Chapter 98

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Cami's POV

"Cami can we talk to you real quick?" Papa asked. I nodded and followed them into the family room. "We have to go talk to some people today so your gonna have to stay with uncle Li" papa said. I just nodded. "Hey but I think if your up for it...uncle li has a suprise!" Papa said tickling me. I giggled and nodded. "Alright baby girl daddy and I gotta get going! Love you!" Papa said. "Love you!" Daddy said. "Love you too" I said. They left so I walked back to the kitchen to see uncle li all ready and dressed. "Uncle Li?" I asked. "Yes baby girl?" "What we doing today?" I asked. "Hmmm well if your up for how about we go get some lunch then we'll go watch a movie and then do what ever you want after!" I smiled and nodded. "Uncle Ni and Z coming?" "If you want them to" he said I nodded. "Okay go tell them we gotta leave soon!" I nodded and went to find them.

Harry's POV

We pulled up to NANDOS and I grabbed Louis hand walking up. There were a few people who revognized us but didn't make to much of a fuss about it thankfully. We walked in and I saw a women who looked about 20 but looked just like Kenzie. I motioned Louis and nodded. We walked over to the women. "Excuse me are you Kenzie's mom?" Louis asked. "Oh yes I'm Ashley. you must be Louis and your-" "Hello nice to meet you I'm Harry. " I said shaking her hand. "I think I should start by telling you what happened. My fiancé , Kenzie's father, died a few months ago. He served in the army. After that it was hard to stay on my feet. Me being 19 at the time,I had Kenzie when I was 15, but after months an old friend came back and was helping us a lot. He started getting rough and when I tried leaving he-" she paused to take a deep breath. I placed my hand on hers showing her we are here for her. "He started beating me. As long as Kenzie was okay then I didn't care. But later he saw it didn't do anything to me and started hurting Kenzie and that's when I would fight back or try to get help but no one believed me.  The other day I came home to pick up Kenzie from school and I saw that Nicks car was gone. I drive to the school to see that she was already picked up. I freaked out and called the police. They found her hours later but made me come in for questioning and when I asked about Kenzie all they did was give me your guys' number.  But I heard your daughter is Cami and Kenzie talks about her all the time. You have an amazing little girl!" She finished. "Thank you your daughter is a wonderful little girl! Um well they called us telling us Kenzie was in the hospital and we rushed there with Cami they told us that she had went through some major abuse and was on life support and was very weak. " I said looking down. "She's okay though right?" Ashley asked. "I'm so sorry Ashley. They told us her heart failed and they tried everything!" Louis said. Ashley broke down. "My baby girl!" She cried. I choked on a sob and jumped up to hug her. Louis doing the same. People stared at us but didn't question. Louis hugged both of us. All three of us crying.

We all walked out of the restaurant and started walking toward the park. "Ashley your an amazing mother! You did everything for you baby girl!" I said. She just gave a small smile. "Um we payed for Kenzie's bills and her um funeral bills but we haven't scheduled it because we figured you her mother...." Louis trailed off. "Oh my gosh thank you guys! You really didn't have to and thanks for staying with her!" She cried more. Louis and I stopped and hugged her.

Cami's POV

  We all piled into the car and headed to the movies after eating at McDonalds. "What movie we see?" I asked. "What do you want to see!" Uncle zee asked. "Good Dinosaur!!" I said happily. "Good dinosaur it is then!" Uncle Ni said. We all jumped out the car and slipped into the movie theater. Uncle Liam payed for the tickets and then we got popcorn m&ms and something to drink before walking to our movie room.

Uncle Zayn sat down then uncle Niall then me then uncle Liam and we started eating the popcorn waiting for the movie to start. After a while the lights turned off and I got a little scared cause it was really dark. "Don't worry babes...we're all right here! We'll always protect you!" Uncle Ni said kissing my forehead. I smiled and nodded. The movie started playing and I instantly couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

Louis POV

After our walk we had stopped and sat down on a bench. "I really appreciate everything you've done!" Ashley said. "It's no problem! Honestly. Kenzie was Cami's best friend and always will be! You have an amazing daughter! And no matter what she's always watching over you now!" I said. She smiled. "I better get going..." Ashley trailed off. "Here have our numbers. Call us whenever. We'll always be around! And Ashley stay strong!" Harry said. She smiled and thanked us and stood up and walked away.

After she was gone I heard Harry sigh beside me. "That was rough!" He said. "I know babe! I know!" I said. "On the bright side...we need to go shopping. Our baby boy's gonna be here soon!" I said. I saw Harry's eyes light up at the thought of Jase coming home soon. I can't blame him I know Cami's just as excited as all of us.

That's how the rest of our day went. Shopping for clothes getting paint and the nessesities like crib changing table and all of that. I can't wait to get our baby boy home. He's going to be loved by so many people.

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