Chapter 89

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Louis POV

It's been 2 weeks since gemma's funeral and things are starting to get back on track. Everyone still misses Gemma don't get me wrong but we are getting into the normal routine. Cami still has her moments but it's getting better. Like today we were all going on a vacation. All 6 of us. Niall Liam Zayn Harry Cami and I. We are going to an amusement park. It's an hour away but its worth it. It's one of the first places all of us boys went together. We all decided we needed to go out and have some fun.

We all piled into one car and I drove with Harry next to me and Niall Cami behind us an Zayn and Liam in the back. We had the radio going and whenever a song we all knew came on we all screamed the words. "Oh my gosh! Turn up please!!!" Cami squealed from the back seat I laughed my ass off as 22 by Taylor swift started playing and harry groaned beside me. Yes I know they "dated" but I didn't care. I turned up the radio as Cami yelled the words. Soon later everyone even Harry had joined in.

"Knock knock?" I heard Niall say to Cami. "Come in!" Cami laughed histarically. I laughed and smirked at Niall who sat there pouting. Harry taught her that one. Go figure. "Papa we almost there?" Cami asked from the back. "Yes baby girl" I smiled as we turned into the amusement park.

"Where to first?" I asked. "Papa! Daddy look look!" Cami yelled jumping up and down pointing toward a small roller coaster. It looked like it went maybe 15 feet up and around. "You wanna try?" Harry asked. "Please!" She asked excitedly. We laughed and walked over. The place was pretty empty today considering it was a Monday. We all got on the rollercoaster harry and I by Cami and Niall and Liam and Zayn behind us. I watched Cami as her eyes got wide once we got to the top. I laughed as she started screaming as we went over the hill. She soon started laughing as we did circles. She's braver than I though. She seems fearless. Well we know she likes rollercoasters.

"Alright let's go get some lunch then we'll go back okay?" I tried reasoning with Cami. "Papa go more rides!" She said. "We will babe. But you need food" I said. "No I'm not hungry!" She said getting an attitude. "Cami listen to papa!" Harry said getting a stern voice. "But I wanna ride more rides!" She said stomping her foot. I saw how the other boys were observing from a distance. "Cami we will ride more rides after!" I said with a slight stern voice. "NO! Ride now!" She yelled. "Cameron Marie! We do not yell! " Harry said sternly. "Now if you want to ride more rides you need to listen." He said. She frowned and crossed her arms. I don't know where her mood swing came from but this girl can get an attitude!

Harry's POV

I don't know why Cami was being so crabby. I picked her up since she refused to walk and walked toward the food shops. The boys ha already gotten there food so Louis and I went to the nearest place. "Cami what do you want?" I asked. She stayed quiet. "Cami?" I asked again. Again she stayed quiet. "Babe can you order 2 grilled cheeses and I'll be right back" I said to Louis. He nodded and I walked away. Once I was away from everyone else I sat Cami down on her feet. "Cami...why aren't you listening?" I asked. She kept looking down giving me the silent treatment. "Cameron I'm trying not to get mad. I'm not mad! So please answer me. I just want to know why you aren't listening." I said. Still she said nothing. "Cameron Marie Styles if you don't answer me we will leave now!" I said raising my voice. "NO! DADDY MEAN!" She yelled hitting my arm. Of course not hard because she's little. At this point I was getting irritated. I wouldn't ever hit her or hurt her. "Cameron styles do you need a time out we don't hit!" I said sternly. "NO!" She yelled. I sighed. I don't understand why she was acting like this. I sighed and picked her up. As soon as I touched her she started yelling at me to put her down. I kept holding her and walked back toward Louis and the boys who had been watching this whole time. " we are going to take a timeout in the car." I said to the boys. "NO! I stay!" Cami yelled hitting me again. I watched as the boys' eyes grew wide at her behavior. I didn't do anything but grab her hand so she couldn't hit me.

I walked out to the car with a mad Cami and sat down in the back seat. She crawled off my lap and the farthest away from me. "The sooner you stop the sooner you can go back. " I said. "Mean daddy!" She said. "Cami I'm not tryin to be mean. I asked you to eat your food the. You yelled at me. I asked you to stop yelling and you hit me. I asked you to stop hitting and you kept yelling!" I said. I sighed as she kept staring out the window. I sighed and looked forward. I'm not going back til she talks. After 5 minutes of silence I heard a sniffle and looked to see Cami looking at me with tears. "I'm sorry! I be bad! I hit daddy and yelled! I sorry! Please don't hit me!" She cried. I sighed. Again with the hitting. I wish I could erase all her memories of her father. "Cami you know I would never hurt you! Thank you for apologizing! Have you cooled down yet?" I asked. She nodded still crying. "Come here!" I said. She crawled over to me. I pulled her up in my arms and opened the door. She buried her face in my neck and wrapped her arms around my head. "Hey no more crying baby girl! Now if you go eat your food we can ride more rides. But first you need to say sorry to papa for yelling at him" I said. She looked up and nodded. I smiled and wiped her tears. "I love you baby girl!" "I love you too daddy!" It age her one more hug and then sat her down and grabbed her hand.

We walked up to the boys who were still eating and sat beside them. Cami walked over to Louis and sat next to him. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Papa!" Cami said. Louis smiled. "It's okay baby girl!" He said. She smiled and hugged hike before sitting in between us and eating her food.

The rest of the day went by and we were soon back home. I took Cami upstairs and picked out some pjs before walking to the bathroom to give her a bath. I decided not to question her on her behavior today. Maybe it was just one of those things. All kids have their moments. And frankly this was her first one. "Thank you for taking me to park!" Cami said. "No problem baby girl!" I smiled. I helped her dry off and helped her into her pjs before drying her hair. I left it down and we walked back downstairs and joined everyone else in the living room for a movie before bed.

I smiled as I sat cuddled next to Louis with Cami layed across our lap asleep and the boys all around us watching the movie. This was perfect. No drama. Nothing to worry about. Just us. Just our family.

A/N again sorry for long updates. I'm trying to update more often!!!' Thanks
~ Payton xxxx

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