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Elena's POV

When we reached the White House it was almost 12. Bodyguards recognised our car and they opened the entrance gate for us. Jake stopped the car and looked at me. I saw how nervous he was.

Elena: Just be yourself, okay? - I grabbed his hand - They will love you. I promise.

Jake: Thank you - He sighed and smiled at me.

Then, we left the car and Jake locked it. George was waiting for us at the top of the stairs and waved to us. He changed a lot, because he looks even younger. He looks like he is 30. Now, he is a well-built man, with wide and honest smile, without any worries. I can see the pure peace in his eyes. I am so happy to see that, he really deserves some peace of mind.

George: Come here, you sneaky bitch! - He shouted and spread his hands.

I burst out laughing and ran towards him. I quickly ran up the stairs and into his arms. I hugged him so tight and closed my eyes.

George: You have no idea how much I missed you - He hugged me and sighed.

Elena: I missed you too, George - I looked at him and smiled.

Jake: Watch out, because I'm gonna be jealous - He laughed and stood behind me.

George: Jake! - I let him go so he could hug Jake too - How do you feel? Are you okay? I missed you so much!

Jake: She gives me a hard time, but yes, since she is next to me it can't be bad - He laughed, hugged him back and patted his back - I missed you too.

George: I can only imagine. She is a devil! - He let Jake go and laughed - Come, you have to meet my family and friends here!

He opened the door and let us in. The interior of the building was... beautiful. It really looks like a palace. A red carpet runs along the entire corridor, the furniture looked antique, there are portraits of previous presidents on the walls... Of course, there is an empty space in the place where Gilbert's portrait should hang.

George: Why weren't you together right away? - He looked at us and smiled.

Elena: Because he is a liar - I answered quickly, meanwhile I was still admiring the beauty of the interior - Besides, I'm not a whore who goes to bed with a random guy I met on the Internet.

George: I feel sorry for you, man - He patted Jake's back - She's not a piece of cake, that's for sure.

Jake: Tell me about it - He sighed - Can I just leave her here, please? You don't need her as some kind of employee?

George: I offered her a job as my personal adviser, but she refused - He laughed.

Jake: What? - He looked at me shocked - You didn't tell me?

Elena: Because I knew you would come to me to the Duskwood and take me to the DIC again, my love - I didn't even look at him, I was still looking around - I thought you didn't want me to run away from you to the Washington. Back then, tickets were quite expensive - I smirked - Besides, it didn't pay off to run away from you just for two weeks. I wouldn't even have had time to carry all of my belongings.

Jake: You... - He looked angrily at me.

George: And I thought you were always one step ahead of everything and everyone - He interrupted and laughed at Jake - She's good and you know it.

Jake: I'm sick of her since the morning. Are you sure I can't just leave her here? - He looked pleadingly at George.

George: I wish - He winked at him - I would do anything to have her under my roof.

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