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Luka's POV.

Jasmine: Luka, you need to slow down - She was white as sheet.

Luka: Are you out of your mind? - I sped up even more - Do you see these ambulances going so fast? Something must have happened. I'm sure about it.

Jasmine: Ambulances aren't running lights and sirens - She tried to calm me down - They'll be fine.

Luka: It's all my fault. I should never have left her alone - I felt tears in my eyes - We should never go to that fucking Boston! Do you have any idea what would happen if Jake didn't install this app on her phone? You saw in what the condition she is, Jasmine. And Jake? Jake has never been hurt this way! Liam stabbed him! Jake had never been beaten like this. Liam must have been really good.

Jasmine: But he wasn't supposed to be here! - She shouted - What the fuck was he doing here?!

Luka: I have no idea, but I'll kill him, Jasmine. He almost killed them both. I'll find him myself and kill him all by myself. I can spend the rest of my life behind bars, I don't give a fu...

Then, we saw that Elena's ambulance started lightning and emit sirens. When I saw it... I froze. Jasmine immediately grabbed the wheel.

Jasmine: Luka, please! - She started shouting and crying - Come back! - She tried to steer, but it was difficult for her.

All the time I was looking at the Elena's ambulance and I couldn't even move or breath. I was in some kind of amok.

Jasmine: Luka! You're gonna kill us! - She shouted even louder.

I heard her as if through a fog. I only saw the cars in front of the ambulances begin to form the an emergency corridor and how Elena's ambulance were driving into it. The ambulance started going much faster. Jake's ambulance couldn't catch up with Elena's. After a moment I noticed that Jake's ambulance also started lighting and emit sirens. Tears started to run down my cheeks.

Jasmine: Luka, I beg you! I cannot control the wheel any longer! - She was crying very loudly - You have to come back! I'm begging you.

Then, Jasmine started screaming and she made a sudden movement of the wheel. I banged my head against the glass and woke up from the amok. I saw a truck in front of us. We could collide with it right now. At the last moment I grabbed the  wheel and ran the car away from the truck to the safe line.

Jasmine: Drive into this emergency corridor behind them! - She pointed at the place - Now!

I just nodded and entered the corridor. Ambulances were going so fast that I couldn't catch up with them. Then, we finally reached the hospital. Ambulances pulled into the ambulance area of course and I drove into the parking lot screeching tires. I turned off the car and we ran out of the car.

Luka: What happened?! - I ran towards the ambulances and shouted.

Then I saw them. They were both on a stretcher, unconscious. They were both wearing oxygen masks and connected to monitors. The paramedics were terrified. They tried to get the stretcher out of the ambulance as quickly as possible.

Paramedic: I'm not sure, but Miss McClain seems to have had a stroke.

Jasmine: A stroke?! But she had a medications!

Paramedic: Yes, Mr. Danford informed us via the radio, but she had no bag with her in the ambulance.

Luka: What about Jake? - I got closer to him.

Paramedic: When he heard about Miss McClain's condition he had a heart attack. We don't have much time.

Jasmine: A heart attack? - She was crying even louder.

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