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Elena's POV (A few minutes later in the USA, conference room, the DIC headquarters, LA)

I have to admit that I got a bit carried away with this "I'll only take the most necessary things for this meeting." I'm so overloaded with all these stuff that I can barely hold everything in my hands and walk at the same time. I constantly have to be careful not to drop something on the floor...

Elena: Pff, of course, why walk twice when you can struggle three times as much, but once? - I muttered angrily to myself.

After what felt like an endless torture, I finally stood in front of the conference room doors. I felt both relief and satisfaction that I managed to get through it without damaging or losing anything along the way...

Through the glass walls, I saw that Luka and Jasmine were sitting inside, calmly sipping coffee and indulging in a peaceful conversation. Well, have I mentioned how well they look incredibly cute together? Seriously, their gazes are like locked images, as if they were made for each other...

Unfortunately, I had to interrupt their lovely moment by entering the room. I gave the door a solid kick, causing a slight jump from Luka and Jasmine. As I energetically crossed the threshold, I quickly headed towards the table to finally relieve my shoulders from this burden...

Jasmine&Luka: Hello, Elena - They chuckled lightly as they saw my condition.

Elena: Hi - I let out a sigh of relief as I finally placed all the notes and equipment on the table - And where the fuck is he? - I furrowed my brows.

Jake: Behind you, precious - I heard his chuckle right behind me.

Lost in my thoughts and haste, this led to a jump and a scare where my heart nearly leaped out of my chest. Jasmine and Luka's laughter rang out as they witnessed my reaction. I placed my hand on my chest, turned towards Jake, and saw him with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a coffee cup just by his lips, taking a sip. As if nothing happened, he looked at me with mocking satisfaction in his eyes...

Elena: Are you insane? - I mumbled - You scared me!

Jake: Your reaction, as always, priceless - He chuckled.

Elena: And where's the coffee for the real boss? - I crossed my arms and nodded towards his cup with a slight smile.

Jake: Waiting to be sipped - He gestured towards the table behind me.

Elena: Jake, don't be ridiculous, I was joking - My confident smile quickly faded when I turned my head towards the table where indeed a coffee cup was waiting.

Jake: Pleasure is all mine, I just hope you will like it, boss - He smiled.

Elena: Thank you, Jake - I turned my face towards him again - That's sweet.

As I looked at him more closely, I must admit he looks much better than a few hours ago. Maybe it was just a short nap, but his eyes now appear much more rested, and the genuine smile on his slightly scratched face makes the bruises finally fade and become barely visible. I have to admit that this sight immediately filled me with relief...

Luka: I don't want to interrupt you in this oh-so-romantic moment, lovebirds, but as far as I know, someone ended up in some basement-like place again and has been waiting for rescue for a few months.

Elena: Well then... - I turned around, and together with Jake, we took our seats next to each other, facing Jasmine and Luka - I've just had a meeting with Joe King, who asked me to find his wife - I started going through my notes - I'd like to begin by saying that I doubt he did anything to her. I mean, in cases like these, the spouse is often suspected, but in this case, I wouldn't focus on him.

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