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Jake's POV

James&Benjamin&Oliver&Noah: Father?!

Jake&Gomez&Max&Luka: You knew?! - Then, me and Luka looked at Max and Gomez shocked - What?! - We pointed at each other - You knew too?

Joe: Of course she knew, you idiots - He smirked and looked away - My question is since when.

Elena: Please - She laughed and walked away - From the very beginning I knew Maria is my biological mother. Did you really buy my bullshit about "there's a few people in this world who looks exactly the same"? And your reaction when you saw me for the first time, Joe... - She turned to him with her evil smirk - It was just priceless. You thought right away that I was your daughter. However, you weren't sure, so you asked me about my date of birth during our meeting.

Gomez: You're her fucking father? - He became furious and was about to got up, but we all immediately ran towards him.

Max: Anthony! Calm down!

Luka: What the fuck? - He sighed exhausted - Where the fuck does he have so much strength from?

Yes, even I have to admit it's incredibly hard to hold him back.

Elena: So, here we are, Joe... - She laughed, took a step back and spread her hands - At this moment, your biggest problem stands right in front of you. The daughter you took by force from the mother who wanted to take care of her. Your biggest mistake you wanted to forget at any costs. Say it, Joe - She started approaching him again with her furious face - I'm sick of hearing about it from strangers around the world. I want to hear these words from you. From your fucking mouth.

Joe didn't even flinch. He was looking at her with his narrowed eyes and arms crossed on his chest. I think he's the only one in this room who isn't afraid of her right now. Like... Literally!

Joe: You're so incredibly intelligent, smart, brave, determined, firm and sneaky that I'm not able to believe you're my daughter, Elena - He smirked started nodding with his amazement - You've been able to keep your suspicion in secret in front of everyone for the last 2 months just to tell me everything straight at my face. I'm... Impressed - He sighed with his smile.

Elena: Fortunately for you, I'm nothing like Maria, Joe. I'm not a paranoid and I'm not going to argue with you about it. I'm not going to use such words towards you, as Maria did at Ayo's hut. I'm not going to waste my energy on you. For my whole life I was wondering why my biological parents left me... - She pulled a piece of paper out of her wallet - See? - She opened it. Joe must have recognised the note, because he immediately looked away - For my whole life I was wondering if my biological parents think about me sometimes. Now, I know - She finished firmly and took a few steps away from him.

Joe: Yes, I made a mistake, Elena. 25 years ago I made the biggest mistake in my life. I made a fucking mistake, because I gave up - He shrugged and walked away - Yes, when I found out that Maria was pregnant I was incredibly shocked and terrified. You don't know our parents and I truly hope that you will never have a chance to meet them. But there's one thing... - He sighed and stood by the window - One thing you don't know about, Elena. You don't know it, because I have never told anyone about it during our trip.

Elena: Save it - She sighed annoyed.

Joe: Do you want the truth? - He turned to her again - You'll get the truth, Elena. I have no reason to lie anymore. When I found out that Maria was pregnant, I knew how my and her parents would react, so I wanted to run away with Maria and you.

Jake&Luka&Gomez&Max: What?!

Elena: I don't believe you - She narrowed her eyes.

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