Chapter 4

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Cami's POV

I woke up seeing Harry talking to miss Alix on the couch. I slowly got out of bed. My chemo side effects are kicking in and I feel really sick and sore. As soon as my feet hit the floor I was running to the bathroom. I started puking up nothing really cause I didn't eat yesterday. I felt someone grab my hair and whisper "shhh baby girl it's ok. You will be okay" I guess I didn't know I was crying. I knew it was Harry ,one because he did this yesterday and, two because of his voice. I finally stopped and fell back against Harry who thankfully was there to catch me. He picked me up and I brushed my teeth. "Thank you again" I said weakly. "Your welcome princess" he said with a said face. "What's wrong" I asked. "I just wish you weren't sick. I wish you didn't feel sick or hurt." I smiled. "It's okay. I would've never met you if I wasn't and you are my best friend but don't tell Liam or Niall or Zayn or Louis" I said. He laughed. "Ok I promise" he said.
Harry carried me back to my bed and I snuggled up to my favorite purple blanket. Harry went to go sit back down but I grabbed his hand "can u lay with me please" I asked. "Of coarse princess" he said and layer down with me. He looked at me for a second then said "Cami what would you say if I adopted you?" I stared at him " I would love your forever and ever" I replied then looked away. I felt a tear slip past my eyes. Harry turned my chin and wiped the tears. "Hey what's the matter love" he asked. "No one will ever adopt and sick girl with cancer. No one will ever love me. " I said. "Cami I asked you that question because I am adopting you... I am your new dad if u want" he said. I stared in shock. Was this really happening? I started crying tears of happiness. "Hey it's okay." He said. "I am so happy, no one ever adopted me because of cancer." I said. "Well guess what I am and I'm going to love you the best I can." He said. I was feeling suddenly tired and yawned. "Hey go to sleep it's okay. I'll be right here." He said. "Can u sing my favorite song?" I asked. "Sore what is it." He asked. "Infinity by a band called one direction" he looked shocked for a moment then smiled and started to sing.
Down to earth keep me falling even though it hurts. Going faster than a million miles an hour... I soon fell asleep with my new dad.

Harry's POV

When Cami asked me to sing her infinity it dawned on me that that she didn't know who I wAs. I knew we would have to tell her soon. I thought it was so cute how she liked our music. Well I'm curently laying next Cami while she sleeps. I came here today and signed the papers and Alix left earlier but will be back to say bye to Cami. She explained all the cancer things to me.  I knew what to expect now. Cami gets out of the hospital in two days and the day after that we are back on tour. I told the boys what I was doing and they said they meet up here later. Thy all had a lazy day or spent time with some family. I got on my phone and took a pick of Cami snuggled up to me and posted it on Twitter. Bless my little princess. I captioned. I knew my notifications would go crazy so I logged out. I started to feel tired and soon fell asleep with my new baby girl. This moment is perfect.
I woke up to the sound of a camera click and awwing. I slowly opened my eyes to see the boys there. "Hey guys what are you doing." I asked "just taking pictures of you too. Awww hazza you look so cute with your baby girl" Louis said. I laughed and looked at the picture. "Hey can u send that to me" I asked Zayn. He shook his head and sent it. I got it and put it as my background on my phone. The boys took a seat on the couch and put it a movie while I stayed with Cami. After a few minutes Cami started shaking and screaming.

Cami's POV

I was back at my old house and I could here my dad calling for me. I hid in my closet hoping he wouldn't find me. I knew what "game" he was going to play tonight. He did this every night when he came home smelling really bad and had red eyes. I heard him open the door and I started screaming as he threw me on the bed. I started to shake and cry harder as he hit me and punched me. I don't know he does this. I'm only three what did I ever do? "You little bitch you killed your mother" he screamed. I cried harder.
I felt someone start shaking me. "Cami baby wake up wake up shhhh it's just a dream" I open my eyes to see Harry. I grabbed him and hugged him tight. He held me close while I cried into his chest. "Hey baby it's okay it's only a dream. Breath." I looked up at him after I calmed down. He picked me up. "Are you okay now?" I shook my head not really in the mood for talking. "Okay we'll Miss Alix and the boys are here and we are going to go get some food from the cafeteria. I'll carry you so u don't have to bring the whole oxygen pole" I nodded agin as he picked me up. We walked down and everyone ordered there food. I got some chicken nuggets even though I knew that I would just throw them up later. We all sat down and I knew something was wrong because no one was talking. I looked at miss Alix and she looked at Harry and nodded. "So Cami we got the results to your scans back. Ummm you get out in two days but u will have to do portable chemo because your leukemia is spreading." He said. I stopped eating and looked at him. Great now I won't ever get to anything normal. I tried to be strong and hold back the tears but I couldn't. I just put my head on his shoulder and faced away from everyone else while the tears flowed out. I'm so sick of being sick. I just wanna give up. "Shhhhh baby I know you wanna give up but u have to be strong. You are my strong little princess. I really wish it were me there instead of you!" Oops I guess I said that out loud. We all went back up stairs and everyone went in exept me and miss Alix she pulled me aside. "Hey missy you be good for your new dad okay. I promise he will take good care of you. I will check up on you and Harry has my number. I will miss you Cami. " miss Alix said. I cried I really didn't want her to leave but I was adopted by Harry and I really like him. He's so nice and a REALLY good singer when he sang infinity it sounded just like one direction. "I will miss you too miss Alix." I hugged her. I waved and walked off. I walked back into the room. I had my stuff from the orphanage here. Which wasn't much. I crawled in bed. I was really feeling sick. I think da- Harry noticed because he said "well guys I'm going to bed and I think Cami is too cause she isn't feeling well" the guys nodded and got up "night Cami" Louis said and kisses my forehead "night Cami" Zayn said. "Night cam cam" Niall said. "Night nighty Cami" Liam said. As they all kissed my forehead and left. I got comfy on my bed. Da-harry came over and kissed my forehead."night baby" he said. He was about to walk away but I pulled his arm. "Can u please sleep with me?" I asked. "Of coarse baby" he replied. "I love you dad" I said with out really thinking. I covered my mouth in shock. "Harry I'm sorry I did-" "it's okay princess I love you too and u can call me daddy, I am your dad now. It's okay I'm not mad" he said. I smiled and layer my head on his chest. Can you sing me a one direction song." I asked. "Sure" he replied
They don't know about the things we do they don't know about the I love you's but I bet you if they only knew.." I fell asleep listening to my new favorite song.

The picture on the side is Cami now. Soon she will look like the other picture.
-Payton xx

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