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Luka's POV

Jake: I will talk to her - He sighed and grabbed his things.

Luka: Do you think she will regain her memory? - I looked at Jake and Jasmine.

Jake: We must find the reason why she has lost her memory first.

Jasmine: What if she's lost her memory from stress and exhaustion back then too? Her doctor made her sure she had no accident... - He turned pale.

Jake: What are you talking about? - I saw his confusion.

Jasmine: Think about it, Jake. For the first time in 9 years, she had a memory. When? In a situation of nerves and severe stress. Have you never heard of it? It is often that people who have lost their memory cause the same kind of trauma or accident to regain their memory back.

Luka: But... - I looked at her - That means...

Jasmine was still white as sheet and nodded at me. Jake was just standing and looking at us.

Jake: Will you let me into your brains? - He was holding a door's handle.

Jasmine: If she has lost her memory in this way once, it may happen a second time, Jake - She turned to him.

Jake immediately turned pale and looked at me. I just nodded. My heart was beating like crazy. What if Jasmine is right? What if Elena lose her memory one more time? No... It would kill him...

Jake: I have to go - He opened the door and said firmly - See you at 5 pm - He left the room and closed the door.

Jasmine: He is terrified, Luka - She looked at me again.

Luka: Are you surprised? He would have lost her a for the third time - I started rubbing my face - We can't let this happen.

Jasmine: What are you talking about? After all, he wouldn't let her go... - She looked at me and saw my eyes - Would he?

Luka: It depends what she would remember. If she remembered her life before meeting him and was too confused, then... - I sighed - Yes, he would let her go.

Jasmine: You know what? Let's don't talk about it. Maybe she was just dreaming about it. You know how exhausted she is. She just needs some rest - She got closer to me.

Luka: I hope you are right, Jasmine. We have work to do. So, shall we?

Jasmine nodded and we left their room. Fortunately, Jake always give me an extra key, in case something happened, so I could lock their room. We came back to our room, took the most important things and left. After a few minutes we were already in the rented car.

Luka: Would you be so kind to set this club's address in navigation? - I smiled at her.

Jasmine: Of course - She laughed - Are you getting serious again?

Luka: You wish. I am just a gentleman! - I raised my finger.

Jasmine: Well... - She set the address - I think I prefer this no-gentleman-side of you - She laughed.

Luka: Grouch - I hissed - Oh, I have a task for you.

Jasmine: Really? - She sounded excited - I am all ears!

Luka: You will have to contact Jacob. I wanted to lighten Jake and did some DIC's paperwork for him. I want you to let Jacob know about it.

Jasmine: Of course - She grabbed her phone.

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