Chapter 91

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Harry's POV

"So I was thinking since we aren't touring this year and maybe I should enroll Cami in school." I said to the boys and Louis since Cami was still asleep. "Sounds like a good idea!" Liam said. Zayn and Niall nodded along. "I think it's good but it's up to you and Cami babe!" Louis said. I nodded. "I'm gonna talk to her about it later-" I was cut off by a loud scream. I jumped up and ran to Cami's room to see sitting straight up and crying. I carefully walked over because I knew how scared she could be after these. Once she saw me she instantly yelled. "NO! STAY AWAY!" She cried. "Hey baby listen it's just me! It's your dad! It's just me. It was all a dream your okay! I promise no one is going to hurt you!" I said calmly making my way towards her. I was greatful she could at least breath this time. She was shaking really badly when I finally close enough to pick her up. I held her close to my chest and she cried. "Shhhh love it's all okay! No one is hurt! No one will hurt you!!" I said rubbing her back. "I-I couldn't save bubby!" She cried. "Who is bubby?" I asked confused yet still trying to comfort her. "I keep dreaming about having a baby brother b-but every time I can't save him" she cried. "Hey Cami it's okay! No one is hurt! Everyone is okay!" I said. She stayed quiet for awhile but I could tell she was calming down.

"Daddy. Will I ever get a baby brother or sister?" Cami asked. I sat her down and looked at her. "Do you want a brother or sister?" I asked. She nodded and smiled shyly. "We'll see baby girl. Let's get you dressed and get some food for your tummy!" I said tickling her sides making her squealing and giggle.

I picked her out some light wash skinny jeans, a white tank top with a addias jacket louis got her, and some white high top converse. Then I put her hair in a messy bun. She brushed her teeth and grabbed her locket. "Daddy can u help me?" She asked. "Of course baby" I said. I carefully slid the locket over her shoulders and clipped it. My baby girl is getting so big. But she's so mature for her age. "Thank you!" She said. I smiled and we walked downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table eating so I got Cami some cereal before getting myself something and sitting down.

After breakfast I went up stairs to take a shower and get ready. When I walked out from the shower and got dressed I heard Cami singing from her room. I smiled and grabbed my phone. I looked in her room to see her with her iPad playing music and she was singing along to it facing the other wall coloring. I pulled out my phone and recorded a video of her singing, and if I do say so myself...she was pretty good! I smiled and kept listening as I posted the video on Twitter
My baby girl ❤️

I stopped when I heard a fimilar song start playing. "Look at the stars look how stars look how they shine for you and everything you do yeah they were all yellow." Cami sang. I smiled brightly. This is like our song. It was the first song I sang to her after adopting her. I listened to her song through the song. I jumped when I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I looked to see Louis leaning against my arm. "Shes really good!" Louis smiled. I nodded. "I can't believe how far we've come in the past 2-3 years! Who would've thought we'd be here today" I said. Louis nodded.

I knocked on the inside of Cami's door. "Can we come in." I said motioning to Louis who was with me. She smiled and nodded. We both walked in and sat on her bed. "So Cami what would you think about starting school?" Louis asked. She stopped coloring and looked up. "You could make new friends" I said. She appeared to be thinking. After a few minutes she smiled slightly. "I go to school!" She clapped. "Yeah you will! But you have to wait til it's starts. It's July and school starts in August! You have one month. " I said. She smiled and nodded.

"Papa? I go to Nanas?"  I heard Cami ask Louis. I smiled she's so close to people now. And to think last year she wouldn't of talked to any of them. "Well why don't you call nana and see what she's doing today" Louis said. I watched as she took the phone and talked for a few minutes before giving the phone back to Louis. "Daddy Nana say I can stay!" She smiled. "Okay let's go pack your bag!" I said looking at Louis to see him nod saying that she was staying.

"Bye baby girl! Be good! Listen to Nana! We'll see you tomorrow!" I said kissing her forehead. "Love you daddy!" "Love you baby girl!" I said. Louis said his goodbye and we both walked back to the car. This is what Cami's needs a break away from drama. "Wanna go get dinner?" Louis asked. "Sure" I said. He nodded and we pulled up to a fancy restaurant minutes later.

"So uh Cami told me about her dreams today. She was upset because she couldn't protect bubby and when I asked her who that was she said it was her brother that she kept seeing in her dreams. Then I uh asked her if she wanted a baby brother or sister and she said yes..." I trailed off looking down and focusing on the food Infront of me. I felt Louis gab my hand and I looked up to see him smiling. "Babe we talked about wanting another child. If you think it's the right time then I'm behind you 100%."

The best feeling in the world is having that one person who you know is going to be behind you 100% for the rest of your life. I'm happy to say I have that person! I can't believe everything that's happened. It's been a tough year or so but I wouldn't change any because I realized everything that happens, happens for a reason. We wouldn't be the family we are now If somethin had went differently. I think all theses obstacles just make us strong as a family! I'm so greatful for that because like people say life isn't's definitely has its battles.

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