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Luka's POV

Luka: I really don't like this, Jake - I mumbled furiously - Yesterday, you were with this bastard for the whole evening.

Jake: I was just in her room - He shrugged emotionlessly - I turned on some cartoons on the tablet and I had peace of mind.

Luka: Yes, but still... - I sighed angrily and sipped my coffee - She was sitting next to you on the couch the whole time.

Jake: You think I didn't feel stupid? - He narrowed his eyes at me and swallowed his pills - She has to touch, hug or hold someone's hand all the time. Believe me, closeness is the last thing I want right now.

Luka: But why you for God's sake! - I hit the table with my fist - The psychiatrists tried to talk to her, but she only talks to you. Moreover, she doesn't touch anyone other than you.

Jake: I'd give anything for her to get interested in someone else, really - He sighed and grabbed his head - I don't know how I will handle the next few days with her. All I want is to be alone now and this kid is not helping me at all.

Emery's psychiatrist: Hello - He smiled and entered the kitchen with Emery.

Jake: Hello, Emery - He hardly smiled and held out his hand to her.

Emery: Hello - She mumbled exhausted, approached Jake and he embraced her.

Luka: And that's the real family - I smiled and nodded and Jake and Emery - Not you and that bastard.

Emery's psychiatrist: Emery? - He approached her - Please, eat some breakfast and I will give you your pills for today.

Emery: I don't want to - She shrugged emotionlessly and sat down next to Jake - I'm not hungry.

Emery's psychiatrist: Emery... - He sighed - We were talking about it.

Emery: No - She said firmly.

Jake: Emery, please - He grabbed her hand and looked at her - You cannot starve yourself. I've already lost enough. I can't lose you either. You're the only reason why I'm still trying to breathe. Please, eat something.

Emery looked into his eyes and wanted to say something, but after a while, she sighed angrily, got up and approached the fridge.

Emery's psychiatrist: Thank you, Jake - He smiled.

Luka: I told you they're like daughter and father - I slightly laughed and sipped my coffee again - They are mutual cure for each other.

Emery's psychiatrist: Yes, you were right, Luka - He smiled again and started writing something in Emery's files.

Then, the door to the kitchen opened again and of course it was this bastard with Jake's psychiatrist. She didn't even looked at us, she just approached Jake, hid behind him and grabbed his T-shirt. Jake just sighed exhausted and started rubbing his face.

I felt like my anger raised. Just looking at that bastard is making me sick, really. Why does she want to be next to Jake all the time? Besides, Jake needs to rest right now and she? She would like to be next to him all the time. I looked at Jake's psychiatrist, but he just shrugged and sighed with his powerlessness.

Luka: In case you didn't notice, Jake is exhausted - I looked at her.

Of course she didn't say a word. All the time she's hiding behind Jake's back and looking at me with her huge, brown eyes. I'm really about to throw up.

Luka: Listen here you...

Jake: Enough - He raised his hand to stop me and said firmly.

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