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Luka's POV

I struggled to open my eyes and began rubbing my face. It's been a few days since I had a proper night's sleep, and today must be a new low. As I sat on the bed, I noticed Jake already hard at work at the table...

Luka: At what time did you wake up? - I sighed.

Jake: Dunno - He shrugged emotionlessly - 4? 5?

Luka: Jake for God's sake. Just go and talk to her.

Jake: I told you something yesterday, Luka - He didn't even look at me, all the time he was looking at his laptop - I'm not going to start this discussion again.

Luka: Just great - I mumbled furiously and got up - I'll change and I'll go ask her about the plans for today.

Jake: Whatever - He shrugged again and rolled his eyes.

I just sighed and entered the bathroom. I changed as quick as I could, made some morning routine and entered the room again.

Luka: You sure you don't want to go with me? - I put my hands on my hips.

Jake: Yes, I'm sure - He said firmly - Once you go there, would you mind taking my bag?

Luka: Jake... - I sighed.

Jake: I asked you a question, Luka - He was still looking at his laptop.

Luka: Fine! - I mumbled angrily - I will.

Jake: Thanks.

I just sighed and was about to leave the room. Honestly? I'm furious at Elena. Now, I'm not even surprised that Jake doesn't even want to hear her name, really. I was really shocked and surprised when Jake told me yesterday about everything. It really looks like Elena is just playing with Jake and not taking the relationship seriously. Of course, Jake confessed to me that he also said a few strong words to her and he's also to be blamed, but still... Jake is right, that's not fair. When Elena flirts with other men it's "fun, sweet and cute" and if Jake started flirting with other women, the whole world would destroy him in a minute. No, that's definitely not fair.

I stood right in front of her door and took a deep breath. I really didn't know what to expect, but... Fuck it. Maybe I'll convince her to apologise him. I knocked and waited.

Elena: Come in - I heard her firm voice.

I sighed and entered her room. To my surprise I saw... Max?

Luka: Max? - I looked at him questioningly - What are you doing here?

Then, I looked at Elena and I saw she's working at the table as well. She didn't even looked at me. Of course... Just like Jake.

Elena: Don't worry, I didn't fuck with him - She said firmly and she was still looking at her iPad - I'm saying that right away just in case so you won't think I'm a whore like some people think.

Max: Elena... - He sighed and started rubbing his face - Just talk to him.

Elena: No - She said firmly - I told you something, Max. End of discussion.

Luka: So... - I smirked and nodded at Max - Are you the second attorney?

Max: Anthony told me today's morning what happened and I came to Elena right away to talk to her. I've been trying to talk to her for about two hours, but she don't even want to listen to me! - He started walking around the room.

Elena: You're just wasting your precious time - She said emotionlessly.

Luka: We really should talk, Elena - I stood in front of her.

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