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Elena's POV (A few minutes later in the USA, the DIC headquarters, LA)

After meticulously gathering my thoughts over an extended period, I summoned the courage to delicately grasp the doorknob of Jake's office. As I gingerly pushed it open, the conspicuous absence of his presence engulfed me in the serene expanse of the corridor, stretching endlessly before me in a profound silence that reverberated with an eerie emptiness...

Without lingering to fuel his ire or prolong the tense atmosphere, I swiftly shut the door behind me, opting to sidestep any potential confrontation. With a rapid movement, I redirected my steps toward the conference room, urgency propelling me forward...

There, I observed Jasmine and Luka, their figures frozen in apprehension, fixating on a distant focal point within the room's expanse, their expressions their expressions betraying a palpable sense of unease...

As I braced myself mentally for the impending continuation of our conversation, this time involving Jasmine and Luka, I couldn't help but notice their expressions contorted in shock, their gaze fixated on the far-left corner of the room...

It became evident that this was the direction from which they had last glimpsed Jake, implying a sense of foreboding about his absence...

In my mind's eye, I visualized the intensity of his anger reflected in his expression as he stormed down the corridor, his hurried footsteps echoing with a palpable sense of frustration...

I knew he was on his way out of the floor, his expression and body so consumed by fury that he didn't even spare a passing glance in their direction...

Elena: You heard everything... - I sighed, walking through the threshold - Didn't you?

Luka: Well... - He scratched his head - You know, it's not like we wanted to be nosy, but even if we wanted to, it was simply impossible not to hear him.

Jasmine: Elena, there's no way for you to avoid this topic anymore - She looked at me - I've known Jake for years, and I never, and I mean never, seen him so furious.

Elena: Of course, he's furious because I lied...

After a soft exhale, granting me a brief respite to collect my thoughts and sharpen the message I intended to impart, I lowered myself onto the chair positioned opposite them. As I settled in, my mind methodically arranged the words I wished to express, refining them for clarity and impact...

Elena: I lied to him, and to be more precise, I lied to all of you around.

Luka: What do you mean? - He narrowed his eyes.

Elena: The thing that this whole shit with Gilbert was much more complicated than you might expect...

Positioning my elbows on the desk's surface, I leaned forward, cradling my face in my hands...

Elena: I mean, I didn't lie after all, but rather didn't tell you the whole truth about what I plan to do in this fucking studio - I sighed - In a nutshell, you knew everything except for the fact that pushing out Webster and locking myself in with Gilbert wasn't a decision made in the heat of the moment, but rather a strategic, very well thought out and planned move on my part.

Luka: But...

Despite his evident shock, he shook his head in disbelief, yet his expression remained surprisingly composed, contrasting starkly with the tempestuous nature of Jake's reactions...

Luka: Alright... - He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table - Just tell us what's going on, from the start to the end.

Taking a deep breath, I composed myself, summoning the inner strength needed to begin my monologue...

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