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Jake's POV (Several minutes later)

Finally, I heard opening door. I saw his posture entering the house. He slowly entered the house and I saw he's looking around pretty carefully...

Williams: Sarah? - He sighed annoyed - Why the light is turned off? I think I made it clear that lights need to be turned on all the time here.

When I heard his voice... My anger only raised even more. I didn't even know it was possible, really. I can barely control myself and wait. I'd kill him in the dark, but... He doesn't deserve to die so quickly.

When he didn't hear the response, he sighed angrily again and turned on the light. Then, I saw him. Of course he's wearing Xavier costume. Of course...

Williams immediately noticed me too. I was sitting on the armchair next to the couch and playing with some small ball. Williams narrowed his eyes at me and took a step back.

Williams: Jake Danford? - He coughed and changed his voice again - What are you doing here?

Jake: Well... - I smirked and continued playing with my ball - I told you that when I felt better, I would contact you to help you.

Williams: It's incredibly nice of you, but... - He was still confused and started approaching me slowly - How did you know where I am?

Jake: Honestly? - I smirked and looked straight into his eyes - Accidentally. I came here to talk to Sarah about Lucy, and in the meantime it turned out that she actually knows you too. She told me that you stayed in her house for a few days before your departure do Washington.

Williams: Yes - He smiled at me - That's true, we're old friends. Where is Sarah? - He slightly looked around.

Jake: Upstairs - I smirked again - I guess she really missed Lucy. All the time she's sitting here with little one.

Williams: Yes, she's a really good mother - He smiled at me again.

Such a... Fucking good actor. Really, he doesn't even flinch and stutter. He's able to look straight into my eyes and talks this nonsense. It's just... Unbelievable.

Jake: Anyway, if only you saw Sarah's face when she saw me! - I laughed - Can you believe that Gomez told her I'm dead?

Williams: Really? - He narrowed his eyes at me - Why?

Jake: Sarah was in my house today's morning and I was a bit... - I sighed - Collapsed, you know. Did you see and article?

Williams: Yes, I saw - I sighed too and crossed his arms on his chest - It's horrible, I'm sorry.

Jake: When I saw it... - I sighed again and rested my hands on my laps - I tried to shot myself.

Williams: My goodness - He gasped and touched his mouth.

Jake: Of course, Sarah tried to stop me, but I didn't want to listen to her. At that moment? I realised that Elena is dead because of me. Everything started because of me and my first message to her. I realised that if it weren't for me, Elena would never be in danger. And that article? - I smirked - That was enough for me. I took the opportunity of that Luka was finally out of my house, took out my gun from the shelf and... - I approached my fingers to my temple - I wanted to end it all - I smirked and I made a gesture of shooting.

Williams: Fortunately, you changed your mind, right? - He sighed and touched his chest.

Jake: Yes and no - I smirked and finally got up - Unfortunately, Luka saved me from committing suicide again - I sighed annoyed - He rash into the room with Gomez like a maniac. That's why Sarah got scared and ran away from my house, you know. She's scared of such things - I whispered to him.

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