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Jake's POV

I opened my eyes and I immediately felt the smell of her hair. Gosh, I missed that so much. I'm not sure if Elena is awake too, because I'm hugging her from behind. I don't even know how long we've been fucking, really. We started on the kitchen table and we finished in the bed. I don't know how she does it, but it is even more perfect every time. Every time I feel like in a fucking heaven.

Honestly? Yesterday, I was sure it would be the our end. After that karaoke song I was so... Furious and even more devastated, really. The lyrics of that song fit perfectly with what I wanted to shout out to her. But... Maybe that was the key? Maybe we just had to shout everything out? Maybe that's why we were finally able to talk today? When I saw how Elena was defending that woman... I wasn't angry anymore, I was really proud of her. I was standing behind her and I was observing what she was going to do. At that moment, I was sure she would start to flirt with him to dull his vigilance to help the woman, but she didn't. I was really shocked and proud at the same time. I realised that she was telling me the truth, that her flirting with the others is just for fun. In ordinary and emergency situations, Elena doesn't flirt with anyone. That's why I decided to help her. I mean, of course I would help her anyway if she didn't manage, but because of her today's behaviour my anger just disappeared.

And then... When I walked into Elena after talking to that woman and looked in her eyes... All my feelings for her came back immediately. My heart started beating like crazy and I couldn't take my eyes off her eyes. I realised how much I miss her even if I didn't want to admit it. Even in front of myself. I realised that I was wrong. That's why I decided to apologise her, but to my surprise, she apologised as well. Thanks to that she showed me that's she's not that childish as I thought. The fact that Elena admitted her mistake and apologized was very courageous and mature. That filled my heart with love even more and I think that today's morning I just fell in love with her even more.

I just smiled, kissed her head and got up. I looked at her and she was still sleeping. Gosh, she really must have been exhausted. I took out my phone and it was 5 pm. Well... Pretty late, I have to admit. I don't think that we will do something sensible today. I picked up my clothes from the floor and got dressed again. There's still one thing I have to do...

From the very beginning of that journey I have been thinking when to call him. However, when I argued with Elena, I didn't want to call him at all. But since we made up... I mean, it's not like I don't want to call him, but I'm just... Incredibly stressed. He called me several times when I was in the orphanage, but when I escaped from it, our contact became weaker and weaker for obvious reasons and when I create the DIC... From then on, I had no time or thoughts to call him. I also had no courage...

I started walking around the room nervously and all the time I was holding my phone. What should I even tell him? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he doesn't even remember me anymore? After all, so many years have passed...

Then, I thought about my mother again. I know how much she loved them. Also I know how much they helped her with raising me. My mother would like me to visit them, I'm sure about it. That's why, I took a deep breath and I went out on the balcony. I closed the balcony door behind me so as not to wake Elena up. I peeked at her again, but she was still asleep. I unlocked my phone and I saw that my hands were shaking. Damn it, I don't think I've ever been so stressed in my life.

Jake: Fuck it. What will be it will be - I whispered to myself, sighed and dialled the number.

I didn't have to wait long to hear a male's voice.

Man: Konnichiwa.

Jake: Hiroto Hideaki? - I swallowed.

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