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In January 2022 I was incredibly bored and started looking for some mobile game on AppStore. I found game called "Duskwood" and since that day... My life completely changed...

I never thought I would ever write my own story. Why? Firstly, I was sure no one would read it anyway, and secondly, I was sure that I wasn't good enough.

If so... Why did I do this? Why did I write "Find him"? After episode 9 in "Duskwood" I was in amok. Literally, I can't even describe how addicted I was to that game! 😆 I had so many theories in my mind... I was so incredibly excited about my theories that... I leave my every thought in "Find him". Well, as you can see... (Episode 10 of the game is already available) I was far away from the truth, but... At least, I had a lot of fun 😆

At first, "Find him" was just my little draft, but one day I told myself "Fuck it, it's worth a try. Maybe someone has the same theory as me?" and I published my first story.

And that was the best decision in my whole life.

To the very end I was sure that no one would read my story, but... I was wrong. Currently, "Find him" reached over 7K views. Sometimes, I read back my first novel and... Well, like I said, English is not my first language and you can definitely see it in "Find him" 😆  What can I say? I'm sawry for that 🫣😆❤️

Anyway. Despite the fact that "Find him" was a bit chaotic, short novel, full of linguistic errors... I always return to this story with a smile on my face. Why? Because that's where everything has started...

Later, I started writing "Fall for you again" and... I created a completely new half-universe. Yes, everything started from "Duskwood", and that game will always be in my heart, but... I wanted to create something new. Something mine. Was that risky? As hell. I knew that leaving "Duskwood" concept could upset some fans of this game, but... Nothing ventured, nothing gained, am I right?

You have no fucking idea how much I enjoyed writing "Fall for you again". I created completely new story, new characters, new places, new case... All the time I was trying to be better and better for you, guys. That's why after a while photos and graphics started to appear in my story too. You can compare the first episodes and the last ones... I don't know about you, but I can see huge progress.

At this moment... "Fall for you again" reached over 15.000 views. I... I've never dreamed of such a number. Literally, I'm still not able to believe when I look at this. It's just... Incredible, amazing and impossible.

You bring my story to life, just like we all bring "Duskwood" to life. After a while my story wasn't just "passive fiction". You started leaving comments with your thoughts, emotions and theories... You've become active participants of my story, guys, and I thank you for that ❤️

To summarise...

"Fall for you again" has changed me and my life. Thanks to this novel...
1) I improved my English (I know it's not perfect, but still... I truly hope it's better than in "Find him" 😆)
2) I realised I'm actually insane and hunted. Oh, come on! I created some fucking escape house in the middle of the Duskwood. How? Why? Don't ask me 😆
3) I've grown just like my characters, and I mean really! You see... A few years ago I lost everything in my life. Also lost I myself. Honestly? I was a bit like Jake after argument with Jacob Rodrigues. I had no single person in my life. All I had was my fictional friends from mobile game and later... The fictional characters from my novel. Now... I can see that not only I improved my English, the length and the quality of the episodes, but also... Myself. After all these years I finally found myself again. If it weren't for you, I would never have achieved it. Thank you for that, my beloved detectives ❤️

What's next?

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end" ~ John Lennon.

Did you think I would leave you all alone? Not a fucking chance. I'm just getting started with you, my dear readers.

"When one door closes, another opens" ~ Alexander Bell.

I cordially invite you to the part 3 of Elena and Jake's story! My new story is called "Remember me". I have a little surprise for you - the first episode is already out!
Go and check for yourselves!
Thanks to that you can add my new story to your reading list and wait for new episodes 🙈❤️

I know you also liked my story for daily updates. Like I said, I've already published the first episode of my news story and in there, you can see what quality I'm striving for. I want you to have longer and more refined episodes. Moreover, I need to get my head straight after "Fall for you again" 😆. That's why you need to give me some time to stock up on new episodes. When my little stock is enough, I'll come back to you with daily updates, pinky swear 🤫❤️ In the meantime, you can come back to your favourite episodes of "Fall for you again" and leave some trace of yourself there ❤️

PS. Don't worry, I'm nothing like the Everbyte Studio and you won't have to wait a few months for me 😆

Maybe I will give you some abstract? 🤔 Of course the development is still in an early state, but I can tell you something about my goals...

What will be in the new story for sure?

🌟 The return of womaniser, old and bad Jake from 7 years ago, who still suffers because of the death of his mother
🌟 Elena's and Jake's lives after Jake's memory loss
🌟 Elena's hard decisions
🌟 Two new cases (Concurrently)
🌟 A couple of heroes of the novel will go on a trip again
🌟 Elena will finally find out the truth about her memory loss
🌟 Someone new will fill the void in Elena's broken heart
🌟 Jake will finally meet his father
🌟 You'll observe the life of each hero from different points of view (Elena's, Jake's, Anthony's, Luka's...)
🌟 And the most important -> The answer to the question "Will Jake remember Elena before it's too late?" 🫣

By "Fall for you again" I set myself a hight bar high now, but I truly hope I'll manage 😅 I'll try my best to write my next story even better than this one! ❤️

If you have any questions about "Fall for you again" or my new story "Remember me" or anything else, you can leave it here in comments. Of course I won't tell you any spoilers 😆☝🏼, but maybe something is unclear or you have some other questions to me or about me? If so, I will try my best to answer all your questions! Here, I leave you the Q&A section ❤️👉🏼

Well then... We did it. We started our little journey in April and we finished it in August. These were the best months of my entire life. Really. Thank you for everything again ❤️

How on earth is it possible? How did it all happen? I have no fucking idea... If someone came up to me a year ago and said that some fucking mobile game would motivate me to write my first short story and, what's more, someone would actually read it... I wouldn't send this person to the psychiatrist because I would consider it's definitely too late for that person.

As far as I can see, life is full of surprises... Now, I believe in fate and I know that nothing happens by chance.

So, you know my opinion. What about you? Did you like my story? Do you have any final thoughts? What did you like the most? Do you want to read my new story? Like I said, it's all thanks to you, that's why I will be grateful for your feedback!

I'll be very pleased if you leave stars under your favourite episodes! 🌟 (If you haven't already of course). It's small thing, but thanks to that I know you like my story and it gives me my little satisfaction 🤭❤️

I would also appreciate if you come back to your favourite episodes and leave comments next to your favourite moments! I want to know which scenes made you laugh, cry or something else! 🤭

Hope to see you again in our new adventure,
I love you all!
xoxo_asgv ❤️🕵🏻‍♀️

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