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Elena's POV

Emery: Elena? Jake? - She started shaking our shoulders - We'll be landing soon.

Me and Jake hardly opened our eyes and looked at her. Well... At least, she enjoyed sleeping on the plane. She looks totally rested.

Elena: Good morning, Emery - I smiled, yawned and let go of Jake's hug.

Jake: Good morning - He smiled and sat down on our plane's bed too - Gosh, I haven't slept on a plane for so long that I feel terrible - He rubbed his eyes and sighed exhausted.

Emery: I'm so excited that I didn't even sleep to be honest - She laughed and sat down next to us - But I think Nori was incredibly exhausted... - She sighed - She slept the entire flight.

Elena: Hey, don't worry about her, okay? - I smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear - From now on, she will have plenty of time to rest.

Emery: It's just... For 20 years she was my only family. I know she isn't my mother, but still... - She lowered her head and sighed again - I don't want anything bad to happen to her. She's my best friend.

Jake: She will be fine, I promise - He grabbed her hand and smiled - She's just 47.

Emery: I really hope you're right - She sighed again.

Then, we felt that the plane landed indeed. Jake and I looked at each other, smiled and got up.

Luka: Good morning, motherfuckers - He entered our cabin and laughed.

When he noticed Emery in our cabin, he turned pale, pointed at her and started taking steps back.

Luka: No! Get away that devil from me - He was devastated.

Elena: What? - I narrowed my eyes at him and looked at Emery - Why?

Emery: He's exaggerating - She smirked.

Luka: Me?! - He laughed and pointed at himself - And who wanted to take a parachute and jump off a plane, because it's "funny"? I stopped her in the last second! - He looked at us and pointed at Emery.

Elena&Jake: Emery... - We sighed exhausted.

Emery: Sneak - She mumbled at Luka - So, at least I know who is too serious and boring for having some fun with me.

Luka: Excuse me? - He laughed again - I'm too boring and too serious? I'm sorry I didn't want to kill myself!

Jake: Could you please come up with ideas that won't kill you? - He touched Emery back and laughed.

Luka: Look who says it! - He laughed again and looked at Jake - Should I start saying what were you doing at her age?

Emery: Yes! - She shouted excited.

Jake: No - He said firmly.

Emery: Grouch - She looked at Jake.

Jake: Let's say that it's not the best idea to follow my example - He laughed.

Luka: I'll tell you when your parents go to sleep - He whispered to Emery and winked at her.

Emery: Deal - She smirked.

Jake: Instead of conspiring with Emery, take these things - He threw a bag at Luka.

Luka and Emery just laughed and left our cabin. I was about to left it too, but Jake grabbed my hand.

Elena: What? - I turned to him and laughed.

Jake: Good morning, my love - He smiled and kissed me.

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