Chapter 17

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Cami's POV

I tried to move but I cried out in pain as it hurt all over. From my dad punching me and kicking me and because I was weak because I had no chemo. I got up and saw the door. I could run away. I know a park near by where Harry took me. I have to get there. I ran to the door and tried to open it but I was pulled back by him. I wouldn't call him dad. Never he hurt me. He punched me. "You think you could get away that easily." He pulled me up by my hair and drug me into a bedroom. I knew what was coming. The worst flashback that has ever happened was happening away. He took out his knife and cut off my clothes slicing into my skin doing so. I closed my eyes wanting the pain to end.

Harry's POV

Alix gave me her dads name and address and I called the cops and gave them the information. We meet them at the address and they walked in. I followed while the boys stayed behind. I followed them into this old broken home. I winced when I heard Cami scream. The cops ran to her with me following. When the opened the door I saw my baby girl about to get raped. Before the cops could do anything I ran to him and pulled him away from her. I tackled him to the ground and punched him countiuesly. I heard the cops try to get me off but I wouldn't listen. Then I heard Louis yell "Harry your scaring Cami" I realized what I was doing and jumped off. I saw Cami wrapped in my jack Willis hoodie. I ran to her. " Cami princess I missed u" she was so weak she couldn't even respond. They loaded Cami into an Ambulance and I was right by her side. The boys followed in the car.
We arrive at the hospital and they rushed Cami away. I was screaming for her but they wouldn't let me through. Liam and Louis pulled me back while Zayn and Niall said comforting things. I cried while they all comforted me.
3 hours later the doctor came out. I jumped up and ran to him. "Cami is going to be okay but she's going to have to stay in the hospital for awhile. She is extremely weak because of not having chemo and she had an infection so we did surgery to fix it."the doctor said. "Can I please see her." He nodded only one person though and she only requested you. I nodded and told the boys they nodded and told me to go. I followed the doctor to Cami's room and he left us alone. I took a deep breath and walked in. Cami was looking up and didn't notice me so I sat down and gently picked up her hand. She flinched and looked over. She relaxes noticing it was me. "Cami. " I cried. "Daddy i missed you" she said crying out. It was hard to understand since she was so weak. "I missed you too baby and I'm sorry scared you. It's just I don't want u to get hurt and I'm sorry I couldn't protect u. I let u down and I broke out promise. I'm so sorry baby girl. " I cried. "Daddy u saved me. You didn't break the promise u saved me. Your my hero daddy. It's okay." I smiled at my brave little girl. "thank you baby girl. Your so strong. " she smiled. "Daddy u lay with me." She asked. I nodded" always princes. " I got up and cuddled into me. I started singing and soon he fell asleep. I was about to fall asleep when I got a text. I looked at it seeing it was Niall hey mate we gotta do the show. Your mom is on her way we called her. You can stay tonight. But u have to do the show tomorrow then we're done for this year. See you after the show. ~N xxxx
I replied back saying tell the fans I'm sorry and why I'm gone and good luck guys. After that I soon fell into a much needed sleep considering I didn't sleep at all since yesterday when Cami went missing.

Nialler POV

We walked onto the stage singing clouds. After that song I started talking. "As you can tell Harry isn't here. He's with Cami in the hospital. Last night Cami was taken and severely beaten by her real dad. He's locked away now. But Cami is really sick and weak. Hardy will be back tomorrow but he wanted to say sorry he couldn't be here and that he loves u all. We wanted to dedicate this whole show to Cami and Harry. We would like all of you to sing Harry's part really loud. Okay" they all cheered and as the show went on for all of Harry's solos they crowd was unbelievablely loud. I took videos and sent them to Harry. He would be so amazed. Everyone seemed to understand why Harry couldn't be here. Our fans are amazing. We finished the show and went back to the hotel. We met Anne and Gemma in our room. They would only let Harry see Cami until tomorrow so we got Anne and Gemma a room so we could all go tomorrow. "I just wanted to thank u guys for the room. This is a lovely hotel. " Anne said. "No problem. We will probably go to the hotel around noon tomorrow. Do u want to ride with us." Liam asked. They nodded. "Thanks we will see u boys tomorrow and by the way that was a great show. " Anne said leaving with Gemma to go to their room. We thanked her as she left. We all sat down and decided to watch a movie. We all soon fell asleep ready to go see Cami tomorrow. I miss my little cam cam! She's my strong little girl. I'm so glad Harry beat this shot out of him. That was my last thought before I fell fast asleep.

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