and u love her. We get it. But Cami wouldn't want u to be sad. She would want u happy so when she wakes up it will normal again." Louis said wrapping me in a hug. The others soon joined. We pulled away. I put on my real smile. "How about a movie" the nodded. "In cami's honor. Frozen it is. " Niall laughed. I nodded. I honestly like that movie. It's a really cute movie. We were all sat watching the movie. I was on a couch with Louis and Niall and Liam were on another couch and Zayn was on a small twin sized air mattress. Everyone was asleep. I soon joined them. I fell asleep thinking about my baby girl. She will get better she's a strong girl.

Cami's POV

I feel like I'm asleep but I can hear someone talking to me and holding my hand. I realized it was my dad,Harry, talking to me. He was telling me to keep fighting and that he loves me. I don't know what was happening but I knew I had to keep fighting. Harry just seemed so sad. I can't let him be like that. I'm not sure what's going on. But I'm going to keep fighting. For my dad and my uncles. They saved me. They actually love me. And I love them. We are a family and family doesn't leave each other behind.

In this story Zayn is still in the band and they are NOT going on a break in this story

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