Chapter 67

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Louis POV

"This is getting ridiculous Harry!" I said. We have been fighting a lot recently. It's been about a week since Cami was sick. She completely fine now but Harry and I are constantly arguing. "It was a simple suggestion! God why are you so cool breaking right now!" We were currently fighting about something about the wedding. I don't even remember what now. "Oh I'm controlling. REALLY this is getting out of hand. Your constantly at my throat about all of this. I want a fucking break! " I yelled. "BFINE YOU WANT A GOD DAMN BREAK THEN GO!" Harry yelled. Zayn and Liam came bursting through the door. "YOU GUYS NEED TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Zayn yelled. "Niall is in the room with your guys' kid trying to make her stop crying. I'm pretty sure the whole damn world can here you! This is getting ridiculous! " Liam said. "You know what whatever!" I said pushing by Harry Liam and Zayn and grabbing my keys and leaving.

Harry's POV

"Go talk to Cami. And cool down mate! Don't worry about it!" Zayn said. I nodded and the boys left as I walked into Cami's room. "Hey bug" I said. She looked up at me with red eyes. "Why daddy and papa mad?" She asked sadly. "It Cami's fault?" She cried. I jumped up and hugged her. "No of course not bug! We just had a disagreement and we needed to calm down. " I said. "Did papa leave us?" She asked. "Of course not! He loves you so much. He just needs to cool off!" I said kissing her forehead. "Now it's 11pm your bedtime!" I said. She nodded. "Can u sing song first please!" She asked. I nodded.

I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house. If things go wrong we can knock it down. 3 words have two meanings there's one thing on my mind it's all for's stuck in a cold December and u called you to keep you warm

I looked up and noticed she was asleep. I sighed and shut the light off going to my room. I'm such a dick. I shouldn't of yelled at Louis. I decided to take a shower to get my mind off things.

Louis POV

I got into my car and rove. I don't even know where I was. I didn't care. I needed to cool down. I turned on the radio and relaxed a little. I shouldn't of yelled at Harry. He was just trying to help. Ugh! I decided to stop and buy some flowers,a teddy bear (cliché I know but he loves it)  and some of his favorite candy. After I bought it I put it in the front seat and made my way towards home. I had been driving for an hour and it 12am.

I pulled into the highway and it was almost completely empty. I was humming to the song Lego house by Ed Sheeran when I saw two headlights coming straight at me. I tried to swerve but it didn't work and BAM the next thing I know it's completely dark.

Harry's POV

I looked to see it was 12:15 am I was getting worried about Louis. Maybe he's staying at his moms. I was about to call him when my phone started ringing on the table. I picked it up
Hi is this Harry styles?
"Yes how can I help you?"
There has been a terrible accident with Louis Tomlinson and we need you at the hospital.
I couldn't even answer. No this all my fault I dropped my phone and fell to the floor. Zayn came running in. "Har- oh my god what happened. " he asked. " fault!" I cried. He looked in shock. "I'll drive you lets go!" He said. "LIAM NIALL WATCH CAMI!" He yelled. "There's been an accident call as soon as we can!" He said rushing me out the door.

I ran into the hospital. "Louis Tomlinson" I said. "Sorry sir he's still in surgery. Just take a seat over there!" She said. I sighed and sat down. "Hey stop Harry this isn't your fault! Don't lame yourself. Louis wouldn't want that!" Zayn said wrapping me in a hug. I just cried into his chest.

We've been sitting here for 3 hours. It's 4am and still no word on Louis. Zayn had fallen asleep but I couldn't I was too worried. "Harry Styles?" A doctor came out and questioned I stood up and ran over to him. "So Louis was driving and a drunk driver hit him head on. He had suffered serious injuries on his head. He has bruises and scratches but what we are worried about is his brain. He hit his head really hard in the steering wheel since the air bad didn't deflate. We took him into surgery and unfortunately he was put on life support and later fell into a coma."

I felt the tears fall. "Ca-can I at least see him?" I asked. He nodded. "You might wanna bring your friend too" I nodded and decided to just carry Zayn to the room since he was still asleep and put him in the couch while I went straight to Louis. I grabbed his hand and cried. "Lou I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I'm so sorry i didn't mean to tell. It's my fault. I should be there not you! Please Lou you need to wake up I can't live without you! I love you Lou!" I cried into his chest. I felt my phone vibrate and decided I needed to update Liam and Niall.
What's going on.

Lou was hit by a drunk driver. He's on life support and fell into a coma. It's all my fault Ni it's all my fault!

That's not true Harry! Look just get some sleep. We'll be there in the morning!

Thanks Niall.

I put my phone down on the table and continued holding Louis hand. I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes hoping when I wake up my beautiful amazing fiancé will be by my side.

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