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Luka's POV

I was sitting in the car and I was waiting for Jasmine. I was furious. How can he be so stupid and naive? What if Jacob cheats on him again? We don't know him anymore. Every day I fear that Jacob is doing some scams during our absence in DIC. No, I don't trust him. I don't believe that people change overnight. I even have to open the window in the car, because I was so nervous. Then, I saw Jasmine. She entered the car and looked at me.

Luka: What? - I hissed at her.

Jasmine: You two really should talk. I am sick of it. There are still some inaccuracies between you and Jake. Just talk with him for God's sake! - She was angry too.

Luka: I said I am out of this shit - I said firmly.

Jasmine: You act like child. Jake has shown you so many times that he cares about you and you still don't believe him.

Luka: Mhm - I mumbled angrily.

Jasmine: You know what? I am done. Jake is about to run out of his patience too, I can see it. Can you start believing what he says? Tonight, you are going to Jake and talk to him, I don't give a shit. I'm not letting you into our room until you talk to him. You have to start trusting him. You have known each other for so many years and you still hesitate? Unbelievable! - She sighed angrily.

Luka: You can't be serious right now - I looked at her.

Jasmine: I am dead serious, Luka - She looked at me furiously - Everything only happens because you don't trust him!

Luka: What? - I shouted - I do trust him!

Jasmine: If you trusted him, you wouldn't be hesitating, McKing.

Luka: Fine! - I grabbed my head - Fine, I will talk to him, Jesus! Do you really have to be so annoying?

Jasmine: Me? - She shouted again - You're the one who acts like a fucking child. You don't trust your own friend, you dumbass!

Luka: And what about you, huh? Why are you defending him like that?

Jasmine: Because from what I can see now, only I can see him trying so hard to convince you and Elena to his feelings. You two wanted him to do a camera show that he loves Elena! Are you two out of your mind?

Luka: We just wanted to help him!

Jasmine: This only made him sure that you do not believe in him. If you two believed that he truly loves Elena, you don't even have to mention that he should try harder to!

There was silence between us at this moment. I was so angry that I couldn't catch my breath. Then, I noticed Jake. He left the hotel. Alone. I saw how furious he was. He didn't even looked at us, he just entered the car and drove away from the parking as soon as he entered the car. I haven't seen him drive so fast for a long time.

I sighed. Now, I see that Jasmine is right. I am sure Elena was talking to him about this and they had an argument. I realised that we really don't trust him and only Jasmine is able to see it. I started rubbing my face.

Luka: I am sorry, Jasmine - I finally calmed down - Yes, you are right. Now, I can see it. We acted terrible to him. He tries so hard and we are still unsure about his feelings. I will talk to him. I promise - I looked at her.

I saw that Jasmine was still angry at me and she didn't even want to look at me. After a few moments she took a deep breath and looked at me.

Jasmine: I know - She sighed - You owe it to him, both of you.

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