#3 Nathan Danford

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Elena's POV

I opened my eyes again and I was sitting on the couch in front of fireplace, covered with a blanket and holding a mug of warm chocolate.

But... I was still in my parent's house. What's going on? Why am I not waking up? I started to get very stressed. No, no, no... Something is wrong. I should wake up now. I shouldn't be in my memories anymore.

Dad: Elena sweetheart, I've already called you three times - I heard him from the kitchen.

I immediately got up and entered the kitchen. The kitchen smelled just wonderful. I smelled hot chocolate, cakes and gingerbread. I noticed that my mother just took the cake out of the oven and my father was eating cookies.

Mom: Lukas, for God's sake! - She laughed and threw a cloth at him - These cookies are for guests.

Dad: I had to test if they were good enough - He laughed - And our lovely Elena is our second judge - He tossed a cookie at me.

I grabbed the cookie and ate it. It was the most delicious cookie I have ever eaten, really. They were brittle cookies with nuts and chocolate. The cookie were even still warm... I thought I would melt.

Dad: I can see you did your best, Mia - He laughed and looked at my mother - Elena loves your cookies but this time you must have outdone yourself.

Mom: Do you like it? - She smiled at me when put the cake on the table.

Elena: It's delicious, really - I smiled - What's the occasion?

They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Mom: It's Christmas, honey - She finally caught her breath - You must have really liked the cookies. You flew away into the clouds again.

Dad: I called you sweetheart, because we need to prepare everything for our guests - He touched my back and smiled.

Elena: Guests? - I looked at him questioningly.

Mom: Yes - She sighed - I really hope that this time Hannah's parents will behave! They are not coping with this younger child. She is just terrible. I'm not even surprised that Hannah is with us all the time.

Dad: Yes, me too - He sighed - Will you please take these plates? - He handed me it.

Elena: Of course - I looked at him, smiled and took plates.

Dad: My girl - He kissed my head and took some plates as well.

We left the kitchen and we approached the dining room. It's just next to the salon. In this room I saw an enormous table. There were really many chairs around the table. Many dishes and cakes were already on the table. The smell was just amazing...

Dad: Put the plates away where they are still missing, sweetie.

I nodded and we started arranging the plates. We were on two opposite sides of the table.

Elena: I see that we will have a lot of guests here - I smiled at him.

Dad: Yes - He laughed - Every year our house is a meeting place for all our friends, and this year it is no different. We are not believers, but Christmas is such a commercial celebration... - He laughed - Any opportunity to meet everyone is priceless.

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