Chapter 74

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Harry's POV

Tour started back up last month. It's been an amazing tour. Everything's been going amazing. We have about 2weeks of shows before we're done with this tour. And the good news is. They are all in our area so we can stay at home. Louis and I have been planing our wedding and set it for after tour ends, which is in September. Which means our wedding will be towards the end of October. A fall wedding.

"Your on in 5" the director yelled. Today we were having an interview and performing a few songs. We all got ready and stood back stage. "Alright Cami listen to aunt Lottie okay" I said.  She nodded and I hugged her before sending her with Lottie who was going to be standing side stage so Cami could see. "Please welcome one direction" we all walked out smiling and waving and sat on a long couch that surprising fit us all. "Hello boys welcome. Thanks for being here today!" The interviewer said. "Thanks for having us" I said. We chatted about tour and how life in the road was like. I kinda tuned that out. We get those questions too much. "So Harry I know Louis here proposed to you while on stage...How did you feel about all that?" He asked. I looked to see Louis smirking. "I was actually quite suprised. I mean Louis and I have been dating awhile plus we were really close on X factor. But I didn't really think we would be getting married anytime soon." I said. "Sounds amazing. So how you boys feel about this marriage thing?" He asked the Niall Liam and Zayn. "I think there perfect for each other!" Zayn said. "I'm suprised it took them this long to pop the question!" Niall said making everyone laugh. "We all support them you know they are family. We will always support each other!" Liam said making people aww. "That's amazing! So how's the famous Cami Styles?" He asked no one in particular. "She's amazing. Been doing very well! She's completely cancer free and making a strong recovery!" Louis said. "Yeah it's so great to have Cami out running around being a kid. She never really had that chance before. You know she's hasn't been this healthy. Back almost 2 years ago she's was laying in a hospital bed never really given the chance to be a kid so it's really great to see her healthy!" Zayn said. "That's great! Is Cami here?" He asked. "Yeah actually" I said. "Can we bring her out?" He asked. No one answered Niall just got up and ran over to her and picked her up making her squeal and giggle before running back and planting her on my lap. "Why thank you Niall" I said laughing. He acted like he was tipping his hat and sat down next to me where he was. "Hello Cami. How are you?" The interviewer asked. For some reason Cami was full extremely shy around a lot of people. I don't know if she'll ever not be. It's just her personality unless you close to her. She's gonna be quiet around you. "Hi and I'm good. How are you?" She said quietly and looked at me. "It's okay Cami. Don't be shy! We're all here with you!" I whispered in her ear. "I'm well thanks for asking Cami! So what is your favorite think to do with one direction?" He asked. I hated how they said one direction. We are her family! "I like to play hide and seek cause me and uncle Ni always win!" She laughed high fiving Niall. "Oh sounds exciting!" He fake laughed. I didn't like this interviewer he had a shitty attitude and was being pretty stuck up. "So Cami I heard your real father abused you-" I felt Cami tense and look at me with tears eyes. She's been trying to get rid of nightmares and flashbacks with him in it and now this guy brings it up. "Excuse me!" I said getting angry. "Don't even talk to my daughter about that kind of stuff. She freaking 4 years old! I don't know what your problem is because you've had a shitty stuck up attitude all day but if you have a problem talk to me. Don't bring my daughter into this!" I yelled in his face. "Calm down Harry it was a simple question...How bad of a child was she?" He laughed. By now Lottie had grabbed Cami and took her backstage trying to calm her down and now I had the boys back in me up. "What the hell! How could an innocent 2 year old do anything to deserve what happened. You know what man. Your sick in the head!" Zayn said. He just laughed. "Listen hear you prick! Don't ever talk about out daughter like that!" Louis yelled about to punch him but I grabbed his arm quickly and with the help of Liam and Zayb pulled him away while Niall kicked him in the balls. I smiled up at Niall and gave him a high five before dragging Louis into an empty room. "Louis Lou calm down. I'm pissed too okay. We all are! But please calm down before you do something you regret!" I said. "I'm sorry Haz I just he's such a dick!" He said. "I know Lou I know come here" I said opening my arms. He walked into then slowly and I kissed his head. "Let's go check in Cami and get out of here!" I said. There was no way we were finishing this interview!

We walked out and saw our management talking to the managers of the show and the interviewer no where to be seen. I walked down to the main area and saw all the boys crowded around something. "Guys- oh my god" I said. I saw Cami curled up in a ball crying. She was mumbling things and shaking. "Guys. Back up. She's having a flashback..." I said. They scooted back while I grabbed Cami's hand. "Hey Cami. It's me. Harry. Your dad! It's okay. Come on Cami. Follow my voice. Your okay!" I whispered in her ear. I watched as her glosses over eyes started to become more clear and I knew she was coming out of it. The thing is she gets super scared and usually wants to be alone. "Cami babe. It's Harry! I'm right here! Your okay! I promise" I soothed. She jumped up and ran to a corner away from everyone else and cried. "Cami babe! It's just us. Your okay. No one will hurt you! I promise!" I said. This time she didn't get stay away she came running at me and latched on to me. "Daddy! Scary!" She cried. I scooped her up and held her close. Louis walked out and came back a second later with some milk and her yellow fuzzy blanket. It always calms her down. I wrapped Cami in the blanket and gave her the milk. She curled further into me. "Alright let's get out of here!" I said. All the boys agreed and we walked towards the outside of the building but as we got closer I heard the screams. Fans. I covered Cami's face "it's okay Cami. It'll be over soon!" I whispered she hated the noise. Paul helped us quickly get to the car and soon we were on our way.

I gently picked up a sleeping Cami and carried her to her room. She fell asleep on the way home. I knew she was extremely tired. I decided to grab the monitor from my room just in case. I have a feeling that tonight she won't be sleeping much, even if she wants to. I quickly changed out of my clothes and into some sweats and a baggy t shirt before walkin back down stairs. "I say we order pizza and watch a movie!" Niall said. "Sounds good to me" I said plopping down next to Louis. "She okay?" He asked. "Yea. I have a feeling she won't be sleeping much tho. I grabbed the monitor just in case. " I said leaning my head in his shoulder. He kissed my forehead. "Your so good with Cami." He said. "I guess people are right about the parent instincts, because it just came naturally. I mean at first I had no clue what to do. " I said. He just laughed. "But I wanted to say sorry for the way I acted earlier. I shouldn't have blown up" he said. "No Lou it's fine. He deserved it. I just didn't want you to have to deal with all the after drama. And by the way did you not see Niall hick him straight in in the balls" I laughed. "Revenge is a bitch!" Niall said laughing. "Way to go mate!" Louis said high fiving him. I laughed and wrapped my arms around Louis waist and closed my eyes, I guess I was more tired than I thought.

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