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Elena's POV

Sarah: You're an idiot, Liam - She sighed annoyed.

Liam: But it's impossible! - He shouted furiously - How on earth could he hear that? Yes, I know that Jake has incredibly good hearing, but Luka? It's impossible for him to hear me.

Hannah: You made a mistake, Liam - She sighed - Now, Luka knows that you're in LA.

Sarah: Gomez won't give up - She sighed firmly - When I was in Jake's house he wanted to start interrogating me.

Liam: Gomez? - He looked at Sarah questioningly - After all, Gomez is in the hospital. Hasn't he had a heart attack?

Sarah: When I went to Jake's home there was Jake, Lucy, McKing, Gomez and Cooper - She sighed - Yes, Gomez is barely alive, but he's able to think rationally, just like McKing. All the time he was looking at me and... Oh, come on! - She shouted furiously - He's a psychologist, he would never believe that I feel sorry for McClain's death.

Hannah: Yes, Gomez is incredibly intelligent - She sighed.

Elena: Duh! - I smirked proudly - Do you think that after who I am infallible?

Liam: Since Gomez was at Danford's house, they have to work on something - He touched his chin - But it doesn't make any sense. They hate each other.

Hannah: What about Lucy? - She looked at Sarah - What did she tell you?

Sarah: Not much - She shrugged and sighed - According to Lucy, Jake just taking care of her and that's all. She's just scared of Luka because he's yelling all the time and is rude for her.

Liam: Was Lucy next to them when Gomez was at Jake's home?

Sarah: Yes, but they didn't talk about anything important. She just told me that she likes Gomez, because he's nice to her.

Hannah: Maybe Anthony and Max just visited Jake and Luka?

Liam: Impossible - He was still focused - First of all, Gomez was supposed to be in the hospital. He must have discharged himself.

Elena: Anthony for God's sake... - I sighed annoyed and looked up.

Liam: Secondly, Danford and Gomez just hate each other. Gomez would never visit Jake like that - He snapped his fingers - There is only one reason why Gomez could visit Jake and this reason is Elena - He pointed at me.

Elena: May I remind you that I'm dead?

Liam: Precisely, but Anthony Gomez is just like you. He's determined, stubborn, perfectionist, incredibly intelligent, born leader and vindictive. Yes, a few months ago he had to give up on Maria's case, but it's because he was forced to do it. Now, he's independent FBI chief so he will do anything to find his daughter's killer. The fact that he left the hospital complicates my plan a lot. I didn't expect that.

Elena: I see someone's plan is falling apart - I smirked.

Liam: Don't worry about it, Elena - He smirked at me - You really think I don't have a plan B? I told you I have everything perfectly well prepared.

Sarah: Mhm, I saw it yesterday in front of the hospital - She sighed - Are you blind or something? How on earth could you miss him?

Well, so that's the key. Liam never makes mistakes, but only when he has a lot of time to think about his plans. He had just one day to think about it how he could kill Luka. Moreover, he's totally cut off of them thanks to Jake's program, so he had no idea where he could attack Luka. It was impossible for him to create a perfect plan.

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