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Elena's POV (The next day in the USA, Elena's apartment in the DIC headquarters, LA)

At around 10 in the morning, I woke up and was pleasantly surprised that despite the party last night, I wasn't tired. Instead, I felt a heightened sense of excitement for the fresh day ahead. Well, it appears I'm slowly adapting to the new reality around me...

Once I completed my morning routine and ate a quick breakfast, I slipped into comfortable clothing. Then, I stepped out of my apartment and positioned myself by the doorway, a fleeting hesitation took hold of me. My hands, grasping the doorknob, trembled momentarily. The notion of tapping on Jake's apartment door flickered across my mind, but an intuitive sense hinted that he might have been away for quite some time...

That's why, I pivoted on my heel and directed my steps towards the office enclave, gradually descending a succession of staircases. Traversing the corridor, flanked by assorted offices and even the communal office kitchen, I found myself traversing a silent expanse devoid of any human presence...

When I stood in front of Jake's office door, I immediately felt a slight hesitation. My gaze uncertainly rested on the doorknob, but I instantly remembered what Jake had said - that if needed, I could just walk in without knocking. So, after a few deep breaths to bolster my confidence, I turned the doorknob down, causing a slow and quiet sound of opening. When I glanced inside, I immediately saw Jake focused on his desk, deep in concentration...

Elena: Have you completely lost your mind? - A slightly annoyed exhale left my lips as I entered his office - You're supposed to rest, not deal with paperwork so early, especially after the party - I crossed my arms and looked at him firmly.

Jake: Good morning to you too, Elena - He lightly chuckled as he continued signing papers - Don't worry, I set a new sleep record today, only starting work a few minutes ago.

Elena: How do you feel? - I sat in the chair placed in front of his desk.

Jake: Fine, don't worry - He finally raised his head and looked in my direction - And how about you? Did you sleep well?

Elena: Yes, actually, I did - I nodded and rested my elbows on his desk, propping my chin on my clasped hands - Whatcha doin'? - I glanced at his documents.

Jake: That cursed paperwork... - He sighed and took a sip of coffee - I've accumulated quite a bit during my absence. Later, I'll have to input all of it into the system - He nodded toward another stack of documents and then turned his gaze back to me - And you? Any plans for today?

Elena: Meeting with Joe - I sighed and placed my hands entirely on his desk - Will you have a moment to meet with me after that?

Jake: You're a bit nervous, aren't you? - He examined me with his eyes.

Elena: Let's just say it's quite unusual to entrust some random girl from the internet, who accidentally saved the whole of America, with an official criminal matter that involves more than just tapping on a phone - I chuckled lightly - I'm used to conducting investigations over the phone.

Jake: You completely underestimate yourself and your skills, Elena - He placed his cup on the table - Thanks to the recording Luka showed me, I saw your managerial dance on my desk with my own eyes. So don't tell me you can't improvise - A slight chuckle escaped his lips.

Elena: But that was different... - I sighed sadly - All of this is just... I don't know...

Jake: If you need my help, call me - He said calmly with a faint smile - But I know you won't need it because you'll handle it just fine on your own.

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