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Luka's POV

Elena: Luka, please... - She was crying all the time - Don't do it, I'm begging you.

Luka: I'm sorry, but it's the only right thing to do - I was still firm.

Voice: Are you sure, Luka?

Luka: Yes, I'm sure. Elena? - I looked at her with tears in my eyes - Jake's is right. I didn't need a few years to know you. A few months was enough for me to create an unbreakable bond with you. At the very beginning of our relationship, I made the biggest mistake in my life. From the beginning, I accused you of Jake's missing and I was just terrible towards you. I will never forgive myself for this mistake. I almost made Jennifer killed you six months ago. While looking for Jake... You already became very important to me then. That's why I tried to convince you all the time to stay in the DIC after finding Jake. I did it not only for him, but also for myself. You've become so important to me that I can't imagine my life without you now. And when we started our trip? - I laughed with crying - Thanks to you, I'm back, Elena. After seven years I'm finally myself again. You've changed not only Jake, but also me. I've no words to describe how grateful I'm to you, Elena. Thanks to you, I had an unforgettable adventure around the world for the second time. Thanks to you, I fought for Jasmine to the end. All my happiness... - I started nodding - It's all thanks to you. You see... - I smirked and looked away - In Greece I had an argument with Jasmine, because she told me I'm unsure about my feelings towards you. She was sure I'm hiding my love to you because of Jake. Back then, I found it ridiculous, but now? - I looked at her again - She was right. At that moment I wasn't sure about my feelings towards you. I realised that just after watching Joe's recording. Elena... - I sighed - You're one of the most important people in my life and I love you. I love you just like Maria loved Joe. They were inseparable and loved each other like best friends and siblings. You're like my sister, Elena. You understand me without words, you're always next to me when I've some problems, you're always next to me to help me. Jake is right, there's no evil in you. On the contrary, you're warm, honest, good, loving, caring... You're an angel. That's why I can't kill you. I'm not able to kill my sister who would everything to save and protect me. I'm sorry, Elena.

Elena: Luka... - She was still crying.

Luka: Jake? - I looked at him with tears in my eyes - We met 20 years ago and since that day... My life completely changed, but... Not only mines. Next to me, you've changed too. From the very beginning you were mysterious, secretive, distanced and... Distrustful towards everyone. However, you decided to give me a chance and thanks to that decision, we've become the family. Yes, I lost one brother in fire, but I found another one in the orphanage. You needed someone like me, your completely opposite. You're methodical, I'm chaotic. You're logical, I'm intuitive. You're responsible, I'm going with the flow. You're serious and I'm your personal humour department - I slightly laughed - I've always been next to you, Jake. Also, I promised you on that fucking Eiffel Tower that I would always be next to you, not matter what. You see... - I sighed - Seven years ago, I was sure I've lost you because of Jacob. I tried everything to make you come back from that dark side, but... I couldn't. And then, Elena just fell down from the sky for you - I smiled and tears ran down my cheeks again - At the very beginning I was sure that Elena would be nothing more than trouble for you, but when I finally met her... I realised she would be your cure, Jake - I sighed with my smile - And I was right. She cured you and your broken heart. From the very beginning, your life has been incredibly hard. Maybe it's good? Maybe you had to survive several years of suffering to deserve such a treasure as Elena? Yes, Jake. You're right. You've done a lot of terrible things and you definitely deserve some punishment, but... - I sighed - So did I. But first of all, the things we've done don't deserve the death penalty and secondly, I'm definitely not the right person to bring the justice.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 | ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora